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Why does everyone say Discipline is mandatory for the warrior?


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People can max out finisher dps by swapping weapon sets. There are also bonuses for executing finishers, so the more you do, the more damage you get.


You also get more sigil effects, since they are on a 9 sec cd and you can run 2 different sets.


That said, I play a build without discipline and do just fine. But you do loose flexibility of swapping on demand when you need a clutch weapon skill...

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For PvP and WvW yes warrior already gets kited around easily, good luck with no warrior sprint. Not taking discipline or defense you're just handicapping yourself.

In one line 25% movement speed, easy immobilze removal, fast wepon swap, adrenaline gain on weapon swap, coni clear on wepon swap, might on weapon swap, conserve adrenaline on burst skills, increased damage and reduced cooldown on burst skills, come on how is this not mandatory for a heavy melee class?!

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> @"NorthernMoose.9617" said:

> what does it offer if you don't use banners or weapons swap that often? could someone explain it to me?


There are many reasons why Discipline is needed:


**1. Warrior's Sprint**


Using any movement skills breaks immobilize. It's such an amazing trait especially if you're using Greatsword and Axe.


**2. Brawler's Recovery**


Swapping weapons cleanses conditions every 5 seconds.


**3. Burst Mastery**


Burst skills deal more damage, which is amazing for the Axe F1 skill Eviscerate and it gives you enough adrenaline for you to use Arcing Slice on Greatsword.


Overall, Discipline is needed because it's what gives the warrior's the most amount of damage. By that I mean that the shorter weapon swap cooldown doesn't slow the warriors' momentum and damage. Being able to swap to weapons and constantly use skills when they're off cooldown is much more fast paced. Try playing Greatsword + Axe/Shield without Discipline. It's so slow, you'll be using the auto attack most of the time.

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