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sPVP - How to beat burst shatter mesmer


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I play mostly engie and I have a lot of trouble dealing with a fairly popular mesmer build. Im sure you have seen it before, its the one with mantra of distraction and greatsword that kills you almost instantly in less than a second.

Im really stumped on how to counter it, all i can think if is just dodge randomly hoping i dodged their mantra. Then again they have 3 of them and they can just wait till i waste all my CD's to burst. Even if they miss they just go invis or spam evades and blur till the combo is back up.

Is there any counter to this as engie? I cant really find a way to beat this build

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You'll have to define "mostly engie". A good holo can beat down a shatter mesmer about as fast as another shatter mesmer - and stun even more. But generally speaking if you arent really good at 1v1 the answer is sustain and something with low cd on hard hitting skills and best of all - 2v1 or more them. Spvp is as much about positioning your assets as it is killing enemies. If you cant beat mesmers, dont. Thats wasting time.

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> @"Jazzumness.7098" said:

> I play mostly engie and I have a lot of trouble dealing with a fairly popular mesmer build. Im sure you have seen it before, its the one with mantra of distraction and greatsword that kills you almost instantly in less than a second.

> Im really stumped on how to counter it, all i can think if is just dodge randomly hoping i dodged their mantra. Then again they have 3 of them and they can just wait till i waste all my CD's to burst. Even if they miss they just go invis or spam evades and blur till the combo is back up.

> Is there any counter to this as engie? I cant really find a way to beat this build


As an engineer or any other profession it's best if you avoid fighting mesmers 1v1 for the most part. They are very broken currently with the amount of gap closers, stuns, confusion damage, spike damage and phantasms. Just hope that the next balance patch nerfs mesmer into the ground because with the amount of things mesmer can do to other professions is out of control.

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The mantra won’t hit without line of sight (LoS) so if you see a mesmer on the horizon you can hide behind something to prevent the stun. If you’re holosmith why don’t you have stab from corona burst? Get stab from corona burst.


If all else fails and you got hit by that stun, you’re dead, there’s no chance, might as well roll over and show your belly....or is there? Pop spectrum shield and if you already had protection it’s currently several orders of broken where it will reduce damage to practically nothing. It’s also a stunbreak so go ham on the mesmer while they’re at it.


If they’ve used a shatter burst chances are it was mind wrack (cry of frustration would apply confusion) and so you can count about 10s and then they might try to burst again. This is where another good skill comes in handy, photon wall which will block all damage from the front. Silly Pharma, mirror blade is unblockable! How can you offer such bad advice? Well yes the mirror blade is but the rest of the burst will be blocked and the mind wrack does the most damage.


As with most burst specs the proper way to deal with them is to counter burst or counter damage them. Corona burst and holographic shockwave both hit through objects so abuse it by using terrain to prevent the mesmer doing damage to you while you can damage them.


They don’t tend to do well in AoE fights and can’t stick around to 1v1 a long time or their value is depreciated significantly, especially when they have high mobility. Mirage is currently far too strong as they have condition cleanse and stunbreak on dodge which means there’s almost no way to set up damage on them and you have to entirely rely on them messing up or just having a brain fart moment where you land some excessively high damage. Which you have, holo has such high damage that quite frankly I’m amazed anyone can call it anything nearly balanced for its sustain.

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Run a sustain build and learn how to anticipate and dodge shatters. If you have AoE use it to kill clones reducing pressure.

If you have any form of invulnerability it will completely cancel phantasm summons.


Condi's work pretty well unless they have inspiration, but if they have inspiration they will blind less, crit less, and hit less hard making it easier for you to sustain.


If you are blind sided with no stun breaker and access to a defensive cooldown you are screwed... But same can be said vs thief, engie, guard, or war.

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