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ArenaNet Forum Chat: May 2018

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Margonites! Our heroes defeated Abaddon 250 years ago. However, it's know that Margonites have long lifespans - possibly 1,000 years. I'm wondering if any Margonites survived, or did they all 'fade away' without Abaddon's powers keeping them alive? Would Kormir, as the new god, have given them rest, or perhaps forever trapped them in the Domain of Anguish until their long lives finally ended?

I remember when the trailer for HoT came out, with hints of what we now know are the Exalted, that much speculation was out there about the return of the Margonites. Maybe that possibility still exists?

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GW1 had some obscure lore found in the gw.dat referring to the former god Arachnia that Abaddon usurped. While this was never official lore, what we know about the gods now, as well as what the Apostate's quest dialogue says, would seem to indicate that this would make sense as a being canon lore. I was wondering why this sort of thing never got into the game, what sort of canonicity it has internally, and if there's any additional information we don't know about that's been created about Arachnia (are they the reason bugs exist?).


I also wanted to ask about the GW1 demon designs (not Margonites, but torment creatures like the Herald of Nightmares and Shadow of Fear). They're definitely my favorite style of demon created in a fantasy setting, so I was just curious as to what thoughts went into their creation, and what the goal of this design was for both the short-term of the Nightfall story and the long-term of what demons in this universe are supposed to be in general.

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I have several questions:

How can we, as players of the original GW, best show our gratitude and interest in ongoing maintenance and potentially even content patches?

I think its amazing that SCW and some others have picked up the slack there and are devoting their free time to this, however I would very much prefer

to have some of people´s paid time be dedicated to GW, and I think that would pay off;

There are plenty of players coming back to GW every day, most of those quit again within days or weeks for 2 main reasons:

1: There are not enough players left in the game to satisfy their nostalgia, their memories of full districts everywhere are too stark a contrast to the comparative emptiness now, and

2: It feels like somewhat lawless land, this has changed since SCW´s AMA and Im quite glad about it, however it will revert back to anarchy the day those people stop devoting spare time, the number of bots running wild in Guild Wars can be quite frustrating and so can unchecked scammers.

Both of those can be solved with probably very limited effort, if there is a team actively fixing the issues of #2, more players will stick around, slowly helping #1 get solved.

The more players you have sticking around, the more people will be purchasing from your store every now and then, paying the salary for the hours spent on maintenance.


One step further, Ive talked to some people about this already and the request has come up in one form or the other on plenty of peoples minds and questions, but is it at all possible to get a team of devs back to GW duty for new/the finish and release of unfinished and unreleased content? There have been plenty of change.org petitions and other attempts at making Arenanet aware of the amount of people wanting new content for GW again, we could start a patreon if money is the issue, given (a) specific goal(s) and an official statement that, when that(/those) goal(s) is(/are) reached, action would be undertaken-this would make the deciding difference. Right now nobody, not the devs nor the community, actually believes this possible, but with a set goal it just might be.

If some(most?) of the resources are provided up front by the community, there is little to no risk to the investment, GW1 and 2 can peacefully coexist, they are VERY different games, but that was never the approach and I think its an opportunity being missed out on. Logistics of this are difficult, Im aware. If most of the GW devs are now working on Living World and one were to pull a number of them at once to delegate back, that would hurt elsewhere, but for a company as big as Arenanet Im sure those problems can be solved if the incentive is big enough :)


On another note, how did the process of turning to GW2 instead of Utopia go down? How far done was Utopia by the time you decided on that change of plans, and who decided it? Is there anything left in Utopia things that could be salvaged for new content? Chronomancer/Summoner? :P


Thank you for doing this, I wish I had more time to think of questions!

Looking forward to your replies,

A loyal fan

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> @"The Wolf.2869" said:

> I have several questions:

> How can we, as players of the original GW, best show our gratitude and interest in ongoing maintenance and potentially even content patches?

> I think its amazing that SCW and some others have picked up the slack there and are devoting their free time to this, however I would very much prefer

> to have some of people´s paid time be dedicated to GW, and I think that would pay off;

> There are plenty of players coming back to GW every day, most of those quit again within days or weeks for 2 main reasons:

> 1: There are not enough players left in the game to satisfy their nostalgia, their memories of full districts everywhere are too stark a contrast to the comparative emptiness now, and

> 2: It feels like somewhat lawless land, this has changed since SCW´s AMA and Im quite glad about it, however it will revert back to anarchy the day those people stop devoting spare time, the number of bots running wild in Guild Wars can be quite frustrating and so can unchecked scammers.

> Both of those can be solved with probably very limited effort, if there is a team actively fixing the issues of #2, more players will stick around, slowly helping #1 get solved.

> The more players you have sticking around, the more people will be purchasing from your store every now and then, paying the salary for the hours spent on maintenance.


> One step further, Ive talked to some people about this already and the request has come up in one form or the other on plenty of peoples minds and questions, but is it at all possible to get a team of devs back to GW duty for new/the finish and release of unfinished and unreleased content? There have been plenty of change.org petitions and other attempts at making Arenanet aware of the amount of people wanting new content for GW again, we could start a patreon if money is the issue, given (a) specific goal(s) and an official statement that, when that(/those) goal(s) is(/are) reached, action would be undertaken-this would make the deciding difference. Right now nobody, not the devs nor the community, actually believes this possible, but with a set goal it just might be.

> If some(most?) of the resources are provided up front by the community, there is little to no risk to the investment, GW1 and 2 can peacefully coexist, they are VERY different games, but that was never the approach and I think its an opportunity being missed out on. Logistics of this are difficult, Im aware. If most of the GW devs are now working on Living World and one were to pull a number of them at once to delegate back, that would hurt elsewhere, but for a company as big as Arenanet Im sure those problems can be solved if the incentive is big enough :)


> On another note, how did the process of turning to GW2 instead of Utopia go down? How far done was Utopia by the time you decided on that change of plans, and who decided it? Is there anything left in Utopia things that could be salvaged for new content? Chronomancer/Summoner? :P


> Thank you for doing this, I wish I had more time to think of questions!

> Looking forward to your replies,

> A loyal fan


For replies, post in the appropriate sub-forum, as indicated (directly) above.


Good luck.

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> @"Tolakram.5809" said:

> GW1 had some obscure lore found in the gw.dat referring to the former god Arachnia that Abaddon usurped. While this was never official lore, what we know about the gods now, as well as what the Apostate's quest dialogue says, would seem to indicate that this would make sense as a being canon lore. I was wondering why this sort of thing never got into the game, what sort of canonicity it has internally, and if there's any additional information we don't know about that's been created about Arachnia (are they the reason bugs exist?).


> I also wanted to ask about the GW1 demon designs (not Margonites, but torment creatures like the Herald of Nightmares and Shadow of Fear). They're definitely my favorite style of demon created in a fantasy setting, so I was just curious as to what thoughts went into their creation, and what the goal of this design was for both the short-term of the Nightfall story and the long-term of what demons in this universe are supposed to be in general.


Ahh sorry @ Inculpatus cedo.9234, new to the for, IDK how to delete

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> @"RayOfLite.8940" said:

> Gaile Gray. If I remember one thing about GW1 it is you. A very hard-working. meticulous, caring worker :). I started playing in 2004.

> I had 2 accounts for GW1 both attaining 50/50 in the Hall of Fame. I played these together with 6 heroes to enable me to do any area, including Abaddon's Mouth.

> I loved to include real players in my 'hero' team, with mostly a decrease in performance. I used 7 paragons, one of those being myself, the other an assassin.

> The pvp 'Jade Quarry' was very memorable for me, lots of fun to be had there :). Also playing as an officer in large guilds like 'Lazy' and 'Cat' were good times:)

> My main class was Ritualist and was not accepted in many teams as it was deemed inferior. Until Nightfall where it was found the Ritualist was the most powerful

> with skills like 'Signet of Spirits' and the reduction of spirit casting times. I loved my Ritualist :)

> I had tears when I saw the statue of Jora in GW2, covered in icicles.


Is LaZy still around or anything do you know? I used to be part of that guild as well back then! I remember the karaoke nights, all the professionally setup runs we would do. It was a large guild but a damn fun guild as well, miss those days for sure....

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