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Do you buy transmutation charges with gems or the gold to gem exchange?

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I have over a hundred, and I never buy them. I get them for map completion, I get them in BL chests, not sure if I get some for daily log-in rewards, too, but I think so. These days I tend to stick my leveling characters in outfits so I don't have to adjust dyes every time they get a new piece, but it is still nice to be able to give them customized weapons whenever I like.

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I used to buy them a lot, with gold to gems. Then I started playing wvw as my main mode again, about 2 years back, and since they added skirmish rewards my charges have skyrocketed.

But to quell a common argument people make (if they try to do so); in pve you can make far more gold than pvp or wvw. So saying they need to add more charges to pve is just wrong. You got the gold to spend on charges, unlike people who just pvp or wvw.

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Might mean that transmutes are in the gem shop mostly to create relative value for the charges that you can get through all these avenues, like a consolation prize that could have been made unnecessary


It prolly acts as a reward, sort of, for when you actually didn't win anything, but they need to give you *some*thing. Like not getting blc keys from map completion.




To be frank, I only have arnd <80, and that's with most of my chars using outfits. Mostly thru login rewards.

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I don't buy transmutation stones. We get them free from daily logins and map completion. We also get them from BL chests if we obtain keys through story completions. When I buy gems, I use them on everything but the stones. If you have patience and discipline to only use them after your toon is lv80 and has a solid build tweaked, they will pile up on their own quickly.

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My 1000+ plus transmutation charges came from 2 places, map completion rewards(both individual zones and full map) and BL Chests, and the reason I have so many is I almost never change my look once I find the one I want...don't care how many different armor skins are in the game.

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They weren't added to World Completion, they've always been the reward for it. Even before they were transmutation charges they were the reward for world completion. So I don't know why anyone would ever buy them. Run a character through all the cities and that's 6 charges for very little work.

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> They weren't added to World Completion, they've always been the reward for it. Even before they were transmutation charges they were the reward for world completion. So I don't know why anyone would ever buy them. Run a character through all the cities and that's 6 charges for very little work.


If you need them that bad, creating a new asura and completing rata sum will net you about 1 per 10 minutes.

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> @"Conncept.7638" said:

> As per the title, does anyone actually buy transmutation charges from the gemstore?


> Everyone I know in game gets more than enough from map completion or reward tracks, and never has to purchase them from the gemstore.


Altoholics who don't play PvP/WvW have a shortage. You hear them complaining on reddit all the time. The map completion ones are easy enough but that's not everyone's playstyle.

Just because you or the people you know have lots, doesn't mean everyone does, and it's likely a nice little source of revenue for Anet.


Let's stop arguing for less options for people.



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