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InstanceCreate failed Error=1042


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I can't load the instance. stuck on loading screen. And kicked with a error 1026 error. Reload not working with a 1036 error. Same stuf whe all have. Server Vabbi. Why did i hope it all worked. Gw2 launch logging problems. LS release always has some major fuckup. And Hot whas not great either. All the warnings where there. And stil i had hope. Anyways back to wvw.

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> 2. "Since release of PoF"

> Yeah, complex game and code and less than 24 hours, what a shame



A post from 5 month ago with the same error:


Tried to enter the new story instance after several minutes I shutdown the game and restarted it. I then got this error when I tried to enter the instance.


Is this an EU only problem?


Added "-maploadinfo" to the game shortcut and trying to enter the new instance shows "STATE_SERVER_WAIT".

You don't have enough servers to host the game???

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+1 to:

> @Blood.7254 said:

> > @Ozaloni.3097 said:

> > Dear A-net,

> >

> > if this was a car I had just brought and it didn't start like my prologue story, I would be giving them a chance to fix it. That it takes a day and it is still not fixed I would expect a good will gesture for the inconvenience that it is causing. In this vein I feel it only fair that as I still can't use the item you've sold me and after a day you've still not been able to fix it - given ample opportunity I feel it only right and fair to expect some form of refund for the hassle this is causing.

> >

> > Kind Regards.


> I second this.


> You have to make it up to us Anet.


Me and guildies are having this issue.



We have been trying since last night...


Hope you can fix this soon enough ;)

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> "Gosh i am so sick of you ppl..."

If you are sick go to bed to get better. :)

My euros are hard to win, so yeee, I must complain without delay, because this expansion already cost me €80. And if we don't complain, things don't evolve.

I hope you get better from your sickness soon.


Server: Aurora Glade

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I play on Piken Square EU and have suffered both the error 1036 and the infinite loading screen after which you have a connection error while trying to enter the prologue.


Since I could not play Path of Fire I wanted to continue playing personal story on an other character and got the same problem entering a story instance created an infinite loading screen and disconnection error. In this case I was trying to enter "Ossuary of Unquiet Dead" and after loading for several minutes got the following error message: 7:0:0:1026:101

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