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Need a Class/Build Recommendation

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Hey all,


I want a recommendation for an all-around class. I play both PvE and PvP. The reason I need a rec is because I want to work towards legendary armor, but I want to know for certain who I want to get it for. Currently, my 80s that I have experience with are engi (my main, but I am not enjoying holo) and warrior (secondary, currently sb). My other 80s are guardian, thief, ranger, and revenant, but I lack knowledge of these classes. I had fun on my celest engi when that was a thing, but holo feels like a glass canon now. My warrior is fun, if not basic. What I want is a sustain/damage class or build; kind of like a tanky class with mid-high damage. I have never liked being a squishy, high-dps class. Celest engi felt right back when it was good. I could sustain myself while whittling my foes down. Obviously in PvE it's all about dmg so I would have a build for that.


I have a feeling there is a guardian build that would suit me. I like the idea of a rev, but I heard they are useless outside of one raid boss and WvW zergs. What do you all think I would enjoy?

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Pvp, raids and high end fractals are the hardest content in the game (although pvp depends on the enemy, as it is an intelligent being it can always be potentially hard)


There is no class that fits all and if you find it, it is likely OP and will change with future balance patches. All of these content uses specialized builds, often optimized for the format.


To be welcome in those content, it is a lot more appreciated if you mastered more then one class and are not fixated to it.


What most people do is create a class people prefer for social interactions, afk and bantering and regular content. That class also is good for one specific content, maybe two. But people tend to have more on the shelf for other content.


To an extend, for all these content it is good to know other classes. If you fight a necromancer in pvp and have a hard time, knowing what they do will help you a lot. It also helps identifying how someone in raid and fractals need to improve.

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I have 80's with elite specs for each class, but I can't really make any recommendations for any. Every class seems under-developed...

I hate glass cannons, but my three clothies (weaver, scourge, and mirage) can take down champions in PvE without breaking a sweat, while my three heavy armor characters haven't a snowball's chance in Hades of doing the same. Meanwhile, my herald has never lost a match in PvP. Something about that dwarf hammer swinging around and around and beating the kitten-puppy-piglet-duckling-lamb out of everything in the way... but not much use against champions in PvE or of any real benefit in WvW. Meanwhile, my dragon hunter and berserker have never won a match in PvP. Go figure. My three medium armor classes are fun enough -- I enjoy playing my druid (with the right tanking pets, he's good, especially underwater) and scrapper (played right, he's tough, but you really have to pay attention to how you play him), but hate my daredevil -- most of the time the three medium armor class characters' DPS isn't adequate (they can't take down champions, for instance, before they themselves are killed) and their survivability, even with exotic gear and ascended jewelry, leaves them too vulnerable.

Different strokes for different folks; different builds and specializations may give different mileage; I chose specs in some cases just to be different. I hate "flavor of the month" builds... but in general I've found longer ranged classes > shorter ranged classes > melee classes and glass cannons >> everything by far. Shouldn't be that way, but armor seems to provide no benefit to survivability. You survive by killing your opponents more quickly, not by "toughness" or even dodging. Some people are good at dodging, but every now and then you actually have to try to hit your opponent, so you can't always get out of those red rings stacked on top of those other red rings stacked on top of those other red rings stacked on top of ... etc. And when you do, you're chain-stunned or chain-knocked down or chain-blinded or chain-chained-in-place or chain-knocked away or chained-pulled in or chained-whatever. Which means you don't actually get to play the game; you just get to die.

Too damn much AoE and CC. Best be long-ranged to avoid it.

If I had to recommend anything -- and I don't want to -- I'd go with my druid (I'm biased; he's my main). With the right pets, he's not only fun to play, he's survivable. He's ranged and will do mid-level damage from a distance and if you toggle between multiple pets that hold aggro (don't go with the high-DPS pets; that's a mistake), you can win most battles (except champions)... or run when necessary. Got to have the right pets...

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