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special access passes, worth it?

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > If I want instant access to bank or TP I just quickly jump into WvW,

> > That's a relatively new feature and does undermine one of the advantages of these passes.

> >

> Obsidian Sanctum having these features is relatively new yes, but WvW have had bank, TP, vendors etc for as long as I've played (bit under 3 years) if not forever. Home Borderland even used to have crafting stations until june 28 2016.


Yah. WvW has always had since launch banks, trading post, merchants, laurel NPCs (and I think guild NPCs and banks). The only occasional problem was being locked out because of queues or WvW reset. I used to go crafting in WvW fairly often till they removed it since it has the return to map feature.

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I'm sorely tempted by the mistlock sanctuary pass as my temporary one has finished, given every play session I found use for it. Debating if I get it now or wait and hope it goes on discounted sale in August.


It's the little things like buying ascended salvage tools from the fractal vendor to get rid of useless items and then immediately head to a crafting station, or bank,or tp etc. Also the flying is fun - I hope they expand the area a bit in the future just because it's fun to jump and fly around in.

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I Have Royal Terrace wich is the best. Nice layout and most important : instant and no cost access to Wintersday, Lunar Year and since this year SAB. Also I have Lily, but I am use it only to cut costs of travel from old maps to POF and LS4 maps. Also I dont find important return back option, now with shared inventory you can set your toons in such way you dont need to access NPCs for days.

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I only got the Mistlock pass and I'd say it was totally worth it. Imho, the possibility to return to where you used the pass is the best asset about Mistlock. The visual noise is probably the worst, tho. But as always, YMMV. I wouldn't say that any pass is necessary, especially since you can jump into WvW and have all merchants etc. at hand and having the same possibility to return to your starting point. The only advantage of Mistlock is all the crafting stations. In other words, if WvW had crafting stations, all of those passes would be utterly useless. But until then, I prefer the Mistlock pass.

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"special access passes, worth it?"

Yes, of course, they are super convenient.

That being said, the Mistlock Observatory is FAR superior to all others, because it got more convenience mechanics (Like going back to your previous map, access to fractal vendors and some, etc). Also it is more fun.

So, I f you want the convenience, just buy the Mistlock one. No need for more.

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  • 2 months later...

Mistlock and Lily of the Elon are the greatest VIP places to have.

Mistlock- you can teleport yourself back to your original place + that VIP place has literally everything you need in one place.

Lily- Great way and fast way to get your alts in Elona, also really Beautiful Environment and it has also Everything you need in one Place.


The other ones are cool to have too if you like to be in other places than the famous VIP places, aka Lily and Mistlock passes.

I've purchased them all because I really like the environments of them, the Royal Terrace is really nice and beautiful.

The one I dislike most among them all is the Ring of Fire VIP pass... superannoying music playing not once but TWICE whereever you go around in that area!

Noble's fall VIP is really nice, both Music and theme wise. It is afterall HoT place, great flashback of memories!

Gendarran Fields… probably the one I use least since it has only crafting stations and even a TP I think? No bank..!

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I have 3 and I use each though not for the same reasons. The first I got was Royal Terrace. It’s still my main one to use to jump to Divinities Reach at the end of a play period as that’s where I usually park my chars. Lily was my second. I mainly use it to jump to the PoF maps, especially for chars that haven’t done the first story section and don’t have that area unlocked. The 3rd is Mistlock, which of course has very convenient “one stop shopping” plus the ability to return to map. For me each has a useful function and was worth buying. When the next expansion arrives I’ll be getting a Pass for that also as the ability to bypass the story on multiple alts is a time saver.



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I have Royal Terrace. Great thing about it, I can quickly return to Tyria from POF or HOT and the best is I don't have to go to LA to use Mystic Forge

> @"Alga.6498" said:


> Gendarran Fields… probably the one I use least since it has only crafting stations and even a TP I think? No bank..!

It does have bank. And just in case if you don't know -any crafting station is a bank.

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Personally, I found two of those special locations worth it, each for a different reason:

- Noble's Folly: Cost free access to HoT and Silverwaste (Located in Verdant Brink). HoT areas and SW have no direct access via scroll/book, so it's welcome to get it via the use of camp Noble's Folly.

- Mistlock: Upon leaving, we are sent back to where we were before (like WvW, but with everything, not only Bank and TP).


For daily use, all my toons are parked in Noble's Folly. This is my preferred place. I use Mistlock more like a "tool" while running.

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