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Suggestion: Fishing in the Game [merged]

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Well we have no idea what it woudl start as in here but it can not evolve if they do not get it off the ground and implemented.everything grows in steps and gets better as it is built on.and i woudl figure instead of people out of the gate making a statement if its like wow i do not want it maybe look at it in the long view over all what it could do for the game in a whole.

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Being someone who enjoys fishing in real life and in other games (not just WoW or FFXV), this could honestly be a way to get people engaged in the game in a way that could both boost popularity among players as well as boost sales for aNet.


From a player perspective, I know there has been work on implementing fishing to a degree; we see it in the LS4-2 content with the fishing event. Yes it was bugged for awhile, but as of the last time I was there (before the release of episode 3), it was functioning again. There was even talk of finding a way to get it implemented in the whole of Tyria as well if it worked in episode 2. I know there is a lot on the table and discussion of wants and wishes often end with an aNet representative saying, "soon," but that is still something.


As for saying that it would be a WoW or FFXV clone, when has aNet taken an element of a game and made it _exactly_ identical? All gaming companies borrow concepts from each other. I know initially there was a decision at aNet six or more years ago to not have fishing. But, this is a potential cash cow for them to play off of for the gem store as well. If this is implemented, aNet would make it in their own way, not like WoW, not like FFXV, or any other game.


As for that cash cow? Think of what could be done. You could have skins for fishing poles, maybe a fishing trophy case or even a watering hole in the home instance purchasable for gems or via achievements. Perhaps a legendary fishing boat made from items in all areas of gameplay, from WvW to PvP and PvE to even crafting and gathering. Then there are achievements. And I'm sure that players and guilds too could find ways to have fishing tournaments with perhaps a legendary or precursors as rewards.


And what is stopping the idea of having fishing alone? Perhaps make the neutral enemies in game have components as well for more hunting that contributes to other parts of the game. Perhaps higher rate of leather drops or cooking components. The game is gorgeous, so why not encourage people to partake in it in a way that is not just competitive? The environment is highly immersive already, so why not take it to that next level?

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I will admit I've always been a fan of throwing a line in the pond/river/ocean & seeing what I get... and yes I believe this would indeed be a great idea for GW2, for me its all about the mystery. At the moment, probably the closest thing we have to this is harvesting resources.... while with fishing they could make it quite special. Imagine getting a chance at a certain rare loot depending on where you go in the world.... this activity to me encourages players to explore the maps with water much more so just for the chance to see what can be brought up from the depths below.

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> @"CJH.2879" said:

> I will admit I've always been a fan of throwing a line in the pond/river/ocean & seeing what I get... and yes I believe this would indeed be a great idea for GW2, for me its all about the mystery. At the moment, probably the closest thing we have to this is harvesting resources.... while with fishing they could make it quite special. Imagine getting a chance at a certain rare loot depending on where you go in the world.... this activity to me encourages players to explore the maps with water much more so just for the chance to see what can be brought up from the depths below.


Exactly this! Whether it's just with a fishing pole or a harpoon on the shore, or even a legendary fishing boat (hint hint aNet!), a lot of it is that mystery of what will we get, when will we get it? Even fishing in real life, you never know if you're going to snag someone's old swim suit or actually get a record-breaking catfish. The fun of fishing in real life is just enjoying the environment and seeing what mysteries it will bring to you. Perhaps even in GW2 it can be implemented that the schematic for the boat would come from fishing? Imaging pulling up a message in a bottle and opening it, only to find information about some epic quest that gets you that rare catch of the day.


It's one thing to go into an area and "farm" for materials, which gets old and boring after awhile, especially with diminishing returns. But to have achievements and goals that can be shown off to other players from fishing and hunting in game, well, that is worth it, and brings in that mystery that for me has been lacking in the game for several years.

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I don't really want fishing, considering I can just jump in the water and kill the fish. It would be easier for Arenanet to add drops and skin recolors to pre existing fish data. But they could go the extra mile and add a gutting knife that can be used on recently killed animals to get their food parts. Certainly could add a gold sink in this manner, and inflate the cost of the basic food items too. (Looking at you Slab of Red Meat) But knowing Arenanet, they would also add an unbreakable tool to the gem shop and negate all their efforts over a few bucks like they did with the pick, axe and harvesting tools....

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> Any of these suggestions end up becoming a scavenger hunt collection. Idk how I feel about travelling to each zone, to a special pond and catching fish for another special currency. For 3ap.


I admit that I would do it for that. However, given how integrative supplies from fishing and hunting in general could be with other parts of the game, from crafting weapons and armor to food for raids and buffs, and even perhaps use in legendary weapons and armor, it could bring interest in areas of the game that now instead seem to be there to only farm.


I also too would be one of the first ones to park by the side of a lake anywhere and sit for hours trying to do an achievement for this. Imagine almost getting a legendary catch and instead getting killed by it? "The one that got away" could be an achievement there. Or heck, even try to fish a champion shark or something, maybe try to fish up Teq before or during the fight. It could be fun, both the adventure of the challenge as well as the mystery of what you would get.

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> @"Tenna Tulre.2076" said:

> > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > Any of these suggestions end up becoming a scavenger hunt collection. Idk how I feel about travelling to each zone, to a special pond and catching fish for another special currency. For 3ap.


> I admit that I would do it for that. However, given how integrative supplies from fishing and hunting in general could be with other parts of the game, from crafting weapons and armor to food for raids and buffs, and even perhaps use in legendary weapons and armor, it could bring interest in areas of the game that now instead seem to be there to only farm.


> I also too would be one of the first ones to park by the side of a lake anywhere and sit for hours trying to do an achievement for this. Imagine almost getting a legendary catch and instead getting killed by it? "The one that got away" could be an achievement there. Or heck, even try to fish a champion shark or something, maybe try to fish up Teq before or during the fight. It could be fun, both the adventure of the challenge as well as the mystery of what you would get.


Yes Tenna I can see that be fishing for a dragon then all of a sudden out of no where there he is in your face the shear horror of it and you be like umm well do i run or just die now lol.but fishing up a epic catch woudl be a great thing.it could take months to even get close to catching one it all be rng based.

But if you fished up teq all I will say is I hope you got your traveler runes on cause you will need the run speed lol

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> @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> I'll always back fishing, I've often found fishing enjoyable as a minigame in RPGS in the past, could give the option to open up more cooking recipes too. Plus with the way eles keep getting nerfed out of existence it'll probably be one of the few things my character will actually still be able to do lol.


I agree that fishing is alot of fun in games.this is why I am hoping to get as much positive input as i can on this in hopes maybe it will be looked at.I know your pain with the balance patches and all that have come out and i see alot fo discussion on it as well.I just woudl like to get us something in PvE that a large base could get behind and involved in and be something the company it self could get behind as well.

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> LOL another repeat post and reply will always be the same......Nope to fishing. There are plenty of other games that incorporate it. Leave GW alone. If people think afk farming is bad now in GW....add fishing.


Well that is your opinion which you are very much entitled to nothing wrong with that.but maybe not everyone sees it the same way either.maybe some of us woudl like to see something new implemented into the game.simply because one person does not care or like something does not mean others do not.

But people are here to voice what they feel on it whether it is good or bad does not matter to me.

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New recipes could be put into game for the new fish caught for cooking. Bait and lures from vendors could be a small gold sink. New fishing pole skins/animations from achievements/gemstore. i really enjoyed fishing in WoW even if it was more point and click, b/c it was a break from combat, i could find a random out of the way spot on a map and do it, and it always complimented my cooking skill even before achievements were added to it. Why stop there though, why not have whirlpools in lakes and rivers that can start dynamic boss events if fished in by someone with high enough of mastery?

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> @"Medavc.3017" said:


> Well that is your opinion which you are very much entitled to nothing wrong with that.but maybe not everyone sees it the same way either.maybe some of us woudl like to see something new implemented into the game.simply because one person does not care or like something does not mean others do not.

> But people are here to voice what they feel on it whether it is good or bad does not matter to me.



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There's a charm to both. In terms of fishing, in-game we can literally dive under the water and catch a nice one. But I also see the benefit of relaxing on the shore (or on a boat) and just kinda leisurely getting fish while map chatting or something.


The later is extremely prone to automation and botting. There's no real benefit to the first. I read forever ago if we ever did get fishing they'd want to add to the chef discipline. You'll notice chefs don't really have anything for seafood in-game.


In general chef could use a looking at. All these delicious foods chefs can make don't really matter at max level. I'll eat less than max level food because I'm a nerd but practically it'd be nice if you could do something for all these sub-80 foods.


Like eating x amount will bump it up to a level 80 version or something? I dunno. I digress. Fishing would be cool but I don't see how they could add it except to add a few new fish based ingredients to the game for chefs that you can get off ambient or neutral mobs.


Or plot-twist: The PC don't like seafood. :yum:

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> @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> I'll always back fishing, I've often found fishing enjoyable as a minigame in RPGS in the past, could give the option to open up more cooking recipes too. Plus with the way eles keep getting nerfed out of existence it'll probably be one of the few things my character will actually still be able to do lol.


Yes I can see fishing coming along with the classic Anet FUBAR. There will be only one fishing hole that you need a special mount to get to. It will be locked behind some series of metas that have to fail and only available between 0001-0032 server time.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> > @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> > I'll always back fishing, I've often found fishing enjoyable as a minigame in RPGS in the past, could give the option to open up more cooking recipes too. Plus with the way eles keep getting nerfed out of existence it'll probably be one of the few things my character will actually still be able to do lol.


> Yes I can see fishing coming along with the classic Anet FUBAR. There will be only one fishing hole that you need a special mount to get to. It will be locked behind some series of metas that have to fail and only available between 0001-0032 server time.


Shrugs you perceive what you think it would be when you really have no idea nor do I even if we can get it in the game.but as everyone else you are welcome to your opinion but as i stated before not all of us share the same views as the ones who think is a bad thing.but thank you for at least giving your input on it good or bad its your view.

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