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Are the Underwater leggy precursor prices going to drop again?

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We'll never know for sure until ANet officially announces something, but I don't expect an underwater expansion. The recent balance patch was not more than a baby step on the path towards making underwater content actually playable (on a level compared to terrestrial content) and it would most likely take them years to reach that goal. Bringing an underwater expansion before the gameplay fundamentals are ready would be suicide. For this reason, I'd assume that underwater precursors will continue their downward trajectory of the last days.

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When Arenanet introduced precursor crafting, they based the required materials on the prices of said precursors at the time. As such, they are fixed within a given range. They may go up, but at that point it becomes very profitable for someone who has not crafted them to just craft the items and sell for profit.

This is why I was, and still am, against the method they used to create the recipes.

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