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ArenaNet Forum Chat: May 2018

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  • ArenaNet Staff



We invite you to join several of our devs for the May 2018 ArenaNet Forum Chat (AFC). In order to try to address more questions and comments from forum members while allowing dev team members time to research their answers and respond as their schedules allow, we will be accepting questions for three days. Then, the devs will answer as they can any time within a three-week period. We believe this will be a more satisfying and sustainable process for both members and devs.


Here are the details:


* Topic: **The Original Guild Wars: A Retrospective**

* Subforum opens for member posts: Wednesday morning (Pacific Time), May 23, 2018

* Subforum closes for member posts: Friday afternoon (Pacific Time), May 25, 2018

* Dev Participation Period: May 23 through approximately June 15, 2018

* Subforum Name: May 2018: Guild Wars (original)


Join us to ask questions, ponder mysteries, share your stories and impressions, and generally engage with team members directly involved in our amazing, incredible, beloved, and still vibrant original game, Guild Wars. Have you always wondered about a specific event? Pondered the origins of a storyline or wondered how it ties to Guild Wars 2? Felt curiosity about the origins of a certain creature's look or animation? We'll be talking with folks who were involved in Guild Wars design, programming, art, storytelling, and other elements of development. (I'll post a guest list when we launch.)


Please join us, and I hope you'll share your feedback on this new process after the AFC ends as well. This is an iterative process and we're always looking for ways to improve!

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Hmm, so this time GW1 related questions ... if these maybe are allowed to be questions that can be relinked in return also to GW2, then the Questions I will aks most likely if I have not over night a change of my mind will be most likely these:


* Why do we have yet not old GW1 Weapons in GW2, like the Draconic Aegis, the Bonedragon Staff or the Obsidian Edge, is there nobody anymore 250 years later in Tyria, who crafts these weapons?? One could have thought, that especially the Contest Designs should survive the 250 years all together and not just only a few of them...


* When can we go reexplore old End Content Regions from GW1, like the Underworld, the Realm of Torment or the Fissure of Woe and should be the answer never, are there any plans for making complete own new Elite Regions as GW2 Endgame Content similar to those three for the game and in general, what happened in those places within the last 250 years, if anythign at all???


* Originally you planned to give GW2 a compansion system, basically similar to GW1s Hero System, letting our Characters have their personal Sidekick practically.

What where exactly the reasons to give GW2 no Hero System yet like in GW1 and can we expect somewhen eventually the return of such a similar System for GW2, one maybe which allows us to use our own made Characters as Heroes as an improvement over the old hero System of GW1 which was based only on premade NPCs??


If these kind of questions related to GW1 in return of GW2 are not allowed tomorrow, then I'll ask something completely different


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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> Some questions


I don't think we need dev responses to these because:


> Why do we have yet not old GW1 Weapons in GW2, like the Draconic Aegis, the Bonedragon Staff or the Obsidian Edge, is there nobody anymore 250 years later in Tyria, who crafts these weapons?? One could have thought, that especially the Contest Designs should survive the 250 years all together and not just only a few of them...


GW1 nostalgia skins are succesfully milked via gemstore so it's only a matter of time until ore of them show up "in game".


> When can we go reexplore old End Content Regions from GW1, like the Underworld, the Realm of Torment or the Fissure of Woe and should be the answer never, are there any plans for making complete own new Elite Regions as GW2 Endgame Content similar to those three for the game and in general, what happened in those places within the last 250 years, if anythign at all???


You can already visit Underworld and RoT in GW2. As for content design I don't think we'll ever see anything like GW1 elite zones. Current content design seems to be set in stone so if you can expect anything like this, consider it in fractal or raid format and MAYBE as LW instance.


> Originally you planned to give GW2 a compansion system, basically similar to GW1s Hero System, letting our Characters have their personal Sidekick practically. What where exactly the reasons to give GW2 no Hero System yet like in GW1 and can we expect somewhen eventually the return of such a similar


From what I understood reading about companion system it was scrapped because game has no hard trinity, so you can heal yourself easily and don't need a companion. I would personally love to see **working** hero-like system where I could play with AI instead of PUGs and customize my heroes. Just like in GW1 but with more monetization obviously.

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I posted above some example questions, are such questions like these 3 above examples ok so, or have it to be, like I guess so only 100% relevant GW1 questions with no in return-relationship to GW2, like those 3 examples I made??

Not wanting to distract now from akcy, but I simply made already earlier some examples :D.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> @Gaile


> I posted above some example questions, are such questions like these 3 above examples ok so, or have it to be, like I guess so only 100% relevant GW1 questions with no in return-relationship to GW2, like those 3 examples I made??

> Not wanting to distract now from akcy, but I simply made already earlier some examples :D.


I believe Kheldorn's comments indicated why those particular questions weren't really necessary. We're not sequestering this conversation into "All Guild Wars and only Guild Wars." I'm sure some questions will arise that involve both games, particularly since we're "harking back to our history" in some of the recent Living World episodes. I do know that we'd like to keep the topic around Guild Wars, and not have too many that are predicated by the ties between the games.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"akcy.3652" said:

> > Will be questions about technical aspects of GW allowed and responded?


> I think that would depend on what the questions involved. Could you give me an example?


Thanks to some bad people, current GW (original Guild Wars) authorization server IPs are blocked in Russia because content related to it "contains calls for riots, carrying out extremist activities, participating in mass (public) events conducted in violation of the established order", IPs were put in this list by Russian state authority (probably by mistake). So, players from Russia can't log-in and play GW without VPN, sadly. I just wanted to ask if we could have new IP adress to log-in and play Guild Wars without breaking law :D .


Edit: I don't know which IPs are blocked as well (chat, friend list, districts and so on), so issue may be in theory with each of IPs used.

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Gaile Gray. I have not heard you name in years! And you've been back for years too, welcome back!


I still jump into Guild Wars 1 as a passionate gamer for two reasons; the sense of community is still very strong for a game that has not had new content for almost a decade now, and it may be the nostalgic side of me, but my God, what a fun game! The game play longevity in GW1 is parallel to few MMORPG.


My question is; with a still very solid player-base within GW1 and, with a common trend in the gaming market with devs rehashing their games with HD remakes, uploading new content and re-igniting that flame gamers had years ago for their games, do you think Guild Wars "deserves" the same treatment? As a GW gamer for more that 13 years, I would be so keen to see a new continent in game play.


Another question; do you think micro transactions would work in GW1 to fuel a new GW1 development? Because I know a few wo'd happily contribute to via a few minis!

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Gaile Gray. If I remember one thing about GW1 it is you. A very hard-working. meticulous, caring worker :). I started playing in 2004.

I had 2 accounts for GW1 both attaining 50/50 in the Hall of Fame. I played these together with 6 heroes to enable me to do any area, including Abaddon's Mouth.

I loved to include real players in my 'hero' team, with mostly a decrease in performance. I used 7 paragons, one of those being myself, the other an assassin.

The pvp 'Jade Quarry' was very memorable for me, lots of fun to be had there :). Also playing as an officer in large guilds like 'Lazy' and 'Cat' were good times:)

My main class was Ritualist and was not accepted in many teams as it was deemed inferior. Until Nightfall where it was found the Ritualist was the most powerful

with skills like 'Signet of Spirits' and the reduction of spirit casting times. I loved my Ritualist :)

I had tears when I saw the statue of Jora in GW2, covered in icicles.

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**Personal fan questions:**

1. What were the art/design decisions, processes, and inspirations that led to the creation of the GW1 armor art-styles?

2. GW1's mesmer armor have often been brought up by fans as being very "classy" or "elegant." Based on fan sentiment, have the art team considered bringing back some of the art/design decisions and inspiration for light armor in GW2? Why or why not?

3. Having been a fan of the original, I would have **loved** to have had the armor from the characters in the concept art renders. Were there ever discussions to bring that armor into the game? Are there any chances to see them now as armor and not outfits?

4. Why on earth didn't Shiro's in-game swords match the trailer's swords? They look amazing!


**Professional curiosity questions:**

1. What led to the design decision to focus on horizontal progression as opposed to vertical progression? I can only assume, based on my experiences, horizontal progression on GW1's scale must have been very costly due to the need for a huge amount of concept art, character modeling, and testing of armor sets.

2. With the release of Nightfall, there was a huge surge in power creep compared to the release of Factions. What was the design process for the skills and balance leading up to Nightfall's release and subsequent skill tuning passes?

3. With Factions' release, there were the afflicted, enemies that exploded on death. During testing and development, were there concerns raised that the exploding (initially) armor ignoring damage could have had bad implications for the medium armor melee classed assassin? What was the general dev sentiment regarding enemies that exploded on death and the inclusion of a semi-squishy melee class?

4. For what felt like a few years, Ursan Blessing was very popular and became practically the one and only meta for almost any PVE content. What was the general thought process behind the initial tuning of that skill? Why did it take the amount of time it did to get it tuned?

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Big fan of Guild Wars 1 and 2 here. Got a few questions:

1. Orr is one of my favorite places in the story and lore. There was so much mystery around in the first game because we never got to see anything until Guild Wars 2. Was there ever a plan to see Pre-Cataclysm Orr like Pre-Searing Ascalon? I bet that would be so beautiful to see.

2. With the gods that created Orr, they have great concept art, lore, and Statues/Avatars that represent them. What was the inspiration for the Human Gods?


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Why is the original game still so expensive after all these years? I think it would be in very good interest to add the purchase of the entire GW1 series to the main website at a relatively good markdown price so that more people could finally invest in buying it, since I know I had a good time playing GW1 after first playing GW2.

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1. Are you planning on giving GW another life complementary to GW2? I mean, some people just quit playing while they finish the living story. That's when they go and play other games. If you encourage players to play original GW (PVP-F2P?) they don't leave the franchise to fill their free time.

2. I started playing back in 2006 and had a taste of the game in a free PVP weekend. Would you mind doing this again? It would be helpful for point 1.




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i would like to hear the dev talk about how the class from gw1 and how they gonna bring the holy trinity back (as its already in the gw2 theme)

would we see revenant as ritualist and dervish?

would we see warrior as paragon?

each gw1 classes had a role and strength even in pvp arena. when can we see it in gw2

would gw1 pvp and some sort of wvw would take place in gw2?


does it mean gw3 is on the way ?


also in gw1 pve i love that we had to do quests to gain new abilities

i love that we could do some pve 1vX like 55hp monk etc...

wish that could be in gw2 also

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For Guildwars 2 i would like to have seen the massive skill selection for each character/class where you could purchase any skill you like and use it and base your attributes around the build you wanted. We have gone from over 1800 skills to little over 20 or so as most just feel like the illusion of a skill in GW2.


Looking back at before GW2 was released some of the skill nerfs felt on purpose like the nerf to the Monks, well holywrath in particular to prevent farming as much. For me if this was reverted i would still have been playing GW1 but now days i play neither because there is no building really cool and interesting unique builds for certain areas and the game feels just like a HP sponge game because of the "Dynamic leveling" of monsters. That is something guildwars 1 had. Max level character of 20 and monster levels didnt change unless it was hard mode yet the level ranged from 1-32 depending which was fun. Having monsters level up when you level or your level pushed down makes you feel weak and then makes it boring.


Seeing Urgoz, Deep, FoW, UW back in the game would be interesting which could contain the dead relics of GW1 in it to.


There is so much i feel is missing from GW1 that made it special, then GW2 was made for the general people which is why skill options and everything in general was made the way it was which is saddening.

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> @"DanteZero.9736" said:

> **Personal fan questions:**

> 1. What were the art/design decisions, processes, and inspirations that led to the creation of the GW1 armor art-styles?

> 2. GW1's mesmer armor have often been brought up by fans as being very "classy" or "elegant." Based on fan sentiment, have the art team considered bringing back some of the art/design decisions and inspiration for light armor in GW2? Why or why not?


I'll add to question 2 from DanteZero....


We know that the three armor weight system in GW2 exists for reasons explained before by ANET - but please, can you explain why pants/leggings did not make it to light armor but made it to medium armor in GW2? I mean, how in 250 years did style in game change so much that light armor classes phased out leggings and pants. Especially for the female armor? Besides the weird I dream of Genie pants and one other from an early skin, lights get no love after getting so much in GW1? Why did it go to the mediums? (Oh - and why so many trenchcoats in medium? Why oh why?) I really need some toon look changes. :-) Thx for running this forum anet.



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