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5/8/2018 annnddd go!!!


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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > Reaper still is unwanted in endgame PVE so what ever.


> Have you tried and been kicked? I see you say this everywhere so I'm curious. I know in my guild we take whoever wants to raid. Also,there are raiding guilds out there and training ones such as Raid Academy. I also thought you went to maining a guardian. Did that not work in raids for you either?


Read my other thread asking about if we improved enough, evidently we didn't.

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So to all the people that think blood is power got buffed:


You are wrong!



Before the patch we had 20 seconds cool down with 10 seconds of 10 might I believe

Now it's 30 seconds cool down with 5 might for 20 seconds.



Before: 13,5 seconds cool down

Now: count recharge 20 seconds


Not to mention that you will easily kill yourself if you are not able to transfer the selfconditions.


Trident feels super neat right now and is finally a good underwater condi weapon.



And nothing changed for dagger. It's still bad. CDs are the same in PvP and wvw as before. But CDs aren't the thing MH dagger needs. It needs less casttimes.


Well of suffering is a slight buff to power reaper but nothing huge enough to mention.


Sigills unchanged.

Well of power and we'll of blood are pretty nice changes.


Nourishing ashes is pretty bad for wvw. It just makes you spam this f abilities more since all of them do burning.

Instead I would have liked to see rewards for not spamming those abilities.


Anything else I forgot to mention?

Oh yeah: spectral grasp is nice change, but I don't think it will be seen in pve



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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> So to all the people that think blood is power got buffed:


> You are wrong!


> Untraited:

> Before the patch we had 20 seconds cool down with 10 seconds of 10 might I believe

> Now it's 30 seconds cool down with 5 might for 20 seconds.


> Traited:

> Before: 13,5 seconds cool down

> Now: count recharge 20 seconds


> Not to mention that you will easily kill yourself if you are not able to transfer the selfconditions.


It was buffed, but as to exactly how is relative to what build you're using.


Actual Cooldowns PvE:



Before the patch we had ~~20~~ **30** seconds cool down with 10 seconds of 10 might

Now it's the same cool down with 5 might for 20 seconds.



Before: 20 seconds cool down

Now: count recharge 20 seconds and the might is the same


**Actual Cooldowns PvP/WvW:**



Before the patch we had a 20 second cooldown with the 10 seconds of 10 might

The might and cooldown for each charge of the skill (so effectively the same cooldown if you cast it twice at the start of an encounter) for PvP has also remained the same but



Each charge has a 13.5 second recharge, which is in line with what it was like before the patch



For your standard condi builds it basically ups the initial "burst" damage you have, because the count recharge is the same as the previous full cooldown. You basically just cast it twice and remove the double set of Torment and Bleed by transferring it to your opponent with Plague Sending on Scourge and Deathly Swarm for Reaper.


As for the might generation, it is half the stacks for double the duration, but this means it now benefits far more greatly from boon duration, meaning for Support Scourge it's a buff to the amount of might you can upkeep on your sub group.



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> @"Amerikajinn.4635" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > So to all the people that think blood is power got buffed:

> >

> > You are wrong!

> >

> > Untraited:

> > Before the patch we had 20 seconds cool down with 10 seconds of 10 might I believe

> > Now it's 30 seconds cool down with 5 might for 20 seconds.

> >

> > Traited:

> > Before: 13,5 seconds cool down

> > Now: count recharge 20 seconds

> >

> > Not to mention that you will easily kill yourself if you are not able to transfer the selfconditions.


> It was buffed, but as to exactly how is relative to what build you're using.


> Actual Cooldowns PvE:


> Untraited:

> Before the patch we had ~~20~~ **30** seconds cool down with 10 seconds of 10 might

> Now it's the same cool down with 5 might for 20 seconds.




Oh right I was looking at the wrong gamemode. In wvw and PvP it's 20 seconds :D



> Traited:

> Before: 20 seconds cool down

> Now: count recharge 20 seconds and the might is the same


> **Actual Cooldowns PvP/WvW:**


> Untraited:

> Before the patch we had a 20 second cooldown with the 10 seconds of 10 might

> The might and cooldown for each charge of the skill (so effectively the same cooldown if you cast it twice at the start of an encounter) for PvP has also remained the same but


> Traited:

> Each charge has a 13.5 second recharge, which is in line with what it was like before the patch



> For your standard condi builds it basically ups the initial "burst" damage you have, because the count recharge is the same as the previous full cooldown. You basically just cast it twice and remove the double set of Torment and Bleed by transferring it to your opponent with Plague Sending on Scourge and Deathly Swarm for Reaper.


> As for the might generation, it is half the stacks for double the duration, but this means it now benefits far more greatly from boon duration, meaning for Support Scourge it's a buff to the amount of might you can upkeep on your sub group.





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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> Can someone please separate water changes from land?





• Crimson Tide: This skill now fires a projectile at enemies rather than delivering a direct attack. The projectile strikes the target twice over a short duration upon impact, inflicting bleeding for 2 seconds with each impact. This skill is now used with other necromancer trident attacks.

• Feast: This skill now fires Crimson Tide at nearby enemies in addition to its previous effects.

• Foul Current: The range of this skill has been increased by 100%, and it now places its generated field on the target it strikes instead of along the skill's traveled path. The field duration increases based on how long the necromancer has been traveling. In addition, Crimson Tide is continuously cast on the targeted foe while the skill is active.

• Sinking Tomb: This skill now casts Crimson Tide on its target every 0.5 seconds.

• Frozen Abyss: This skill now casts Crimson Tide on all targets within its maximum range each time it pulses.

• Cruel Strike: The damage of this skill has been increased by 38%.

• Wicked Strike: The damage of this skill has been increased by 42%.

• Reaper's Scythe: The damage of this skill has been increased by 30%.

• Wicked Spiral: The damage of this skill has been increased by 33%.

• Dark Spear: This skill no longer pulls the necromancer and instead shadowsteps them to their target to deliver a bleeding attack in a 240 radius that's separate from the initial spear strike. The spear strike's damage has been increased by 38%.

• Life Siphon: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 10-second cooldown in all modes.


land and water


• Dark Pact: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use a 15-second cooldown instead of the 25- and 20-second cooldowns it previously used.

• Minions: Fixed a bug in which necromancers could summon more minions than intended.

• Signet of Vampirism: The cooldown and base healing of this skill are no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown and the higher 25% base heal in all modes.

• Well of Blood: The healing aspects of this skill are no longer split between game modes and now use the higher 15% base heal and higher 75% pulse heal in all modes.

• Spectral Grasp: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 35-second recharge in all modes.

• Signet of the Locust: The damage and healing of this skill are no longer split between game modes and now use the higher 54% damage and higher 29% healing in all modes.

• Nourishing Rot: This trait has been renamed Nourishing Ashes and now grants life force when the player inflicts burning in addition to when the player corrupts a target or removes a boon.

• Well of Suffering: The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and has been reduced from 35 to 30 seconds in PvE.

• Blood Is Power: This skill now has 2 charges with a 1-second cooldown between uses. Reduced the stacks of might granted from 10 to 5, and increased the duration of might from 10 seconds to 20 seconds in PvE. This skill's might remains unchanged in PvP and WvW.

• Well of Power: This skill now grants 8 seconds of might per pulse to allies who remain within its area of effect, in addition to its previous effects.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Underwater changes are totally off the mark. The necromancer only needed more LF gen on the weapon and he all he got was damage number tweeks and trident's "nerf"...

> Dagger's update is like underwater's update, another miss since these skills need shorter cast time and not shorter cool down.


> Thought, there seem to finally be a will to improve the necromancer's migth sharing ability in PvE. It's nowhere near to let him compete against a druid but it's appreciated.


i agree! i always missed underwater a reliable life force regain. but overall i like the underwater rotations and damage.

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still no mobility, stability or sustain...


for reaper as melee without anything of that, this class is still very limited in comparison to warriors, rangers, mesmers, thiefes.

scourge is still good in Group fights and okay in solo (since obstructed bug is fixed and nourishment rot buff).

core necro is still....not worth to be taken anywhere.


and after the nerf to signet of plague, condi removals on core or reaper are meh too. too Long casttime on consume conditions. to Long cooldowns on plague signet and well of power. and there is still the Problem that the condi Transfer mechanic on power necros is high risk /Zero reward mechanic. cause transfered conditions tick with 0 condition stats from power necs. anet should give corrupted and transfered conditions a fix condition dmg value to make it more useful for power necs too.


i wish necro would get some mobility changes like on foul current to reaper shroud skill 2.


well of power mechanic is okay for reaper, because of pulsing boons. that proc blighters boon more often. remember that reaper start after hot release with pulsing stability on RS 3 for 8 seconds (the nerf in past to that skill killed power reaper a Long time ago because sustain and stability was gone). more of those changes could solve a lot of reaper sustain Problems because reaper mechanic was created for those pulsing stuff. direct buff cast (like BiP) cant get casted in shroud because Utility skills are not available while in shroud, so boonpulsing skills (over Duration) are the only possibility to use blighters boon for heal.


and finally there is still the Problem that skills like Focus 4 or staff 1 have a VEEEEEEEEEEERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY bad Chance to hit an enemy because of slow projectiles and bad design. or RS 2 very often bugged so you dont jump to the enemy but you stuck in the ground while "leaping". so there are many Buggy skills that dont work well enough to be usefull. for example bulls Charge on warrior never failed (dont stuck at starting position) when i used it. it ever hit the enemy. would be nice if RS2 would have the same success rate.

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