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About Getting WvW Legendary Armor - Two Ways?

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > Alright. So my next question then is why isn't there two ways to get PvE armor then? An option without Raids.

> >

> > Then why would people do raid?

> >

> > In WvW, you still have to grind WvW to get your legendary, regardless of the choice you take.

> >

> > In PvE, if you make it more than one way to get legendary, then, wouldn't raid become rather pointless? Unless, you are saying you would like a no skin version of raid legendary armor, then, maybe I can agree with ya.


> People would raid for the prestige skins. Just like WvW has the option to not need Rank 2000.


> So why not a PvE version where you have to grind non Raid stuff.


> Again. The skin. I don't care for it. I just want to put in the resources to get the utility.


You still miss the point. You still need to grind WvW for those armors. In that case, wouldn't it be comparable to grind raid for the same raid armor (of normal skin), just with lesser grind? However, you are asking to completely remove raid from the grind, that is not a comparable request. You already fail at logical level.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Its meaningless to you. Its everything for people who want to try changing builds constantly to try out different stat combos.


I suppose that's true but there's really only like what...maybe 8 stat combos in total that see any serious use in WvW? Probably closer to 4: Mara, Cele, Trailblazer, Minstrel. I've got like 12 full sets of gear mostly from drops. They're not rewarding serious long term players with stat changing gear we already have all the gear only newer players still need gear.

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I'm not much of a WvW player, passively completing Reward tracks. I loathe Raids so much that I'm willing to suffer through PvP content over it to get Legendary. I want it for PvE and to mess around with unorthodox builds.


If there's a way to get it in PvE (not Raids) I'd basically only pop in WvW to get Gifts of Battle. I'm certain PvPers and the like don't want players like me filling up the worlds and ruining serious play. I wouldn't ask of PvPers to suffer through PvE if they don't want to play it to get top end gear.


But because I think Raids are trash and plays against everything else PvE is, there really is only one option left to me.

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I made legendary wvw armor for the utility of rune and stat swapping in wvw.


I believe a dev mentioned that wvw and spvp armor were only possible as part of a compromise to not have unique skins. Unique skins would have devalued some of the work that went into the raid armor, and the dev that agreed to the compromise did so because wvw players were not in it for the skins anyway and just really wanted the rune and stat swapping.


There's a forum post from a few months ago with the full story.

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