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Hi all,


I've played now for roughly 4 weeks hit level 80 and bought the expansions. I am now a bit overwhelmed and would like some advice on how I can get back into the game really? I've got the raptor mount, I am on the last part of the PoF story, but can't get the dragon shards due to not having a mount that is either skilled enough or jumps high enough.


I logged back into the game and try and get a plan together but again overwhelmed, should I clear all map zones before moving into PoF maps? My long-term plan would be to craft great gear and weapons but a point in the right direction would help me a lot.


Also if there are any guilds out there looking for experienced gamers but relatively new GW2 players I would love to have a chat with you about joining


Thanks a lot in advance.


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Personally? I would map all the zones first. Completion will give you something that will help with further crafting down the line. Afterward, I would return to getting my mount skills as needed. At that point, you need to decide what direction you want to go.


Sorry you feel overwhelmed, but in time it'll pass. Believe you me, I feel that way every time a new map opens, but it passes within a week. Take your time. The game isn't going anywhere. And there's more than enough downtime between Living World episodes. What you're feeling is more than normal. :)

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If you’ve got to the last part of the story, then you’ve already visited the Desert Highlands which is where you can get the Springer mount for higher jumping. Head to the northern part of the map and complete the heart to collect carrots. I think the Springer costs 5g iirc.


Once you’ve got the mount you need a couple of Mastery points to unlock the high jump skill. You should have enough just from doing the story.

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> @"carbontype.1629" said:

> I logged back into the game and try and get a plan together but again overwhelmed, should I clear all map zones before moving into PoF maps? My long-term plan would be to craft great gear and weapons but a point in the right direction would help me a lot.

> Thanks a lot in advance.


It's your choice. You can clear all vanilla maps, HoT or PoF maps.


For crafting gear, Berserker gear with Scholar runes is the best since you're playing open world PvE. I would suggest you check the wiki for your profession so you can see which crafting disciplines suits your profession best. There are more than 2 that a profession can use, but I would recommend to have 1 discipline for crafting armor and another for crafting weapons, for example warrior and guardian use armorsmith and weaponsmith, engineer uses leatherworker and huntsman, thief uses leatherworker and huntsman or weaponsmith etc.

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You will need some Path of Fire mastey points in order to train your mounts to level 3. The third mastery brings the most important improvement to every mount so I would level every mount to mastery 3 before going for the fouth and last mastery point. In the end, there are plenty of mastery points to score but you usually need the third mount mastery to get access to further mastery points.


You are not required to have any map completion of the core Tyria maps in order to be successful in Path of Fire. But to me, personally, it was my first goal as a new player because it is not too hard and give a feeling of accomplishment. But the game lets you very much free to decide how and what you like to play anyways.

I think you will have the most enjoyable experience when you try to focus on one task at once. For example: First finish Path of Fire, the masteries and the mounts because you are already there now and then maybe finish some core Tyria content before moving on to the Hart of Thorns expansion or maybe some PvP/WvW if you would like.

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> Yup, that is exactly what I started, so far i've got to the springer! But also since this post i have a few alts leveled too!


The springer and skimmer are very useful. I wouldn't bother with the jackal/griffon right away unless you want them. They don't add much to exploring the core regions.

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