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WvW VIP area

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> But this would be a WvW oriented presumably cash shop item. It doesn't matter if a glider skin flops with the WvW crowd because the PvErs will buy it cuz gotta have em all. If something like this flops with the WvW crowd then that's pretty much it. So yeah there's overlap but this is presumably a riskier proposition.

Anet can just copy Mistlock Sanctuary. I already have it, but I'd pay some extra gems to be able to run down my pips there at the end of the night.



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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > But this would be a WvW oriented presumably cash shop item. It doesn't matter if a glider skin flops with the WvW crowd because the PvErs will buy it cuz gotta have em all. If something like this flops with the WvW crowd then that's pretty much it. So yeah there's overlap but this is presumably a riskier proposition.

> Anet can just copy Mistlock Sanctuary. I already have it, but I'd pay some extra gems to be able to run down my pips there at the end of the night.




Do you mean Obsidean Sanctum?

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > But this would be a WvW oriented presumably cash shop item. It doesn't matter if a glider skin flops with the WvW crowd because the PvErs will buy it cuz gotta have em all. If something like this flops with the WvW crowd then that's pretty much it. So yeah there's overlap but this is presumably a riskier proposition.

> Anet can just copy Mistlock Sanctuary. I already have it, but I'd pay some extra gems to be able to run down my pips there at the end of the night.


You'd pay gems for a redundant item that would give you the ability to do something you can already do for free?

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I see the OP's idea and I think it would be nice to have crafting added to OS or like they said a vip zone. I know the pvp people have one for being top tier in pvp so they could do the same for wvw. Make OS have crafting locations near our own spawns. While waiting for my pips to run down I would love to be working on something else I then have to wait longer to do. 2 birds 1 stone would be helpful.


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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> You'd pay gems for a redundant item that would give you the ability to do something you can already do for free?

I can't currently run down my participation clock in Mistlock Sanctuary. It would be worth some gems to me (not the full 1000 I already paid though) to be able to run down the clock there. There are various crafting tasks and purchases I do daily. I would be able to do those while waiting for the clock to run down.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > You'd pay gems for a redundant item that would give you the ability to do something you can already do for free?

> I can't currently run down my participation clock in Mistlock Sanctuary. It would be worth some gems to me (not the full 1000 I already paid though) to be able to run down the clock there. There are various crafting tasks and purchases I do daily. I would be able to do those while waiting for the clock to run down.


Mind boggling but ok.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > You'd pay gems for a redundant item that would give you the ability to do something you can already do for free?

> I can't currently run down my participation clock in Mistlock Sanctuary. It would be worth some gems to me (not the full 1000 I already paid though) to be able to run down the clock there. There are various crafting tasks and purchases I do daily. I would be able to do those while waiting for the clock to run down.


Not going to happen the most lock is part of the pve world.


I don't understand why some people are against a VIP area. If anything it might help the que's so that ppl aren't just afking at a full map. Yes I know you can go to OS but I hardly see that and when some one in /team asks the afkers to go to OS or a less populated map most ppl ignore them or give them flack. A-net does not have to make it a gem store item they can do something like the PvP VIP area were you win it....I would prefer gem personally but each to their own.

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> @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> I don't understand why some people are against a VIP area.


I don't understand people who are so obsessed with squeezing every point of participation out of every play session that they would literally sit there and let their participation time out. I also don't understand the whales who will buy seemingly anything Anet puts into their little gem store. But to each their own I suppose.

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ANet made changes to OS for this purpose, they could probably do a couple of more things with it, but I find it decent as is.




In the past suggested them making a own dedicated "Server Lobby map", basically cut out the citadel from Alpine, and restore the crafting stations, add some golems and a dueling area. And make it a place where we don't get kicked out off (like the pvp lobby).


Would work as a place with every merchant and service, let us practice and train (with wvw stats and skills), be a map where people won't create queue's for relevant maps, pip cooldown, and a good way to meet players from the same server (for recruitment and community forming etc).


But they rather changes OS, while I think it is sub-par compared to the alternative, it's still a good change and I like it. Serves the purpose of "Pip-down", while clearing out invent and doing services quite well.

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