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Power Soulbeast (26.2k DPS) (video)


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I've been tooling around the crystal desert with a similar build. Running moa stance for the extra fury and boon duration, with a smokescale and an electric wyvern on swap in case I need extra CC. One thing to note, the build has no condi cleanse unless you run bear stance (which falls way behind a dual traited troll unguent) and very very little sustain. Probably not too optimal for soloing in the new maps.

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> @Parlance.9584 said:

> Wouldnt a better Power Ranger build be GS / Dag+Axe using full Grieving?


I actually considered going full Grieving, but I think at some point I had to acknowledge that I'd be just slowly becoming closer and closer to condi-soulbeast. At which point I might as well just go full condi with Viper's. I do think a hybrid would be stronger, but it would almost certainly be more of a condi build than a power build.

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> @Pea.9270 said:

> I ask my self if the combo on greatsword with 2 - 5 - 2 is not so good. In my opinion the 25% dmg buff is then wasted because the 5 does nearly no dmg


You are correct, it is better to just do an auto attack instead of #5 after a Maul (Or use #3 if it is up since it does more damage than an auto)

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> @Skuzz.6580 said:

> > @Pea.9270 said:

> > I ask my self if the combo on greatsword with 2 - 5 - 2 is not so good. In my opinion the 25% dmg buff is then wasted because the 5 does nearly no dmg


> You are correct, it is better to just do an auto attack instead of #5 after a Maul (Or use #3 if it is up since it does more damage than an auto)


Worldly Impact when it is off CD too.

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> @DarkEmiLupus.2876 said:

> I think they should have let autoproc maul how it was in beta. It was huge dps but very easy to evade and also without it power sb won't get good performance in anyone of their content. You know who loves really and i mean REALLY much condi builds?? ANET does! Me? I kitten hate them, make power sb great again, ANET!!!


While I have nothing against condi builds in general, condition ranger is very very boring. They had their chance to make power ranger viable for once but decided to make sure it remains dead before releasing PoF. Pretty sad.

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> @DarkEmiLupus.2876 said:

> I think they should have let autoproc maul how it was in beta. It was huge dps but very easy to evade and also without it power sb won't get good performance in anyone of their content. You know who loves really and i mean REALLY much condi builds?? ANET does! Me? I kitten hate them, make power sb great again, ANET!!!


I totally agree with you. I mean, the power ranger is still not as good as the cranger and by far worse than other power classes, therefore there was no reason to nerf it at all. Now the burst of worldly impact is even more unbalanced, you can just 1 hit ppl in pvp using attack of opportunity and sic 'em. I don't get why Anet doesn't want to give power rangers a chance, a comment of their side would be nice. Why did anet put more effort into the greatsword's, longbow's, shortsword's and warhorn's animations while the dagger's, shortbow's and torch's ones look boring? A giant bear, a flying eagle, arrow hails, wolf howling, eagle swarms vs casual dagger hits, default torch animations and boring shortbow attacks. How am i supposed to appreciate the condi ranger when the gameplay and animations feel so neglected. Imo the cranger is the most boring build in gw2 atm.

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> @Argilas.9635 said:

> Can we use this anyway? i mean for every content except raid obviously. Is it really so bad compared to other professions?


It's perfectly viable for anything story-wise. I did the new story with a GS/LB build cause I like the defensive features with new content and the maul 'feels good'. No problems on that front. That said, you'll likely notice others melting things faster. The bonus with the GS is that you have good burst and more defensive options, so it's a trade-off. Pity Anet felt like nerfing Soulbeast Maul though.

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> Pretty sure just camping sword/axe is still the optimal power option as per https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/419/petless-ranger-dps-testing-data#latest.




Correct, it's very slightly better (I'm at about 27k DPS with sword/axe + Rock gazelle). However you do give up quite a bit of utility that the other weapons give you, i.e LB is a ranged option and GS brings really good burst/defensive options.

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> @Mackanstein.2503 said:

> > @Argilas.9635 said:

> > Can we use this anyway? i mean for every content except raid obviously. Is it really so bad compared to other professions?


> It's perfectly viable for anything story-wise. I did the new story with a GS/LB build cause I like the defensive features with new content and the maul 'feels good'. No problems on that front. That said, you'll likely notice others melting things faster. The bonus with the GS is that you have good burst and more defensive options, so it's a trade-off. Pity Anet felt like nerfing Soulbeast Maul though.


I used a power build for the PoF story too, and it made me realize just how much I've missed my reaper. I've been wondering if a condi build will give me that little bit of extra sustain I need to not loathe playing my ranger.

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