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Please Don't Nerf the Chef!


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> @Vash.2386 said:

> Why would you care if it was nerfed. You did it already, you succeeded, you can't do it again. Why should it matter to you if it is nerfed?


Because the same people always demand for everything that requires more effort than collecting a login reward to be nerfed.

When majority of people get stuck because something that isn't optional is too hard, then yes. Like they did with caudecus. But this is optional and already very easy.

The throw animation is the same speed as pretty much everywhere else in the game, the chef always follow the same path and stop at the same places all the time, and the ingredients are always at the same place. The hardest part would be to remember where ingredients are, but you can see their name, and when there's 40 people doing it at the same time like in the demo last month.




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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> You mean the chef that asks for ingredients in a short time in order for you to get a PoF mastery point?


> Please, DO nerf it. I found it very annoying. And because English is not my native tongue, I tend to need more time reading than he gives me, guaranteeing a fail. I'll see if I can get other mastery points in order to get to the springer mount.



Please, it's very easy. My English isn't my native tongue and I've done. A little challenge does not hurt anyone.

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It takes a few tries but I got it. I found if the chef is running it's best to wait until he stops before throwing the item to him. Like others have said, once you memorize where the ingredients are it's pretty easy. Edit: Although, it might not be a bad idea to extend the timer a little bit.


(It's certainly a lot easier than dealing with hydras and flame djins. :o )

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It wasn't too difficult, and I've already done it, but maybe a small nerf wouldn't hurt. And maybe there are changes that can be made that will make it easier for some people without actually nerfing him.


* Make what he's calling for appear in a different color when he speaks. Or bold letters, at least, so it's easier to quickly pick out the item if you are not used to the language.

* Have the item names appear even when you're not doing the game, so people can get a feel for where things are before they even start trying.

* A small countdown timer over him to show when he's about to move again.


This is supposed to be a fun challenge, not a point of frustration.

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> @John.8507 said:

> Challenge was good, and yes a bit frustrating but can be done so please don't nerf


those selfish ppl always in games i hate it. why dont you want other get it completed?


with the slow running speed the bar is half empty before you get the 1 ingredient. and if the npc move away its ruined

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> @Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

> doesn't matter. nobody needs that point.


Yes we do. Take into consideration there are much harder mastery points to get in the story instances. If you fail something in a story instance and lose the chance to get an achievement that awards a mastery point, you have to restart the mission all over again. Seriously, those "don't get hit by a specific attack at all" or "kill these things in a certain amount of time" achievements in story instances are a real pain in some cases. Get hit once and you have to start the whole instance over again.


At least if you fail the chef mastery point, you can retry again and again right away.

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I guess I'm on the leave-it-as-is side of the fence, if pressed for an opinion although it doesn't matter to me either way.

It took me probably longer than most with over two dozen attempts, but as I started to remember where the ingredients were it became fun. I was actually surprised when it ended, I was just about to chuck another ingredient. Still, Palador's suggestion to have the item names visible when not playing the challenge is a good compromise. It'll give people a chance to memorise their locations and add some flavour to the kitchen (pun intended). ;D

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You just throw it when he isn't moving, that's it. There is no need for a nerf to it.


I started it... saw where everything was, completed it on the second go. Pretty easy challenge. Very interesting that it was different than the normal commune or strongbox as well. A+ anet.


If you can't manage this one.. .. I don't even know what to say. lol. Do it until you get it, or skip it. Either way, it should be left how it is.

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I wouldn't say it needs a nerf, but it does seem to be artificially difficult due to a clunky interface. It takes a few precious seconds for the names of the ingredients to pop up. The throw animation is unnecessarily slow. There is a table next to the pot itself that interferes with the aoe targeting if the cook is standing there. From the wrong angle (coming back from the fish) you can throw the ingredient so it would have landed directly in the chef's hands but it counts as a miss.


I tried to beat it for ten minutes, got angry and went elsewhere for a while. I went back and was thrilled to get it on the second try. It never occurred to me to ask for a nerf, after all overcoming a challenge is only fun if there's a challenge in the first place. Any changes I'd like to see would be general interface improvements.

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I was very tired the night I took this mastery point and it took my soomething like 10 to 20 tries. But I still had a lot of fun. It would be awesome to have this challenge repeatable, maybe even with a feature that would allow me to track my times ;-). I like those kind of challenges where you have to remember stuff. It don't need him to be nerfed.

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