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[Suggestion] Crafting - Begin Groups as Collapsed

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Today when you access a crafting profession all groups of things to craft are expanded and you have the options to collapse a group. In the future or in GW3 it might not be a bad option to start with those groups collapsed or consider that as an check box in options to allow players to choose how initial view is set. Thanks for the time.

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I'm on the fence on this. On the one hand, I'd love for this to be the default. On the other hand, if they are going to put any effort into something like this, I think I'd prefer them to do a complete overhaul of the crafting module, since it does have about the worst interface I've ever used in a video game.

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> I'm on the fence on this. On the one hand, I'd love for this to be the default. On the other hand, if they are going to put any effort into something like this, I think I'd prefer them to do a complete overhaul of the crafting module, since it does have about the worst interface I've ever used in a video game.


Ah, there's the problem, if they wait until they do a complete overhaul then we may be waiting years for them to find the time to do this. If they make small incremental improvements to this and other systems you can get them much quicker.


Personally, I'd prefer a steady stream of little improvements.


I'd love to have the system remember whether or not I've expanded or collapsed any group of recipes and restore the crafting UI to that state whenever I open it. The state doesn't have to be stored on the server, client side settings would do.



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Yes, collapse the recipe list as the default, when we first open it and every time we toggle between the list and exploring new developments. It is absolutely irritating, especially when leveling up crafting, to collapse the groups you're not working on, go to the developments, and find all of the groups expanded all over again.

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