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I hate Reward Track being changed after completion.


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I hate that Reward track changes to random one after it is completed. It generates more loot boxes, i lose gold when i forget to change back to most profitable one.


Can u plz make this easy change to always keep same reward track?

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> @"Urejt.5648" said:

> I hate that Reward track changes to random one after it is completed. It generates more loot boxes, i lose gold when i forget to change back to most profitable one.


> Can u plz make this easy change to always keep same reward track?


Have you ever thought about changing the reward track before finishing the one you were currently in and use Potions of PvP Reward to complete the previous reward track?

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We're working on a way to mark repeatable reward tracks to auto repeat.


Why not, instead of having just the chest show up on the bottom corner of the screen, when a track is complete add a whole pop-up dialog that adds the reward, and then prompts the user to pick a new track when they collect (similar to how you're prompted to pick your daily achievements when you collect the daily login reward).


That's actually more one-size-fits-all solution... People that don't want to repeat the track can pick a new one when they finish, people that want to repeat the same one can pick the same one and no points are wasted.

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While I do agree it is annoying and a fix would be nice, the key to managing it for now is that the new reward track will only swap to a track that that is not completed, unless all of them have been completed then it will go to a random one. So assuming you have completed all tracks (admittedly not a given), then you should restart your second favorite track just make it incomplete then go back to your main track. This will mean that when you finish your primary track any bonus progress will spill into your second favorite track instead of a random one, which isn't so bad.

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