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[Elite Suggestion] Wargod

Regon Phoenix.8215

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Theme: [balthazar.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Balthazar "Balthazar.")


Main builds:

1) Power+tank build

2) Actually good conditions build

3) Tank build






> **Adept Minor Trait** (Blazing Titan)

> Unlock **Greatsword** and allow you to use **Legendary God of War Stance**.


> _Adept Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 1** (Lethality of War)

> Scoring a critical hit cause you to gain fire shield for 2 sec. Gain 1 stack of might for 8 sec whenever you gain fire shield.

> **Major Trait 2** (Living Inferno)

> Inflict 1 stack of burning for 2 sec on nearby enemies when you gain fire shield. Radius: 300.

> **Major Trait 3** (Puny Mortals)

> Take 10% less damage from weakened enemies.




> **Master Minor Trait** (Master of War)

> Gain fire shield for 2 sec when you enter combat. This effect refresh itself after you dodge.


> _Master Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 4** (Thrill of War)

> Take 0.5% less damage for every stack of might on you.

> **Major Trait 5** (Divined Flames)

> Burn you inflict will last 7% longer and deal 7% more damage.

> **Major Trait 6** (Against the Unstoppable)

> Whenever you take damage from an enemy, then inflict 8 sec of weakness on that enemy. Cooldown: 8 sec.




> **Grandmaster Minor Trait** (Weakness of Their Struggle)

> Enemies who attack you while you have a fire shield will be weakened for 1 sec.


> _Grandmaster Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 7** (Dire Flame Shields)

> Take 33% less damage while you have fire shield on you. Gain 60 bonus power while you have a fire shield.

> **Major Trait 8** (Embers into Inferno)

> Your next attack after gaining a fire shield will inflict 2 stacks of burning for 6 sec. Cooldown: 6 sec.

> **Major Trait 9** (Legend Among the Legends)

> Inflict 4 sec of weakness to nearby enemies when you switch legends. Radius: 600.






> **Greatsword 1** (Slash of War)

> First hit of three hit chain. Slash your greatsword in front of you dealing damage to several enemies.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Range: 200

> * Targets hit: up to 5

> * Damage: 500 (scales with power)




> **Greatsword 1** (Dance of War)

> Second hit of three hit chain. Swing our greatsword around you dealing damage to several enemies around.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Radius: 200

> * Targets hit: up to 5

> * Damage: 500 (scales with power)




> **Greatsword 1** (Fury of War)

> Third hit of three hit chain. Slam your greatsword in front of you dealing damage to several enemies and burn them.

> * Casting time: 1 sec

> * Range: 300

> * Targets hit: up to 5

> * Damage: 700 (scales with power)

> * Burn: 3 stacks for 4 sec




> **Greatsword 2** (Mantle of Flames)

> Release raging flames to burn nearby enemies and gain fire shield for every enemy struck.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Energy cost: 20

> * Cooldown: 6 sec

> * Radius: 600

> * Burn: 1 stack for 6 sec

> * Fire shield duration per enemy struck: 1 sec




> **Greatsword 3** (The Advancement of War)

> First hit of two hit chain. Slam your greatsword into the ground immobilizing all enemies struck.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Energy cost: 20

> * Cooldown: 10 sec

> * Range: 300

> * Damage: 400 (scales with power)

> * Immobilize: 2 sec




> **Greatsword 3** (The Trait of embers)

> Second hit of two hit chain. Charge a short distance damaging, burning and knocking enemies into the air.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Range: 450

> * Damage: 400 (scales with power)

> * Burn: 1 stack for 3 sec

> * Airborn duration: 1 sec




> **Greatsword 4** (The Ways of War)

> Release several waves of force while channeling. Each wave will deal damage and burn all enemies hit. You can't move while channeling, but you can turn around.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Channel duration: 3 sec

> * Energy cost: 40

> * Range: 900

> * Wave per sec: 2

> * Damage per wave: 350 (scales with power)

> * Burn per wave: 1 stack for 1 sec




> **Greatsword 5** (State of Focus)

> Calm your mind and sharpen your focus causing your multi-target hitting abilities to deal 15% more damage to your main target (or the first enemy struck) and 50% less damage to all other enemies. While in this state, the other state is disabled. You can only be in one state at one time and exit any state when you switch weapons. Whenever you switch into greatsword, then you automatically start in this state.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 5 sec




> **Greatsword 5** (Berserking State)

> Go berserk causing all your multi target hitting abilities to deal 5% more damage. You can only be in one state at one time and exit any state when you switch weapons.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 5 sec






> **Healing** (Pleasure in War)

> Heal yourself instantly and then over duration. If used in combat, then you gain a fire shield.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Energy cost: 20

> * Initial heal: 3000 (scales with healing power)

> * Duration: 6 sec

> * Healing over time: 4000 (scales with healing power)

> * Fire shield: 4 sec




> **Utility 1** (Charge in the War)

> Charge forward (to your target) and evade all attacks while charging. Remove all movement impairing conditions and blind from yourself, gain swiftness if you collide with at least one enemy while charging.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 4 sec

> * Energy cost: 35

> * Range: 900

> * Evade: 3/4 sec

> * Swiftness: 6 sec




> **Utility 2** (Greater Mantle of Flames)

> Stunbreak yourself and coat yourself in flame, gaining fire shield and regeneration.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 6 sec

> * Energy cost: 30

> * Fire shield: 2 sec

> * Regeneration: 4 sec




> **Utility 3** (Sundering Leap)

> Leap into the sky and then land to your target's location (if you have no target selected, then land at your original location). Deal damage and burn nearby enemies when you land.

> * Casting time: 1 sec

> * Cooldown: 12 sec

> * Energy cost: 40

> * Evade: 1 sec

> * Range: 1200

> * Radius: 240

> * Damage: 600 (scales with power)

> * Burn: 2 stacks for 6 sec




> **Elite** (Will of the Balthazar)

> Charge for several seconds while channeling. If you successfully channel for whole duration, then gain might, protection, stability and fire shield.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Channel duration: 2 sec

> * Energy cost: 30

> * Cooldown: 6 sec

> * Might: 10 stacks for 6 sec

> * Protection: 6 sec

> * Stability: 1 stack for 4 sec

> * Fire shield: 5 sec


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> @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> Liking this concept a lot! And the synergy is sweet. Only thing I’d change is the chain3 anim from a ground slam to a spin slash akin to Char holosmith Photon forge chain #3.


Well, in my mind it would still look pretty cool to see someone swing a giant sword in this order: Swing to the left as a windup, then spin it it around yourself to the right and finally jump it and slam it into the ground in front of you.

But yeah, current animations can also work.

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:


> > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > Liking this concept a lot! And the synergy is sweet. Only thing I’d change is the chain3 anim from a ground slam to a spin slash akin to Char holosmith Photon forge chain #3.


> Well, in my mind it would still look pretty cool to see someone swing a giant sword in this order: Swing to the left as a windup, then spin it it around yourself to the right and finally jump it and slam it into the ground in front of you.

> But yeah, current animations can also work.


Oh, yeah, that sounds cool too. I really wish Rev would have gotten a GS as a base to begin with, like as a hybrid type similar to spear’s treatment as both power/condi and range/melee.

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> @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> >

> > > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > > Liking this concept a lot! And the synergy is sweet. Only thing I’d change is the chain3 anim from a ground slam to a spin slash akin to Char holosmith Photon forge chain #3.

> >

> > Well, in my mind it would still look pretty cool to see someone swing a giant sword in this order: Swing to the left as a windup, then spin it it around yourself to the right and finally jump it and slam it into the ground in front of you.

> > But yeah, current animations can also work.


> Oh, yeah, that sounds cool too. I really wish Rev would have gotten a GS as a base to begin with, like as a hybrid type similar to spear’s treatment as both power/condi and range/melee.


Well, maybe one day Anet will release an elite similar to mine with a greatsword and fire and stuff.

Though, i think i done pretty good job at creating one and would not mind if they took this idea and made into reality. It have actually decent conditions damage and could works as actually good conditions build (unlike renegade, because its conditions build is very weak), and would work wonder with tempest support (playing with a friend would be amazing for this elite) as it can share fire shield, AND fire shield for this elite could be used either for condition damage or for tanking/power damage.

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I honestly Do not want to channel one more human themed being, we have so many others who could totally fit the bill. Balthazar was a little shit, and I just cant sit by imagining my rev channeling him. Id prefer Asgeir dragonrender and have an Ice/Spirit of the wild theme perhaps a shape shifter of some sort over just some Rev variant of what the guardian already has, fire, greatsword? Go make a guardian.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> I honestly Do not want to channel one more human themed being, we have so many others who could totally fit the bill. Balthazar was a little kitten, and I just cant sit by imagining my rev channeling him. Id prefer Asgeir dragonrender and have an Ice/Spirit of the wild theme perhaps a shape shifter of some sort over just some Rev variant of what the guardian already has, fire, greatsword? Go make a guardian.


Pretty much sums up my thoughts as well. The "Puny Mortals"-trait did make me think about Hulk and chuckle.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > I honestly Do not want to channel one more human themed being, we have so many others who could totally fit the bill. Balthazar was a little kitten, and I just cant sit by imagining my rev channeling him. Id prefer Asgeir dragonrender and have an Ice/Spirit of the wild theme perhaps a shape shifter of some sort over just some Rev variant of what the guardian already has, fire, greatsword? Go make a guardian.


> Pretty much sums up my thoughts as well. The "Puny Mortals"-trait did make me think about Hulk and chuckle.


It made me smile hardcore, but I still can't stand behind Balthazar as legend mainly because I dont see the gods as legendary. I mean like shit they have barely done anything in the storyline at least on-screen; And anything they have done all drizzles down to what humans tell us. Frankly I feel that balthazar is a good boss and a good fight, but he is in way a good choice for a rev spec.


Plus the majority of the legends are human, we have mallyx(human, demon who was in elona). Shiro who was a human, we have jalis who while not a human really had nothing to do with anyone else... the dwarves were kinda neutral. And then we have The salad peoples god horse guy; Who I still dont really give two craps about .


Then we get glint who is a human character, who because of the flameseeker prophecies had the most to do with humans. And now we have kalla who is the charr legend, who I Was happy about until I got to tinker with how she worked and get a good feel for the spec itself (Theme was fine, execution was not so much.)

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > I honestly Do not want to channel one more human themed being, we have so many others who could totally fit the bill. Balthazar was a little kitten, and I just cant sit by imagining my rev channeling him. Id prefer Asgeir dragonrender and have an Ice/Spirit of the wild theme perhaps a shape shifter of some sort over just some Rev variant of what the guardian already has, fire, greatsword? Go make a guardian.

> >

> > Pretty much sums up my thoughts as well. The "Puny Mortals"-trait did make me think about Hulk and chuckle.


> It made me smile hardcore, but I still can't stand behind Balthazar as legend mainly because I dont see the gods as legendary. I mean like kitten they have barely done anything in the storyline at least on-screen; And anything they have done all drizzles down to what humans tell us. Frankly I feel that balthazar is a good boss and a good fight, but he is in way a good choice for a rev spec.


> Plus the majority of the legends are human, we have mallyx(human, demon who was in elona). Shiro who was a human, we have jalis who while not a human really had nothing to do with anyone else... the dwarves were kinda neutral. And then we have The salad peoples god horse guy; Who I still dont really give two craps about .


> Then we get glint who is a human character, who because of the flameseeker prophecies had the most to do with humans. And now we have kalla who is the charr legend, who I Was happy about until I got to tinker with how she worked and get a good feel for the spec itself (Theme was fine, execution was not so much.)


Amazing. Every word you just said is wrong.

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> @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > I honestly Do not want to channel one more human themed being, we have so many others who could totally fit the bill. Balthazar was a little kitten, and I just cant sit by imagining my rev channeling him. Id prefer Asgeir dragonrender and have an Ice/Spirit of the wild theme perhaps a shape shifter of some sort over just some Rev variant of what the guardian already has, fire, greatsword? Go make a guardian.

> > >

> > > Pretty much sums up my thoughts as well. The "Puny Mortals"-trait did make me think about Hulk and chuckle.

> >

> > It made me smile hardcore, but I still can't stand behind Balthazar as legend mainly because I dont see the gods as legendary. I mean like kitten they have barely done anything in the storyline at least on-screen; And anything they have done all drizzles down to what humans tell us. Frankly I feel that balthazar is a good boss and a good fight, but he is in way a good choice for a rev spec.

> >

> > Plus the majority of the legends are human, we have mallyx(human, demon who was in elona). Shiro who was a human, we have jalis who while not a human really had nothing to do with anyone else... the dwarves were kinda neutral. And then we have The salad peoples god horse guy; Who I still dont really give two craps about .

> >

> > Then we get glint who is a human character, who because of the flameseeker prophecies had the most to do with humans. And now we have kalla who is the charr legend, who I Was happy about until I got to tinker with how she worked and get a good feel for the spec itself (Theme was fine, execution was not so much.)


> Amazing. Every word you just said is wrong.


How All I Was getting at was that all the legends we have, had more to do with humans than everything and anyone else. Mallyx happened to be a demon who was in the realm of torment but he was still tied to abbadon; And shiro is a human. Glint basically led the humans down their path of the flameseeker prophecies, and down the road to kill the mursaat and fight the lich. Ventari is STRICTLY a sylvari themed legend as he is basically their messiah and shaped the entirty of their races perspective through his teachings; Jalis primarly aided the humans in eye of the north and while having small ties to the norn (Allies/trade partners?) They were not close and he had more to do with gwen and the ebon vanguard.


Kalla was and is our one charr legend and the idea or concept was great but the application of the spec was not done to the fullest effect it could of been; Its cool but its not as cool or effective as it could be. We have no asuran/ Norn legend and I Feel like ontop of that we have enough good guy characters as legends, Balthazar has no place as a legend as he is a gw2 villian. That and I doubt we could channel his power because when he died his power was dispersed and his being ceased to be entirely he did not go to the mists like other beings; I would like more evil characters who we have faced from gw1 or who happened in the time between the games..... not more beings who share like minds.


Id like to see a darker themed revenant spec; I also feel like we have enough fire based crap in this game. Both warrior and guardian have a fire theme about them, the revenant is a mystic warrior who is in essence becoming a "Mist walker" in some sense harnessing powers long since forgotten. Not a fire spewing crusader, zealous faith and "Divine fire" are the guardian shtick not ours.

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:


> So, your point is that several legends are already a little bit tied to humans, while majority isn't, so you don't want a legend tied to a God?




Balthazar was weak, and I just cant see us taping into his power since he no longer exists. The revenant can only pull power from the mist and beings in the mist; When a god dies or when a Mist-walker dies they cease to be in their entirety. We would more likely be channeling whoever took his place on the pantheon if that being would even allow us too; So no I dont want some human god. Id love to kill them all and call it a day... bunch of useless cretins.


To top it all off he does not DESERVE to be an eliet spec for the revenant; There are many other characters id rather see be brought back in this way. Balthazar has a whole expansion AND a living story dedicated to him... He can frankly just screw off. If you want a god Id rather take abbadon or menzies, or hell even dhuum over balthazar . Hell screw dhuum too he has a whole RAID dedicated to him... lets let some other god shine or some other power have a time in the spot light yea? What about the aspects of cantha the envoys? They have a war deity too. You could just use him in the place of balthazar and Id be completely fine with it because he is different enough to not be "Oh puny mortal, summoning me? How laughable blah blah blah". Balthazar was a one dimensional saturday morning cartoon villian with as much depth as a puddle.( And no not those sinkhole puddles.) It would be extremely disappointing to get him as a legend when we already got kalla, who for all intents and purposes is our hardened War hero. (even though she sucks lol.)


I personally feel Razah would be the best because we could have him amplify our current rev cast and thus give us the ability to turn into our selected legends or become imbued with more of their power. He could bring alot of utility and new skills the rev and offer alot of changes the class would need for its elite spec to feel different than the last two? Again Fire, "Divine" power and war. These are characterized by the warrior and the guardian and giving us balthazar would literally make us an edgy version of these two; If you want this kind of thing then go make a transmog based on it and just use berserker or hell even guardian as a whole.


Berserker on warrior actually even has balthazars color scheme when it comes to their skills, red flames that burn with malice and malignant hatred/wrath. You just wont have the revenants UI, or their ability to swap legends. But it does exist currently and hell you can even get balths outfit and just slap it on your warrior, and the humans now even have his beard. You can make a balthy junior without making the revenant suffer for it; There are far more interesting and better lore characters fit for this bill...I dont want to see Guild wars 2 characters come back as legends, especially ones We JUST DEALT WITH FOR AN ENTIRE EXPANSION.(Especially when they are as annoying and stupid as balthazar was.... Freaking wana-be Sargeras clone.)

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> I honestly Do not want to channel one more human themed being, we have so many others who could totally fit the bill. Balthazar was a little kitten, and I just cant sit by imagining my rev channeling him. Id prefer Asgeir dragonrender and have an Ice/Spirit of the wild theme perhaps a shape shifter of some sort over just some Rev variant of what the guardian already has, fire, greatsword? Go make a guardian.


They've already done Charr. I'm curious if Sylvari create mist Echos, because this would be a good opportunity for Riannoc. Or perhaps Talon Silverwing.

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Cool concept! I like the idea of channeling Balthazar now that

we murdered his fiery ass. It's gonna be difficult to contain him tho, especially because the player character killed him. Maybe the new profession mechanic (I mean instead of citadel orders, facet of nature) could play into Balthazar's desire to be free, resulting in something similar to Mallyx' elite (but without upkeep) or the Berserker's rage mode.

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> @"PluizeWin.2139" said:

> Cool concept! I like the idea of channeling Balthazar now that

we murdered his fiery kitten. It's gonna be difficult to contain him tho, especially because the player character killed him. Maybe the new profession mechanic (I mean instead of citadel orders, facet of nature) could play into Balthazar's desire to be free, resulting in something similar to Mallyx' elite (but without upkeep) or the Berserker's rage mode.


Well, whole thing about going around fire shield is pretty unique, as no other class have anything similar to it. But yeah, if Anet would introduce something like this, they would add some sort of new F2, etc.

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> I honestly Do not want to channel one more human themed being, we have so many others who could totally fit the bill. Balthazar was a little kitten, and I just cant sit by imagining my rev channeling him. Id prefer Asgeir dragonrender and have an Ice/Spirit of the wild theme perhaps a shape shifter of some sort over just some Rev variant of what the guardian already has, fire, greatsword? Go make a guardian.


What about Vizier Khilbron? He sounds like great potential in regards to possible Legends. He would fit your desire for something dark.




> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > I honestly Do not want to channel one more human themed being, we have so many others who could totally fit the bill. Balthazar was a little kitten, and I just cant sit by imagining my rev channeling him. Id prefer Asgeir dragonrender and have an Ice/Spirit of the wild theme perhaps a shape shifter of some sort over just some Rev variant of what the guardian already has, fire, greatsword? Go make a guardian.


> They've already done Charr. I'm curious if Sylvari create mist Echos, because this would be a good opportunity for Riannoc. Or perhaps Talon Silverwing.


I would love Riannoc and he would be perfect for that greatsword that everyone seems to want.


As an aside, I am curious as to why everyone seems to crave Balthazar. We just finished an entire story arc with him, why do folks want more of him? It's not like he was compelling? Also, isn't Legends just a great way to explore the game lore more? Look at Kalla, Kalla is cool in part because of how she ties the events of this game back to background material for the Charr. Wouldn't it be better to explore more of the game instead of retreading material we just covered? Also, wouldn't having Balthazar as a Legend pretty much spoil PoF for people who would be new to the game but haven't yet played through PoF? At present, it doesn't seem like any of the current Legends spoil ongoing story arcs but more or less tap into the game's history to help develop the present. I would love to see Kodan as a Legend. Or if we go to Cantha, as I suspect, I would love the next one to be a Naga. Something reptile related would make me happy really.

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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > I honestly Do not want to channel one more human themed being, we have so many others who could totally fit the bill. Balthazar was a little kitten, and I just cant sit by imagining my rev channeling him. Id prefer Asgeir dragonrender and have an Ice/Spirit of the wild theme perhaps a shape shifter of some sort over just some Rev variant of what the guardian already has, fire, greatsword? Go make a guardian.


> What about Vizier Khilbron? He sounds like great potential in regards to possible Legends. He would fit your desire for something dark.




> > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > I honestly Do not want to channel one more human themed being, we have so many others who could totally fit the bill. Balthazar was a little kitten, and I just cant sit by imagining my rev channeling him. Id prefer Asgeir dragonrender and have an Ice/Spirit of the wild theme perhaps a shape shifter of some sort over just some Rev variant of what the guardian already has, fire, greatsword? Go make a guardian.

> >

> > They've already done Charr. I'm curious if Sylvari create mist Echos, because this would be a good opportunity for Riannoc. Or perhaps Talon Silverwing.


> I would love Riannoc and he would be perfect for that greatsword that everyone seems to want.


> As an aside, I am curious as to why everyone seems to crave Balthazar. We just finished an entire story arc with him, why do folks want more of him? It's not like he was compelling? Also, isn't Legends just a great way to explore the game lore more? Look at Kalla, Kalla is cool in part because of how she ties the events of this game back to background material for the Charr. Wouldn't it be better to explore more of the game instead of retreading material we just covered? Also, wouldn't having Balthazar as a Legend pretty much spoil PoF for people who would be new to the game but haven't yet played through PoF? At present, it doesn't seem like any of the current Legends spoil ongoing story arcs but more or less tap into the game's history to help develop the present. I would love to see Kodan as a Legend. Or if we go to Cantha, as I suspect, I would love the next one to be a Naga. Something reptile related would make me happy really.


I feel kanaxai, Urgoz or heck id gladly take one of the lore characters mentioned in snip-its of text we got in the first game but never really got a good taste of. Why not a Mursaat, or something other than a human(Or a once human)? That aside Id love to have The vizer only because of how cool it would be to channel him and use THE SCEPTER of orr's power or something akin to that. Though... I mean... Id like Svanir too... would be cool to get him since he was underused in Eye of the north, Or if it has to be a human Muune the necromancer teacher from pre-searing as she was claimed to be especially powerful.


Razah might be cool too for a dark caster seeing as we truly never got to see his full power, or learn of his fate.

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nooope no no no, too much fire, we have berserker spec for that, and all that burn is another condi spec, we have kalla. ICE, OUTER SPACE, or a so-far-unused race legend like norn/asura/sylvari would be SO much better


in fact, i only want two, okay three, points for the next spec

1: big power damage dealer. herald, support, rene, support/condi.

2. the legend be a VILLAIN, we're 2 for 2 with hero elites, and rev was initially pitched as channeling villains

3. arenanet, i know you'll eventually read these suggestions (or maybe you already have) but please



PLEEEASE the love of the five do NOT, DO NOT give us greatsword. DO NOT!!! 6/9* professions have it already, while weapons like scepter, focus, and pistols go unloved

(thats a hint, dual pistols for next spec, like spb. god knows we need the build diversity)



**oh its five professions, but point stands. dont need more twilights running around

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> @"Gihn.1043" said:

> nooope no no no, too much fire, we have berserker spec for that, and all that burn is another condi spec, we have kalla. ICE, OUTER SPACE, or a so-far-unused race legend like norn/asura/sylvari would be SO much better


> in fact, i only want two, okay three, points for the next spec

> 1: big power damage dealer. herald, support, rene, support/condi.


Well, herald is in a good place in power dps right now. How about an e-spec that focus on a more sneaky way to play or open up a spellcasting gameplay.


> 2. the legend be a VILLAIN, we're 2 for 2 with hero elites, and rev was initially pitched as channeling villains


So a legendary asura or maybe the Kraith that created the favourite professions of it's race: slave merchant?


Now that I think of it, an heavy control focus e-spec named _slaver_ and relying on a kraith legendary character could be a fun thing to launch at the GW2 PvP.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Well, herald is in a good place in power dps right now. How about an e-spec that focus on a more sneaky way to play or open up a spellcasting gameplay.


very true, and i am so grateful for that. its now our goto power spec until expc 3. but, should we get a _dedicated_ power/control/combat spec, it leaves herald to be buffed to the point of a very appealing support like chrono, druid, and firebrand are now.

in fact, since herald revolves around the idea of a "boon centric" elite, i think it should overthrow chrono as the unquestioned king of boons, but thats another discussion

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