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Do you pay give importance to the Lore in GW?


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I like the lore, but on my first play through the game I haven't payed too much attention to it because I needed most of my attention to the gameplay. I also missed parts of the story because I quit playing during LW S1.


I liked the story of GW:Prophecies the best as it gave me a true feeling of being part of an epic journey. This is something I miss in GW2, especially in the core game.


I love the current [WoodenPotatoes playthrough](

"WoodenPotatoes playthrough") as it allows me to recap the story and learn things about the lore that I never picked up during my original playthrough. I can really recommend it to anyone who lost track of the story/lore somewhere.
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The lore is interesting but it's been too human-centric.


The overt, unnecessary and unearned heroism throughout the story combined with a lack of darkness and flaws in its cast means it's alright for memes (I love you Kormir) but not for sitting down and having a think about.


Where are my heavy decisions? When do I get to make a choice that requires great sacrifice from me?

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I think I'd say that I love the lore, but I hate the story and most of its characters.


As for the dragons, I think the initial idea was kind of cool. Elder dragons were supposed to be more like forces of nature than dragons. The execution, however, has been lacking. For my part, I think Mordremoth completely shattered this idea. Mordremoth acts and speaks like a human would. We aren't fighting forces of nature. We are fighting humans that look like dragons. I kind of hope they see this as a mistake and learn from it.

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