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The PvP population is dead because of the following reasons


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The game is slowly going down imo.. no response from devs about many influencional threads about pvp and its current state. I see many people complaining and doing threads like ''Anet, Please Just Tell Us You're Listening''. Cheaters are not getting banned(with solid evidence attached), patchecs are geting more silly from patch to patch.. (like that unneeded deadeye change wich made rifle totaly useless and destroyed its previous gamestyle where u actualy felt like sniper). There is no real connection between players and devs.. like there is with Blizzard games. At this point i think Anet cares only about money.. since only players who get banned really fast are the ones selling gold wich cuts of Anet % proffit. It gives a bad light on gw wich in my opinion is best mmo by far. And u can see that frustration with many players doing all sorts of diferent complain posts and streamers with their youtube videos! Pvp is a strong point in this game and many people play only pvp and WvW wich clearly its not geting enough much needed atention in realations playery to devs. If u check the thread i opened about cheaters i still didnt get confirmation what has happend to that player or if any sanctions where taken against that player nor by email i sent neither on the forum post i made. Current player base in pvp is sad u are geting matched with known players ( as the hacker i exposed and i still see him destroying ranked games )or players that are really below your rank and u play against much higher tier with them or the other way around wich leads to not many quality games where skill is simmilar on both sides and u really start noticing that there is more luck envolved then skill in many of those games revolving around what teammates u get. Those of u who play enough pvp are aware of the issue i am trying to tell here! Pls give us some much needed response and jusctice thowards those who use cheats and other exploits (wintrading, etc.)


i am reposting my comment from other thread. I think it suits here better!

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And the forum it self is a prove of how horrible things are latley, reading the forum titles its like reading first page of tabloid's horror titles. Murder there murder everywhere!

and most people that uses forum are here from long based expiriences with the game and are players who actualy care about this game! Get someone who plays gw and pay him to read those posts if u cant! It clearly shows your lack of communication between players and anet!

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> 1. You allow decay to be capped at 700

> 2. You allow 1 game every 3 days before decay kicks in

> 3. Balance is..

> 4. No new game modes

> 5. No development focus on PvP


You forgot to add feeders and condition players on the list. These are fairly good reasons to not play PvP.

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There are like 100s of improvements request each week from each area of the game.


They already have a huge list to work through.


Implanting a change isn't a simple task, there are steps and policies they have to follow to insure that nothing they add will completely break the game.


Balance is indeed an issue but it is also quite hard to do (not long they had a skill split system in place).


If you did pay a attention a while ago there is an PVP improvements update is already on its way.

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> 1. You allow decay to be capped at 700

> 2. You allow 1 game every 3 days before decay kicks in



I think you are trying to argue that there would be more people playing if you allowed decay to set in more quickly than 3 days.


It is highly unlikely that doing so would have the effect you expect. If people knew that they couldn't accomplish much in PvP without committing to playing say every day then they would be less likely to bother playing. You see the die hard people are going to play all the time regardless.... so you've already got them. The people that would increase the player base are the on the fence people who may play or may not. I don't think your strategies would actually grow the player base, they would likely shrink it as more competitive people who couldn't play more than once every 3 days would give up.


Similarly if you don't cap decay, then people would be so far behind after going on a weeks vacation or whatever that they wouldn't bother coming back.





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For 1. and 2. not much can be done about that. People have lives, some can only play on weekends. Decay has to allow people to recover and catch up from Friday to Sunday.



For 3, this is a big problem. Every time someone brings up an issue, there's always people who benefit from the problem acting as if nothing was wrong and that people need to "L2P". And when the problem does get fixed, they whine and whine as if it was the end of the world.

That is pointless noise that doesn't help.

Those few may think something broken is fine, but in the meantime, there's new players trying to get into PvP that basically turn around at the door and never come back because of those broken things killing them way too fast and not letting them learn from their mistakes, making pvp not fun at all for them.


There's problems that should be obvious to all and must stop ASAP: the pace is too fast, there's too much spam, too many actions possible in too little time, no aftercast after too many instant cast skills, large mobile AoEs, healing effects that can be maintained constantly, builds that can do too many things too well too often, heavy systain builds that can both take a lot of damage while doing too much, active passive effects with no conditions to work and 100% upkeep time, no 'enemy lines' that let people take cover behind them because of the high mobility and no bodyblocks making people basically walk in circles around each other all the time, lack of decent cover against projectiles in most maps, capture points too small that can be covered with large AoEs, and on and on...

Even duo queue still existing is a problem, you see this all the time. Dev team tries to let teams and randoms play together, teams work too well, then try duo/solo, that doesn't work either, they end up having to remove teams or split things into solo and teams. Every time. Nobody is going to reinvent the wheel, and the same problems repeat over and over.


We'd need to have like 1/3 of current damage and 1/6 of current healing and most skill activations and recharges increased by 10-50% depending on the skill to start getting a proper pace and have less spam so new players and spectators can actually have battles in which they see what's going on. Having the screen

It's too obvious to anyone who has analyzed enough skill bar-based games. The more skills you have, the less you can let people use them all in little time, too often.


And we desperately need a drafting process at the start of ranked and tournament matches, because it's not possible for developers to keep a game completely balanced, but it's possible for players to quickly identify the most problematic builds. This is why most player-made tournaments always have restrictions like banned builds and characters.

If we had a way to prepare a series of builds and queue with them instead with the current character, we could also have a drafting process at the start of the match, and players would be able to ban problematic builds before matches start. Then it would not matter if someone figures out some lazy gimmick build that allows them to spam and spam and get undeserved victories, people would quickly catch up and take those out of matches. This would also require having on-the fly character swap and templates in PvP so after the drafting process, characters associated to the builds selected would be loaded right away with the build, and then players would be locked with those characters and builds until the end of the match.


Also, there's no AI training arenas, match replays and a decent death breakdown panel that shows what damaged them when and what skill caused what condition either. Even if the pace was properly brought down to what it should be, it would still be pretty fast, so we'd still need tools for new players to be able to see what happened, what's going on and improve by themselves.



For 4, new game modes will not be possible until balance is fixed first. Look at stronghold. Stack&Spam works in Conquest way too much to allow winning with little actual skill, but in Stronghold it allowed people to basically walk to the enemy lord in turtle formation and kill it without having a single player down. Now there's no more team queue, so it should be less of a problem, but duo queue alone is bad enough as any team build tailoring against other random players is too much of it already. And queue Syncing still works too often, specially at higher ratings with longer wait times.



I have to disagree with 5, though. The PvP team may not be large or composed of exclusive dedicated members, and they may not be doing all the right things all the time, and they may relying too much on the opinions of 'skilled' players with vested interest of keeping PvP unapproachable because they have gotten used to ho things are, but they are at least trying to do new things and fix things too.

PvP modes are just very demanding in resources, so when the game doesn't have an exclusive focus on it, it will not be as good as it can be.

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To elaborate on the balance.


One of the biggest issues is that we see no role diversity come out of the patches mostly. The current medkit change to allow support scrapper is the rare exception. You have to wait till an expansion to see a role change usually, that’s 2 years.

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You need to go deeper if you really want to talk about why PVP is dead.


The business model Anet has is unsustainable. The more shit they add to the game the more shit everyone has to do at that company because everything gets exponentially more complex and time-consuming. You get to a point where the shit becomes so unmanageable that all you can do is just try and keep things from falling apart.


They need to come up with systems that allow them to expand (in terms of game development) without increasing the need for more manpower.


Case in point are currencies. When the game first started, developers only had to think of gold and karma as far as currencies went. Look at the amount of currencies we have now and imagine how much more time it takes for them to make decisions on things that affect this aspect of the game. Also, having a bazillion currencies makes it more difficult for players as well, especially new players or returning players. This is a lose-lose system that should have not been implemented into the game.


For Anet to truly turn this game around, they need to look at their business model and ask themselves how efficient their processes are. My bet is that its a lot more work for them now than when the game first started.


Edit: It starts with management. If you have a management team that doesn't put their employees in a position to succeed then they shouldn't be surprised when the company doesn't do well. The writing is on the wall for this company and they have set themselves up for failure long-term.

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> @"Lux van Grozny.3458" said:

> And the forum it self is a prove of how horrible things are latley, reading the forum titles its like reading first page of tabloid's horror titles. Murder there murder everywhere!

> and most people that uses forum are here from long based expiriences with the game and are players who actualy care about this game! Get someone who plays gw and pay him to read those posts if u cant! It clearly shows your lack of communication between players and anet!


Yes, because clearly the select few players who pour salt into the pvp forums each day represent the larger majority of players who just play the game and dont post anything.


Take a look at the leaderboard, how many of those names in the top whatever be the glorious number do you see posting here. Barely any.


So most of the top players are kickin butt and not crying on the forums while the mid/lower tier make one salty post after another.


Just an observation.


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> @"Sampson.2403" said:


> Take a look at the leaderboard, how many of those names in the top whatever be the glorious number do you see posting here. Barely any.


> So most of the top players are kickin butt and not crying on the forums while the mid/lower tier make one salty post after another.


> Just an observation.



most of the top players play chrono :)

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5 points are linked to me. People do 1 game every 3 day because the most you play solo queue, the highest chances you have to get unluck and chain wins/chain loses potentially due to poor setups and low population.


Decay is an issue but it should more likely not exist since it doesnt serve any purpose.

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> @"shion.2084" said:

> > @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > 1. You allow decay to be capped at 700

> > 2. You allow 1 game every 3 days before decay kicks in

> ...


> I think you are trying to argue that there would be more people playing if you allowed decay to set in more quickly than 3 days.


> It is highly unlikely that doing so would have the effect you expect. If people knew that they couldn't accomplish much in PvP without committing to playing say every day then they would be less likely to bother playing. You see the die hard people are going to play all the time regardless.... so you've already got them. The people that would increase the player base are the on the fence people who may play or may not. I don't think your strategies would actually grow the player base, they would likely shrink it as more competitive people who couldn't play more than once every 3 days would give up.


> Similarly if you don't cap decay, then people would be so far behind after going on a weeks vacation or whatever that they wouldn't bother coming back.






Yeah, if anything making decay set in later would help. I'm a content creator for another game and I'm often streaming or playing in tournaments. I had the urge to play an MMO but didn't want to pay a sub or deal with P2W games so I returned to GW2. I had a lot of fun in SPVP, I climbed to the top of gold, but I haven't been able to play much over the last few weeks. When I played again yesterday and saw I had decayed to bronze... I felt a little discouraged.


I mean, sure, you get it back again fast. But when you're playing it as a secondary game... Why bother? It encourages me to play PVE or WvW where my progress doesn't get soft reset every few weeks. I'm a PvP player at heart, so I'd rather play SPVP. But I don't want to have to get my rank back every time I can't play for a week or two.


I know that puts me solidly in casual territory but isn't that the problem with the PvP population? As you said, the hardcore players will play, regardless.

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> @"shinta.8906" said:

> > @"Sampson.2403" said:


> > Take a look at the leaderboard, how many of those names in the top whatever be the glorious number do you see posting here. Barely any.

> >

> > So most of the top players are kickin butt and not crying on the forums while the mid/lower tier make one salty post after another.

> >

> > Just an observation.

> >


> most of the top players play chrono :)


or wintrade

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