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Where Power Reaper At currently with this meta?


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Looking for some info/feedback about reapers and how they are atm with this meta? It seems to be a very powerful power spec however easy to kite and beat if not staggered with a Good support.


I'm trying to play power reaper into a competitive games but in order for that to happen i need some help on what hurts them the most and what makes them good to have around for a team.




this is the build i just made (haven't tested yet but im going for a full dps build with the chill up time being there at all times). My testing going to be done with a FB by my side at all times to help my stay sustain however i need to know in advance what im walking into once i start playing reaper again.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> If you listen to other professions, the power reaper is way to strong in PvP/WvW and way to weak in PvE. ;)


> And if you listen to the necromancer's community, it's still not good enough to be really competitve in any game mode.


why though?

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Necromancers of all types are generally weaker to kiting or jumping in to engage, then escaping if the fight does not go as you like.


Necro life force generation can be limited by staying at range and avoiding certain skills. Low life force makes them more vulnerable.


Necromancers are often vulnerable to control effects, too.


Bring sufficient condition control skills whether you play or face a Necro.

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I am going to preface with this post by saying that I don't really play pvp that much; still hit plat but I am not really a pvp only player.


Power reaper right now right now is mostly a team fighter in my opinion. You are not a strong side laner, your dueling ability is decent especially if you land everything however you lack mobility. If you get +1 then you just die. So you try to fight with a group if you can.


The most meta build right now is spite/blood magic/reaper with paladin amulet, strength runes, agility/strength sigil on axe/warhorn, escape/strength on the gs set. Might not be called strength sigils but is whichever one that grant might on hit.


Spite should be 3/1/3

Blood 1/3/1

Reaper 2/2/1


Skills should be consumer condi, well of power, well of corruption, (free slot), Chilled to the bone.


The free slot is usually spectral armor(old but safe), spectral grasp, or the newest meme with BiP. You can start the game with 36% LF with BiP and well of power and it provides a pretty consistent LF gain through the fight as well as decent might for burst. I don't know exactly if that's good enough but worth a try.


Power reaper does an incredible amount of damage with great boon removal but you are also very squishy and lack disengage. If you can fight in a small area with where you can trade blow for blow then you will win practically every fight; but that's just not the case a lot of times. I think power reaper right now performs ok, not mesmer/thief tier but not power zerker bad.


Also you die to range a lot.

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Wooden Potatoes has been playing power reaper (blood magic and wells) for some Games of the Day and does well. He doesn't post his builds (because he doesn't know what the game of the day will be until much later), but it's BASICALLY what Warscythes wrote (except healing well instead of consume conditions). I run something similar (runes and sigils) and its really fun and effective (had 19 kills to 0 deaths in a game this morning in unranked lulz). But you have to be really careful about positioning. You have basically ONE disengage ability and its in shroud so its not the most reliable. But you are a team fighting MONSTER.


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> @"zoopop.5630" said

> why though?




> If you listen to other professions, the power reaper is way to strong in PvP/WvW and way to weak in PvE. ;)


In PvP/WvW, the power reaper can hit like a truck squishy players that aren't carefull.

In PvE, the dps potential of the power reaper is on the low side of the benchmark.


> And if you listen to the necromancer's community, it's still not good enough to be really competitve in any game mode.


In PvP/WvW, It's been explain by others, but more or less, it's due to him having low attack speed coupled with low mobility (read engage/disengage) and paper thin defense for a melee spec.

In PvE, it's due to the fact that on top of it's relatively low dps, it doesn't bring any valuable extra to it's team.

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > There isn’t any reason to play reaper over scourge at the moment, just cooler flavor.


> That will be the same for scourge in the next expansion

> i think that the way ANET want gw2 to go


Probably, they seem to kill off the old specs be it on purpose to promote sales or just power creep.

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Zoopop you will prob take my advice in this. Reaper is a team-fight role like scourge but its more to assassinate targets (or at least how i play it). It has high burst and overwhelming boon strip which you want to focus on the guardians, necros, engi first to basically take them out of the fight. What i typically do is have the team focus the main squishy target (typically the scourge or necro on the enemy team) while i go for the guardian. Usually what happens is the guardian is forced to either keep the scourge alive or themselves. What i call my team-fighting style is dancing in and out of the fight in the sense of I want to sit on the outside of the fight trying to burst someone down, if they are secluded or I think i can assassinate them solo with the shroud combo then i dash into melee and finish off the job. If a kill doesn't happen and the fight is continuing I go to the outskirts again to try to keep myself safe.


The downside to reaper the major one is the limited defense that it brings. So you either need a support who knows how to support a reaper (you will have to call when you go in and out of shroud so they don't burn healing). Positioning and correct targeting is also a must. You have to look at the fight and figure out ok who will kill you the easiest and take them out first or who is the biggest threat to your team. My target priority usually is (glass cannon roles - people running zerker stats except for warrior), Fb / Scourge / Engi first (depending on the players) - scourge usually takes precedence if its just random players, Ele, Ranger, Rev next, war, thief and mes last (they have to many evades or blocks for skills and typically waste more time than just take out someone else forcing them to be in an outnumbered fight.


This is what I actually run.


(Yes i actually run focus) - Reason being i don't need the LF gen as much as people claim the war-horn provides, I don't actually want to be in melee all the time to get the use out of it, when combined with the quickness from the wells you can drop a well under someone, focus 5 quickly and then axe 2 and the person usually is either dead or defensive at that point for you to safely go into melee for.

Trait setup is quite standard nothing special about it I don't think.

Amulets its either demo, marauder or berserker (if you get comfortable with the build)

Chrono rune (obvious as you want as much quickness as you can get for the burst)

Sigil of Int (this is a must on the gs and cant be swapped off. This is the big burst weapon so when you hit with it you want it to hurt)

Sigil of Agility this can be swapped off for annulment if running against heavy boon teams or think you have enough quickness already (running with both a fb and chrono)

Sigil of Courage (another sigil you cant take off, it gives might, LF or healing every time it procs)

Sigil of Compounding (because of the heavy condi meta i typically run this rune but it can be swapped off for others. Exploitation and Separation can work, Doom is also useful for the free poison Revocation and Fallibility also are viable.


Scourge on the other-hand is aoe based. You fight with your teams targets and never deviate to your own to try to assassinate. The goal is to try to have at least 2 people in your aoe at all times to create the same (pick one person to keel alive situation). Scourge also has more personal defensive over a reaper in that it can defend itself while still being aggressive. You also don't have to force the support to play around you as much in the healing that they put out.


Positioning wise for a scourge its more forgiving as you basically you can stand next to your support and then range harass your enemies. The enemy doesn't want to get closer to you as that becomes more dangerous to them.


I think I've covered most of it but feel free to ask more questions if needed.


TLDR: Reaper is single target team-fight (and more difficult to do well with) while scourge is AoE team-fight (and much easier to play for yourself and teammates)

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I went scurge this season as i hadn't yet done so to see if I would do any better in my matches. War, pah, and spirit pretty much hit all the main points as far as a pvp environment go. I've found if i can get any sort of support I can fair pretty well with reaper, necro in gernal imo. In a weird way I feel like playing a power reaper is akin to being a teef, in that you do your best work sort of busting in and bursting down weakened opponents in team fights. The shroud nerf kind of hurts but it's manageable. Ranged can be an issue. It's pretty fun to play though when you can get all your shit off, feels good. I would also say go with a blood magic variant atm.

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> @"Spiritus.5186" said:

> Zoopop you will prob take my advice in this. Reaper is a team-fight role like scourge but its more to assassinate targets (or at least how i play it). It has high burst and overwhelming boon strip which you want to focus on the guardians, necros, engi first to basically take them out of the fight. What i typically do is have the team focus the main squishy target (typically the scourge or necro on the enemy team) while i go for the guardian. Usually what happens is the guardian is forced to either keep the scourge alive or themselves. What i call my team-fighting style is dancing in and out of the fight in the sense of I want to sit on the outside of the fight trying to burst someone down, if they are secluded or I think i can assassinate them solo with the shroud combo then i dash into melee and finish off the job. If a kill doesn't happen and the fight is continuing I go to the outskirts again to try to keep myself safe.


> The downside to reaper the major one is the limited defense that it brings. So you either need a support who knows how to support a reaper (you will have to call when you go in and out of shroud so they don't burn healing). Positioning and correct targeting is also a must. You have to look at the fight and figure out ok who will kill you the easiest and take them out first or who is the biggest threat to your team. My target priority usually is (glass cannon roles - people running zerker stats except for warrior), Fb / Scourge / Engi first (depending on the players) - scourge usually takes precedence if its just random players, Ele, Ranger, Rev next, war, thief and mes last (they have to many evades or blocks for skills and typically waste more time than just take out someone else forcing them to be in an outnumbered fight.


> This is what I actually run.

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAndRnc0At0g10A+0A0biFcBDaAEAaBxXxuYYcKL0EqCA-jpBHQBob/BAcIAE4JAggPAAxdEAyXZAA

> (Yes i actually run focus) - Reason being i don't need the LF gen as much as people claim the war-horn provides, I don't actually want to be in melee all the time to get the use out of it, when combined with the quickness from the wells you can drop a well under someone, focus 5 quickly and then axe 2 and the person usually is either dead or defensive at that point for you to safely go into melee for.

> Trait setup is quite standard nothing special about it I don't think.

> Amulets its either demo, marauder or berserker (if you get comfortable with the build)

> Chrono rune (obvious as you want as much quickness as you can get for the burst)

> Sigil of Int (this is a must on the gs and cant be swapped off. This is the big burst weapon so when you hit with it you want it to hurt)

> Sigil of Agility this can be swapped off for annulment if running against heavy boon teams or think you have enough quickness already (running with both a fb and chrono)

> Sigil of Courage (another sigil you cant take off, it gives might, LF or healing every time it procs)

> Sigil of Compounding (because of the heavy condi meta i typically run this rune but it can be swapped off for others. Exploitation and Separation can work, Doom is also useful for the free poison Revocation and Fallibility also are viable.


> Scourge on the other-hand is aoe based. You fight with your teams targets and never deviate to your own to try to assassinate. The goal is to try to have at least 2 people in your aoe at all times to create the same (pick one person to keel alive situation). Scourge also has more personal defensive over a reaper in that it can defend itself while still being aggressive. You also don't have to force the support to play around you as much in the healing that they put out.


> Positioning wise for a scourge its more forgiving as you basically you can stand next to your support and then range harass your enemies. The enemy doesn't want to get closer to you as that becomes more dangerous to them.


> I think I've covered most of it but feel free to ask more questions if needed.


> TLDR: Reaper is single target team-fight (and more difficult to do well with) while scourge is AoE team-fight (and much easier to play for yourself and teammates)


I’ll be lying if I said you weren’t the reason why I’m trying to give it ago. Add me in game and msg me if you see me on I’ll like to talk in game if possible.

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> @"kipthelip.5802" said:

> Why play power reaper when you could play Holosmith, Spell Breaker, or Core Guardian and be much more useful in spvp. Blind allegiance to a class? Until they bring back condi reaper Im done with Necro in spvp. I refuse to play Scourge.


Because Power Reaper is cooler than Holosmith, Spell Breaker and Guardian together? I think that's reason enough.

Also the people who actually try to make something work are the same ones who change the meta when that thing gets buffed, because they are the first to notice it when something big happens to the spec.


Power Reaper is good once you get the hang of it. Landing Chilled to the Bones in a group of three then spinning on them feels great! Also, spamming Gravedigger on dumb enemies trying to revive someone is also nice.

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It stomps people who don't know how to play against it, but with the LF degen nerfs, onslaught cooldown reset nerfs, SoS nerfs, and PoF powercreep, it's easily-countered and brings much less to the table than other professions can.


If you're really good at reaper, you may get a little more mileage, but there are just objectively better builds out there that do the same thing and more.


As for the build, I'm pretty sure BM wells is Eremite's which he ran months ago.

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> It will beat new players or those that are already busy fighting. Anyone else, will easily kite it, easily beat it as well. Roaming WvW as a Reaper is a death sentence. You MIGHT get kills but you will die far more than you kill.


Yep and it's even worse on scourge and core

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Yep and it's even worse on scourge and core


Core with its shroud being Range has an advantage, though again. The lack of an actual GOOD defense, weakness still to range, CC, Mobility and everything else makes it still kinda suck. The same goes for Scourge. The whole class in general has MANY issues.


I cant think of another class that is as weak to so much as Necro/Reaper/Scourge. Neither new specs give them an advantage to things that core was already weak to. Weak against CC, Weak against Mobility, Weak against burst, Weak against sustain. The only thing you could say they MIGHT be strong (kinda....) against is conditions but even then, im not even sure they are that strong against them. You can burst condi a Necro down, you can sustain condi a necro down. Their defenses are too weak with too long a cool down and are easily countered.



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I was Plat 1 back in Season 6 on Power Reaper. I know I’m very average and even have bursts of brain malfunction sometimes which put me solidly in bronze tier in those occasions. Nevertheless if you do the basics Necro can perform its role well enough as a teamfighter.


Reaper had its shroud decay nerfed but it's not quite unplayable. Try your best to stay away from unfavourable matchups or protracted fights where you have a large possibility to get focussed. Do keep in mind people also know where Reaper stands in the game right now and have very good reason to make you priority.


What teamfighter actually means is that you can tell your team you are absolved of all blame when the game goes wrong because if the teamfights collapse too fast you can’t do your job (don't quote me on that).


I will assume you ran with Axehorn/GS, and is the best setup to learn proper Reaper on. Corrupts on all sets, useful skills etc.


With any form of Necro you really have to make your dodges count. Learn the telegraphed/expected stuff and try to save shroud early on. You can also sheathe bait stuff because a lot of your skills are super obvious + have fatal consequences if not evaded.


This is the most important point to Necro survival: learn the jump puzzles and positioning in all the maps. LoS ranged attacks as much as you can. Some skills don’t need facing. Try and experiment the best spots to plant Mr Wurm. Think through how you can prolong your kiting while chilling/corrupting as best you can. Also check where your teammates are, people who understand how it works will attempt to peel for you. Keep yourself alive and the hatred against Necros could actually work in your favour...


Oh, don’t forget Warhorn 4 daze goes through obstacles. Useful more than you’d think.


Roaming correctly is also vital to Reaper because you have little mobility. You goal is to utterly trash team fights as quickly as possible and keep the outnumber going on, so don’t go into unsalvagable losing fights (you’ll recognise them from checking health bars) and reduce time you are shuffling around and not actually engaged in fights.


An ideal is to destroy the mid fight, push into far and then you settle into roaming far-mid blowing up enemies held up by bunkers and side node 1v1 specialists. But as you know real life isn’t like that, and people tend to beeline for your sweet behind, so think about where to go carefully.


Decide where you will impact fights the most, choose a target, and as you approach watch for when he/she stacks offensive/defensive boons and use all your Corrupts to completely mess your target up and attempt to finish off. You have the boonhate, chill and damage (and spike from the Spite line) to do it, especially if the target doesn’t have all the CDs up to nullify you.


Utility choice can be flexible with the unblockable shout, poison field, Mr Wurm, wells etc. and you should modify according to enemy comp. Corrosive Poison Cloud can be useful when dealing with projectiles or helping you with downed cleave. Downed cleave is one of your specialties and you should always aim to screw with any stomp or pick-ups with that nasty AoE potential of yours.

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