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ANET: Can we have more skills affected by our legend?

Kain Francois.4328

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I'll keep it short and simple: The new trident is SWEET!


For anyone who hasn't seen it yet: The skills change depending on your current legend. They create different combo fields, inflict different conditions, etc...


Anything that further integrates legends into the class and skill mechanics is a welcome addition. I feel like this is the way Revenant was always supposed to be.


More of this please! Please!!!

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And what's the benefit? Two of the legends (Shiro, Jalis) add a condition which doesn't bring damage to the table "per se" (vulnerability, weakness), plus the main source of physical damage to take advantage from the trident linkage to Shiro is in the spear. So you use the trident with Shiro do do low physical damage, no condi damage, you stack vulnerability on foes then you switch to (the nerfed) spear to do the damage and lose all those stacks in two seconds. Is even worse with Jallis. Just brilliant.


The spear itself can stack vulnerability better. By the way, I'm confused about the nature of the trident: in the past with the spear you could go either pure physical (zerk) or hybrid (viper) with the stats because you could use the quickness from Impossible Odds to go full machinegun while Unyielding Anguish was the main source of the condition damage (I have two spears with different stats and skins of swap to use that dual nature), whereas trident's numbers are sad in both types of damage. And talking about sad things: torment (specially after the nerfs against the Mesmers) is a weak condition which can't be compared to bleed, venom or burning. What would be the trident's more usable stats? Nomad?

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> And what's the benefit?


The benefit i that it's a REALLY cool concept that can be iterated on in a potential Revenant rework. It would drastically make up for our lack of weapon variety by allowing our weapons to do many things. (Which is exactly on point for the revenant: few skills with MANY applications!)


Consider the case of Staff autoattack. Currently it's a little weak and spawns healing orbs. However, the orbs do not have much significance outside healing builds/bunkers. A Shiro or Mallyx revenant has little for use for them. There for they could add new functionality, say Jalis causes it to steal life, while Mallyx cause it to apply torment. In the latter's case, this would allow condi rev not to lose significant damage while switching to staff for CC.


There could also be more unique cases like Sword autoattack restoring Mana while attuned to Glint. This is not only a solution to Glint's energy problem where Facets drained too much to use our energy skill, but also allow us to maintain boons more thoroughly on Glint. I feel Glint could use a rework in 2018, and expanding upon the concept of facets could be a wonderful opportunity to play with Mana.




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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> I'll keep it short and simple: The new trident is SWEET!


> For anyone who hasn't seen it yet: The skills change depending on your current legend. They create different combo fields, inflict different conditions, etc...


> Anything that further integrates legends into the class and skill mechanics is a welcome addition. I feel like this is the way Revenant was always supposed to be.


> More of this please! Please!!!


Yes, pretty much yes in all regards.

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I like the idea of a heavy armor elementalist sort of class whos weapon can change according to what legend is being channelled.

Fills up for the lack of weapons combinations rev has. Which is pretty low ( engi and ele falls in same category too, but you know they have kits and elements they can rely on).

Rev can too, we have 10 utilities instead of 5. But it still lacks weapon combinations.

Anet current direction with trident is pretty cool! Rev brings mysterious powers of mist with the attacks :bleep_bloop: .

But it still feels like an **unfinished story******, can wait for more development!



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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> Please not, legends already affect the right 5 skills. If I wanted to play elementalist, I'd be playing one. :disappointed:



This gives me the idea for some kind of Weaver spec for Revenant where you can "mash" your two active legends and they get shared new skills. Could be really awesome if done right.

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That's be conceptually more interesting, though I'd probably dump the F-skills of Herald and Renegade then, and also remove weapon choices.


Rather, your weapon **materializes** from the mists depending on legend combinations, with each combination of two having its own weapon / skills.

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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > @"Buran.3796" said:

> > And what's the benefit?


> The benefit i that it's a REALLY cool concept that can be iterated on in a potential Revenant rework. It would drastically make up for our lack of weapon variety by allowing our weapons to do many things. (Which is exactly on point for the revenant: few skills with MANY applications!)



I favor being effective over being cool. They nuked the spear because doubled the trident damage; no one would use a "cooler" skill if performs worse. That's the reason why condi Revs use mace over short bow: short bow = cool-looking, malfunctioning underperforming skills; mace = gets the work done. Now we have a weaker submarine Revenant, which looks cooler and kills slower.


If they ad aditional functions to weapon skills based on legends they (in trade) will nerf the (already sub par) damage which they do. Rev used to have good looking skills while delivering a strong performance. No more.


Also, did you notice that since the HoT release ANet added 20 new skills to Rev (5 from short bow, 5 from Kalla, 3 function skills, 2 off hand sword skills, 5 trident skills) with 0 DEFENSIVE ONES. Hard to maintain the faith in the class when there's no effort put in the WvW/PvP part of the game.



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One thing I always wanted was for them to change Facet of Nature to grant a buff based on your current legend. Something like Shiro: +10% damage, Mallyx: +10% condition damage, Glint: as it is currently, Ventari: +10% healing and Jalis: -10% damage taken.

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I wouldn't want this unless they do it well and wouldn't end up as a net nerf (which it likely would).


For example: Glint is a protective legend with good power damage. Shiro is a mobility/power legend. Hypothetically with a change like this they would give Glint a defensive or boon related buff on weapon skills while Shiro would get increased vuln application or perhaps extra damage. To compensate for any damage increases (specifically damaging conditions) they would likely tone down damage somewhere else on the skills. For power herald for wvw/pvp I wouldn't necessarily want any sort of decrease in damage while in Glint for something like added protection or regen.


**In a 2nd and possibly more important example**: What would you give Mace with Mallyx or Kalla equipped? The mace already does great condi damage, so adding more damaging conditions to Mace 1-3 would certainly increase Condi rev damage by a few thousand across the board.


**TL;DR: I don't see them adding new conditions or boons (specifically damaging conditions) to weapon skills without some sort of direct or indirect (aka weird functionality change like IO) nerf to all of our current weaponsets. The idea has potential thematically, but it will also lead to worse results if implemented poorly.**

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My problem with that is this: I prefer the idea of legends being appropriate for a variety of builds. Although each legend should have its niche, this further pigeonholes builds and reinforces the idea that legends are only appropriate for particular stat choices. Although I do think this needs to exist to a certain extent, I would rather that legends primarily emphasize utility so that a condi build, for example, isn't inherently gimping itself by choosing Shiro. Build diversity is already something that Rev struggles with, and I personally think that making conditions legend-specific would only reinforce that.


Edit: I should clarify that my problem is with damaging conditions being legend-specific. I think it is fair for non-damaging conditions to have a specific legend associated with it, as those wouldn't have as much of an impact on DPS. One issue I see with this, though, is what the other legends would get. Ventari, for example? Its condition seems to be blind, but attaching blind to the appropriate trident skills would seem like too much in any PvP/WvW setting.

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> **In a 2nd and possibly more important example**: What would you give Mace with Mallyx or Kalla equipped? The mace already does great condi damage, so adding more damaging conditions to Mace 1-3 would certainly increase Condi rev damage by a few thousand across the board.


Spice up the third autoattack with additional effects, rather than taking away. Currently all it does is apply poison in a line.


Mallyx: Chill

Kalla: A single long duration bleed stack.


The balance here comes from Mallyx being able to snare foes while applying Chiling Torment, while Kalla gets the pure condi damage that does net-more damage.


Mace #3 however, I imagine needs a little rework. The skill is extremely clunky to use and outdated for GW2's 2014 design where players would stack might on fire fields, intended to combine with Mace #2. However even that combo fails to function properly. The result is nothing more than a clunky extra skill that exists for no reason other than applying 5 more Torment stacks.


Since Mallyx and Kalla would be applying extra condi stacks, we can safely remove the unconditional 5 stacks of torment from Mace #3 and give it a new function. Instead, it will gain condis from its secondary effect (detailed below). I propose taking advantage of its blast combo functionality and working it into the legends. We can maintain purity of purpose by making the exact combo field it triggers with irrelevant to its function.


Here's my proposal to rework Mace #3: Each time a blast combo is initiated, it will pulse a large (450 radius?) aoe that does different effects depending on the legend equipped. For Shiro, this can be a damaging blast radius useful for open world tagging and WvW Zerg fights. For Ventari, the blasts would not do damage but instead pulse *Alacrity* to allies. For Mallyx, each blast could do 3 pulses of torment (allowing a Revenant to get 9 stacks on large hitbox, 6 stacks on small hitbox). Glint could have an effect where it applies multiple conditions for each facet active, opening Glint as an open in condi builds.


You don't need to take away from the Revenant just to implement this rework. You just need to trim only what is necessary, and be really creative. Imagination.



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