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Balance the scourge now, not when next expansion comes


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> @"Zefrost.3425" said:

> It's honestly an embarassment to the games design. Let's pretend GW2 was just releasing today and was surrounded by hype and EoTM existed and all maps were queued, all servers were seperate and full of life, dungeons were a thing, we had all these new fractals and raids etc.


> **You would nerf the scourge.**


> Because you would lose players because of it. Players would complain about how ridiculously overpowered the scourge is and going back to a time when the forums were active, the entire forum would be full of complaints about scourge - and you would nerf it and redesign it. Being able to murder everyone in sight every 10 seconds compared to every 8 seconds (just an example) **LITERALLY** doesn't make a difference **AT ALL** _EVER_. I used to main necromancer for almost 4 years so I can very well tell you how to balance the scourge. Players complaining about nerfs shouldn't even be a factor in the decision because there's more people complaining about how overpowered scourge is - which is totally justified.


> This is how to balance the scourge properly. If a game dev from a game such as league of legends saw how ridiculous scourge is in this game, he would also agree due to the consideration of counterplay. And no, PvE is not being taken into consideration because it doesn't matter if you kill something in 5:46 or 5:14 - it still dies very fast. (Oh, and we're going to consider the scourge a condition damage class with support. (Since making it just support would be too off the end for many players) Reaper is the power class - scourge is the condition class):


> **1.** The scourge itself no longer counts as a sand shade.

> **2.** Sand shade skills cannot be used unless a sand shade is active (makes no difference, though, after change #1)

> **3.** Manifest sand shade now _actually_ uses life force and no longer deals physical damage.

> **4.** Garish pillar inflicts 2s of fear instead of 1s and no longer deals physical damage.

> **5.** Desert shroud is reworked entirely; no longer inflicts physical damage, grants barrier, or inflicts torment, etc.

> Desert shroud now causes any currently active sand shades to pulse their effects and associated traits (eg. Reaper's might grants might to allies with manifest sand shade) as well as causing any currently active sand shades to pulse shroud skill 5 associated traits (eg. Active sand shades granting AOE stability with foot in the grave when using desert shroud) This means pulsing barrier near sand shades etc. etc. Traits and abilities may need to be reworded a bit to make coherent sense.

> **7.** Sand flare no longer corrupts boons into torment and cripple. Instead, this skill inflicts AOE blind near any currently active sand shades.

> **8.** Sand swell no longer corrupts boons into torment and cripple and no longer inflicts physical damage.

> **9.** Trail of anguish no longer corrupts boons into torment and cripple; simply inflicts torment and cripple. Also no longer inflicts burning or physical damage.

> **10.** Dessicate now draws in any currently active sand shades to the player character, exploding the shades and dealing devastating damage, granting life force per shade exploded.

> **11.** Serpent siphon now sends all currently active sand shades to the target area and activates all manifest sand shade and shroud skill 1 traits.





> It's not my job to balance everything, but there are some ideas for you. That is a class with more counterplay and better design concept than the current iteration of the scourge. Kind of like ventari revenant, only with more tablets and... better.


What Scourge is best at is hitting beyond the range of any toon - and I do mean any.




Those circles that go everywhere, even in 'no line of sight' are so tremendously large it only takes three of them to decimate a very large group.


With all the rest of the 'unkillable' 'undamagable' such as mirage, soulbeast and spellbreaker, Scourge is just a bit much when it comes to the 'fairness'

doctrine GW2 says WvW is supposed to be.

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have you ever seen 6 scourges blown up to pieces by 2 gs berserkers and 1 spellbreaker? its amazing. but yeah most of the times, when half of blob its made with scourges that corners you to a wall its not fun at all. the way i see it, they multiply power way to much when in groups, thats the only problem at the end of the day. in 1v1 they are average, 5v5 can cause problems if not properly focused, thats it

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@ OP

It's really up to ANet to create & encourage a diverse community of game play & styles.


Which is what you're probably alluding to.


ANet needs to carefully consider what balancing does for the Long-Term impact to creating a competitive & healthy game mode.



**Knowing is half the battle...**


I agree...what fun is it when 80% of all players all look alike & sound alike...in the case for 1v1.


However, there are times where 80% of your arsenal should be a particular weapon. In a large scale conflict...you don't field an army that's made up of mixed experts. There are reasons why the Roman army were so successful in conflicts vs similar sized armies.


Conquering Armies quickly adapt & field soldiers equipped to win, or you switch to guerrilla warfare if your forces can't sustain a consistent assault.


Don't hold your breath...ANet isn't too keen on encouraging diversity. The concepts related to having a diverse WvW ecosystem is an example that I've tried to raise in a previous post, but it's been ignored & severely repressed on the old forum.




Having said that...here's my advice to your personal situation & every player that says:


**"Insert Class" is Over-Powered & needs to be nerfed.**


You have 3 options if you want to set yourself up for victory:


1) Play a class that counters the "Over-Powered" class. Use the right "Tool". Ask any mechanic how valuable this knowledge is.

2) Play the "Over-Powered" class yourself. Nobody can beat the class right? If you can't beat them...why not join them?

3) Play PvE where you can eventually figure out how to beat an NPC that's a lot more predictable than fighting another player.


Wayne's World - Car !!!

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