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Balance Patch Thoughts


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"coro.3176" said:

> > > Power-build revenants have been languishing behind their condition-build counterparts.

> >

> > Sounds pretty specific to me. .. about as specific as "condition-build engineers".

> >

> > > The scrapper elite specialization also received changes to streamline and define it as a tank specialization

> >

> > Sounds pretty specific to me .. about as specific as "engineer core spec".


> If you feel confident in setting your hopes around exceptions, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. A more realistic approach would be to propose a few things that would increase the 'viability' of engi condi builds instead of just pointing at a couple of examples where Anet did something atypical of their regular approach and insisting they target builds for improvement as their modus operandi.


They have gone for build specific adjustments explicitly and implicitly *a ton of times*. I am amazed anyone would put up with your blatant denial of something so incredibly obvious.

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@"Obtena.7952" You seem to be under the false impression that someone saying 'buff condi engi' would be disappointed if ArenaNet did not target "condition based engineers" for improvement, but instead randomly buffed Incendiary Ammo or added a new kick-ass trait that also buffed condition based engineers.


Edit: Its TIME to STOP.gif




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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I don't think you understand ... relative to the amount of times they buff skills, the times they buff specific builds is not very significant.




They buff/nerf skills in order to buff/nerf builds. They don't always state their intentions or reasons behind certain changes, but ultimately that's the purpose.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I don't think you understand ... relative to the amount of times they buff skills, the times they buff specific builds is not very significant.


> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuum_fallacy


> They buff/nerf skills in order to buff/nerf builds. They don't always state their intentions or reasons behind certain changes, but ultimately that's the purpose.


I didn't say it wasn't. My point is that they don't target **specific** ones and no, I don't believe that's always their purpose .. I'm not sure why anyone would make that assumption; randomly buffing a skill is in no way a targeted effort to improve a specific build. Sure, I've been presented with a few instances where Anet did target specific builds ... Compared to the number of times it didn't happen, I would tend to think those are exceptions.


> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> @"Obtena.7952" You seem to be under the false impression that someone saying 'buff condi engi' would be disappointed if ArenaNet did not target "condition based engineers" for improvement, but instead randomly buffed Incendiary Ammo or added a new kick-kitten trait that also buffed condition based engineers.


> Edit: Its TIME to STOP.gif



I'm not sure that's 'false' ... I don't make correlations between randomly buffing SOMETHING good for condi engis and thinking that fixes any of the issues the OP brought up in the original post. Maybe this whole thread is just a big plea for some kind of random condi engi buff that doesn't really improve the overall viability of this family of builds. That's certainly not how the OP posed it.


Anyways, maybe another nerf to Pinpoint will get the point across. Who knows, maybe Anet thinks condi engi is better than the OP makes it sound.

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@"Obtena.7952" they buff skills so that new meta builds can rise up from the community that thoery crafts.


Just because anet didn't buff your builds or meta builds doesn't mean they are useless buffs.


I think you're trying to stick with meta builds and hope they become viable which is setting your self up for failure.


Nerfs. Buffs. Thoery craft and adapt. Or die and fail and lose.


But we will see what happens. Anet is trying to shake up the engineer meta with new options.

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> @"Anthony.3207" said:

> But we will see what happens. Anet is trying to shake up the engineer meta with new options.


I find that hard to believe, tbh. We finally got something done about medkit, a kit that's been pretty much a meme since launch, and it only took them 6 years.

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