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DE Rifle should not have been changed but slightly nerf the burst. HUGE PROBLEM Anet

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I can understand how anet wanted to approach the DE elite but changing the Rifle skills wasnt needed at all. DE is the Weakest in the game no condition clean and lack the mobility to get out of close situation besides shortbow 5 skill. then again few hits 1-2 your already dead. DE need to focus on Power in order to make the elite show its true power with the sacrifice of survivability, health and most of all condi clean. IF a DE kills your rifle Full elite it means the player has learned the class while taking the time to DIE discovering how to play the elite. P/p Thief and any other build have made the changes to the current DE elite and Rifle should not be in the picture BESIDES THE BURST. Yes the Burst damage is high and should be tone down but then again 2 hits MAX your dead cause most players focus on power DE builds which breaks the survivability of the elite but in pvp pro players all know MOVMENT IS KEY and this is DE.

I am a pro DE player, i was able to rotate, decap and kill any class by movement and yes there were times i die but learned from death experience and skill reaction learning when to avoid and striking.

P/p Thief Troll and sword build break DE elite as malice triple the damage.


Then again Rifle skills should not have been changed and stealth should be an kneel option. but slightly reduce the burst damage

Overall DE rifle Thief DO NOT WANT TO GET HIT BY ANYTHING, once you get hit gg your dead and there is a 25% change shortbow 5 skill will save you in situations. if a player fails to kill a DE rifle then they need to learn there class more. De are the weakest and with Death judgment an auto attack while the 4 skill is a lame random block all projectiles is useless because de do not want be get hit by anything due to the power focus of the build


Get in, Finish the Job and get out. Simple

p/p and sword build broken malice while anet change rifle system while all that was a slight nerf to the burst.


Example other elite are beyond OP. and can out kill DE anytime

Mesmer Dodge instant break stun and 100% evade is OP as hell. this alone breaks a DE

Guards teleport damage and block with insane main burn condi stacks 25 stack is the highest lol...

Warrior Full counter full zerk and rotations control. many stuns and skill combo connection

Necro Aoe 1-2 hits can kill a DE boon strip, knockdowns and instant stacks of condi pressure

Rev teleport and damage instant.

Pro thief will always try to Break DE and break there rotations while decaping in any match its thief vs thief to control rotations. when a thief out power the other gg for that team

Engi burst alone will eat a DE

Ele is some what the weakest but with earth trait and aura reflect gg for that de


any pressure to the De elite will die in seconds. only the burst should have been changed and nerfed slightly secondly p/p should have been nerfed only when using DE elite with sword (Evade)

Rifle should not have been touched.


with the broken kneel, 50% of thief traits are useless. thief overall is to control stealth and provide damage while being the weakest of all classes. those who master classes are based on experience learning from death.




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> @"Darknessz.9650"


Have you considered playing s/d or d/p instead of your braindead, easy to use Deadeye specialization? I get that you're upset that your crutch specialization got nerfed/changed, but I couldn't be any happier. Nerfing some of the traits such as Unforgiving that made the specialization cheap and unfair to fight against was completely justified. These nerfs just go to show that if you want to get to the higher ranks, you play s/d or d/p. How do you think Sindrener got to Legend rank?

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > @"Darknessz.9650"


> Have you considered playing s/d or d/p instead of your braindead, easy to use Deadeye specialization? I get that you're upset that your crutch specialization got nerfed/changed, but I couldn't be any happier. Nerfing some of the traits such as Unforgiving that made the specialization cheap and unfair to fight against was completely justified. These nerfs just go to show that if you want to get to the higher ranks, you play s/d or d/p. How do you think Sindrener got to Legend rank?


I don't really know if I agree with the changes yet (well I'm certain DE was fine before), but I also don't have a clue where you're coming from or what you're trying to persuade us of.


For example, you say DE is a braindead easy to use specialization of which nerfs were totally justified, but then a sentence later say Sindrener got to legend by playing d/p and s/d. You can't have it both ways, do you think DE rifle + DJ was too good and needed nerfs, or that it was a shit spec that probably needed buffs to actually be viable to get to legend rank with it?

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Did you actually play DE.. and did you even play it well?


A good Deadeye is a oppressive force, but no where near as bad as a mediocre mesmer.


You had the strongest self heal in the game. The best condi cleanse that could remove 7 conditions. The highest instaneous burst at range. Very strong access to stealth with the ability to shrug off reveal. Mobility equal to core thief till you kneel. And long range mug that could poison people.


If you make a mountain out of a handful of flaws - it's going to be a mountain. But if you work around it, it's actually very solid. I love the changes too.

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> @"Darknessz.9650" said:

> I can understand how anet wanted to approach the DE elite but changing the Rifle skills wasnt needed at all. DE is the Weakest in the game no condition clean and lack the mobility to get out of close situation besides shortbow 5 skill. then again few hits 1-2 your already dead. DE need to focus on Power in order to make the elite show its true power with the sacrifice of survivability, health and most of all condi clean. IF a DE kills your rifle Full elite it means the player has learned the class while taking the time to DIE discovering how to play the elite. P/p Thief and any other build have made the changes to the current DE elite and Rifle should not be in the picture BESIDES THE BURST. Yes the Burst damage is high and should be tone down but then again 2 hits MAX your dead cause most players focus on power DE builds which breaks the survivability of the elite but in pvp pro players all know MOVMENT IS KEY and this is DE.

> I am a pro DE player, i was able to rotate, decap and kill any class by movement and yes there were times i die but learned from death experience and skill reaction learning when to avoid and striking.

> P/p Thief Troll and sword build break DE elite as malice triple the damage.


> Then again Rifle skills should not have been changed and stealth should be an kneel option. but slightly reduce the burst damage

> Overall DE rifle Thief DO NOT WANT TO GET HIT BY ANYTHING, once you get hit gg your dead and there is a 25% change shortbow 5 skill will save you in situations. if a player fails to kill a DE rifle then they need to learn there class more. De are the weakest and with Death judgment an auto attack while the 4 skill is a lame random block all projectiles is useless because de do not want be get hit by anything due to the power focus of the build


> Get in, Finish the Job and get out. Simple

> p/p and sword build broken malice while anet change rifle system while all that was a slight nerf to the burst.


> Example other elite are beyond OP. and can out kill DE anytime

> Mesmer Dodge instant break stun and 100% evade is OP as hell. this alone breaks a DE

> Guards teleport damage and block with insane main burn condi stacks 25 stack is the highest lol...

> Warrior Full counter full zerk and rotations control. many stuns and skill combo connection

> Necro Aoe 1-2 hits can kill a DE boon strip, knockdowns and instant stacks of condi pressure

> Rev teleport and damage instant.

> Pro thief will always try to Break DE and break there rotations while decaping in any match its thief vs thief to control rotations. when a thief out power the other gg for that team

> Engi burst alone will eat a DE

> Ele is some what the weakest but with earth trait and aura reflect gg for that de


> any pressure to the De elite will die in seconds. only the burst should have been changed and nerfed slightly secondly p/p should have been nerfed only when using DE elite with sword (Evade)

> Rifle should not have been touched.


> with the broken kneel, 50% of thief traits are useless. thief overall is to control stealth and provide damage while being the weakest of all classes. those who master classes are based on experience learning from death.





Holy wall of text


Lets address a couple items here:


1.) If you were truly "pro" you would know that DE is def not the "weakest" in the game.

2.) As a "pro", you should also know if you are going to throw salt on the forums, you should make constructive suggestions instead of QQing. Obv you are upset and have no issues throwing a wall of text as to why, however as a "pro", what do you think could help?

3.) As a "pro" in your class, you should also be familiar to class/build changes. I fail to understand why you come on here to throw salt after only 2 days post patch. Clearly you haven't embraced your "pro-ness" and learned to make it work. Maybe take some time dueling with the updated class changes. Any "pro" worth their salt (pun intended) would find a way to make it work...and know it may take more than just 2 days.

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> @"Darknessz.9650" said:



I agree that DE is rather suspectible to high dmg, but then again all Thieves are. DE is nowhere near weakest nor does it have "_no condi_" clense.

Please do not pretend that Rifle DE is skillful or hard to play, because it's the most or second most easiest profession in the game to play and that's quite widely known.

Also, it's not a 'pro thief' who will break DE that's simply a Thief.

DJ was simply all too hard hitting, easy to avoid but people tend to forget that DJ Sound and Laser gets bugged 90% of the time and you get Hit before you hear the sound and see the laser.

Most importantly, an advise, if you want your post to have clarity, do not state Rev as OP.



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lets adress the firts point on this

DE should never had hapen, this game (specially pvp modes)dont need camper snipers

calling skillfull a class/spec that can kill at 1500 and stealth is a joke, and if they want a 1500 range stealth class that with high damage the rules are simple if enemy cant reach them alive DE have to be dead whith no escape method(REVEALED AND ROOTED TO PLACE)

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