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Feedback / Feature request

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Some sounds are **REALLY ANNOYING.**


Please give us the ability to **mute** specific players / NPC's. Note that this is NOT an ignore. It's a mute. Meaning mute all sounds generated by that character.


Like for example the god damn pony bow, 'The Dreamer', Why the hell did you devs feel the need to spam that stupid pony sound??? Or the most annoying Quaggan ever, Woomulla, who spams the most annoying sounds every time we hand in an egg.


Devs. Please be more considerate. I shouldn't have to 'Mute my game', as people tell me, just because a couple of sounds are **abusively ** and **aggressively** spammy.




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Disabling the unique item sounds would be the most helpful in this case. But...

There are actually a few sounds in the game that can't be muted or aren't affected by this option as I could see from other forum posts (for example someone stated that the Nuhoch Warbler couldn't be turned off and it annoyed them because players were spamming it around the bank in LA)

Personally, I'd suggest another option for sounds that disables player chatter from other characters as I find it extremely annoying when other player's character (especially the females) scream around. I know there's already an option like that in the game but it only goes for all characters. I'd like to hear my own character still.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > Disabling the unique item sounds would be the most helpful in this case.


> No, because there has been a significant, unpleasant change to it: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/35894/gathering-tools-legendaries-now-all-connected-to-my-unique-item-sounds-channel


Note that if you disable **other player** sounds, you would also disable **other player gathering tool** sounds. So, while you may be annoyed about losing personal sounds to that effect, it would presumably be less annoying to mute other player gathering sounds, without muting your own, yes?

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