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Concept: Rework Daredevil into Dervish


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This is a reconception of merging certain aspects of the current Daredevil into the Core Thief, so that the Daredevil can get redesigned from a sidegrade spec more into a unique specialization that actually really changes the gameplay of the Thief and feels different, aside of usign just only a different weapon.


First we begin with the Aspects of the Daredevil, which definetely should become baseline or merged part of the Thief Class:

- Increased Indurance of 3 Bars, baselining of Physical Supremacy into the Core Thief Design to make Thief in general more different from the other not so much mobile classes.

- The three Dodge Styles Bound, Dash & Lotus, the gameplay of these 3 gets reworked into F3 Skills, that the player can change outside of combat to change the Dodge Style of your Thief, they won't be bonded to Traits also anymore.

- Channeled Vigor gets merged into Signet of Malice and becomes now Signet of Vigor with the reworked effect:

- Signet of Vigor: Passive: You gain Health and Endurance with your Attacks, gain Regeneration when you deal a Critical Hit when your Endurance reaches 100% via your Attacks or the Activation of the Signet. Active: Heal yourself and regain Endurance.

- Endurance Thief baselined into Mug

- Escapists Absolution baselined into Swindlers Equilibrium

- Weakening Strikes baselined into Guarded Initiation, renamed into Suppressing Initiation, lettign your critical attacks cause Weakness as long your Health is above 75%

- Havoc Mastery merged into Executioner as Damage/Range increase for when enemies are not below the health threshold to trigger the 20% damage boost, so that the trait is a bit more useful and not a wasted slot agaisnt targets that trigger not the original effect.


- Staff Skills will get reworked based on a Dervish Theme and Design, eventually merged into Core Thief Skills

- Elite/Utilty Skills get reworked based on a Dervish Theme and Design, eventually merged into Core Thief Skills


What will the Dervish provide as Gameplay Mechanic?


- Steal will get replaced with Combat Styles

- Physicals get replaced with Dances which work as Stances

- Initiative gets enhanced as Dervish via Mysticism, Mysticism is required to collect via using Initive Skills, so that they can perform a weapon based Mystic Move.


Staff Skills reworked under the Dervish Concept:


SA1) *"Malicious" Eremite's Attack* > Deals damage to your Target and adjacent enemies of your Target. Removes a Boon from you. If a Boon has been removed by this Attack, then this attack will knockdown all hit targets for 3 seconds. When you had enough malice collected to perform a Malicious Eremite's Attack, then you gain after this Attack Might, Fury and Swiftness (if Staff is used)

SA2 *"Malicious" Pious Assault"* > Deal damage to your target and up to 3 nearby targets. Removes a Boon from you. If a Boon has been removed, you gain Alacrity and your Target and nearby hit targets receive 30% more Damage from this attack and will burn after the attack. Had you enough Malice collected from using Stealth Assaults, you perform a malicious Pious Assault, whose Alacrity and Burn will last longer if a Boon has been removed from you by this Skill. (If no Staff us used)

1) *Wearying Strike > Twin Moon Sweep > Wounding Strike*

This Attack String contains 4 Hits, the first attack deals damage, removes a Boon from you and your Target. If you got a Boon removed as well, then will the lost Boon get shared with your nearby allies, when the Attack was critical. folled by two fast sweeping whirling strikes, which will also reflect incoming projectiles, finished by a last powerful thrust attack of the staff causing Vulnerability and Bleeding, which cannot be blocked.

2) *Weakening Charge* > Whirl with the Starf towards your target, dealign damage and Weakness to all foes in line of its sight.

3) *Crippling Victory* > Strike the foe, causing Cripple to it and evade backwards, removing debilitating Conditions self from you like Cripple, Chill and Immobilize

4) *Dust Cloak* Whirl the Staff around quickly yourself, creating a Dust Cloak around you, which blinds nearby foes and grants you Protectition and Barrier for a brief time.

5) *Featherfoot Grace* > Perform a forward somersault attack toward your destination, damaging upon impact. Grants you Swiftness and Vigor.


New second Weapon via Elite Spec - Axes


SA1) *"Malicious" Harrier's Haste* > Leap Attack, which deals increased damage to moving enemies, removes a Boon from you. Causes Cripple and Torment, if a Boon has been removed from you. If you had enough Malice for a Malicious Harriers Haste, then you deal more damage and and you regain your lost Boon with a delay of 3s (if Dual Axes)

SA2) *"Malicious" Harrier's Grasp* > Strike your foe and hit with it also nearby targets. You lose a Boon. If you lost a boon, all hit targets will get immobilized you lose a Condition per hit target (if only MH Axe)

1) *Pious Fury > Banishing Strike > Tomahawk*

Strike a foe, if the attack was hittign a foe under 50% Health, gain Fury. Followed by another attack, which will deal extra alot damage against Non Player Enemies, like Minions, followed by a short ranged throw of your axe, that bounces back to you, hitting foes between you and yout target on its way to the target and back.

2) *Guiding Hands* > Perform two unblockable strikes that cause Bleedings. Removes a Boon, if a Boon as been removed, you cause more Bleedings and more Damage.

3) *Mystic Twister* Whirl with both your axes around, drawing nearby targets to you as you whirl around. triggers Whirl Finishers. (Dual Axes)

3.1) *Mystic Corruption* > You attack a target and corrupt a Boon of it. If you have more Boons than your Target at the moment of the Attack, then you deal increased damage. (OH Axe)

3.2) *Mystic Sweep* > Perform with your axe a sweeping strike hittign multiple foes, which becomes more powerful and hits more possible foes, so more Boons you have on you. (MH Axe)

3.3) *Fleeting Stability* > Leap Attack, which grants Stability to you and nearby Allies nearby of your attacked Target. (OH Dagger)

3.4) *Watchful Intervention* (OH Pistol) A defensive Support Skill, which lets you shadow step to an ally in range, letting you parry and counterattack an enemy attack for your Ally, if an attack would hit that ally within the time that Watchful Intervention is active. Lets you lose a Boon, that is then given to your protected ally, if you had Boons. The Counterattack will be stronger, if you had Boons to give to your protected Ally.

3.5) *Vow of Silence* > Strike your foe and you lose a Boon. The Boon that you have lost, will be removed and sealed away for your hit target for the next 10 seconds and can't be regained in that time, if the hit target had that Boon as well (OH Sword)

4) *Intimidating Aura* > Intimidate your foes with your aggressiveness for some time. You lose a Boon, but your next attack that will hit will cause Fear and attacking feared foes will deal more damage while your Aura is active..

5) *Victorious Strike* > Attack a foe with your Axe. Gain all boons, for soem time, if you kill or down a target with this Attack.The boons last longer, if you actually killed a target with this Attack.


Dervish Traits under the reworked Dervish Concept


*Minor Proficiency* - Battle Dancer - Grants you acces now to the Weapons Staff and Axes.

*Minor Adept* - Combat Style Master - Gain Access to the Dance Skill Category and Combat Styles that replace Steal.

*Major Adept* - Mystic Vigor - Regain Endurance, if you sacrifice a Boon by using your Skills and your Dodges let your nearby Allies gain Vigor.

*Major Adept* - Vital Boon - Receiving Boons will heal you now and Vitality will give you 50% more maximum Health, than normal.

*Major Adept* - Mystic Regeneration - Gain Regeneration on Weapon Swap and your Regenerations you gain will last 50% longer and can't become corrupted anymore.


*Minor Master* - Driven Fortitude - Gain Health if you evade enemy attacks, activate Dance Skills or different Combat Style.

*Major Master* - Dance Master - Increases your Staff and Axe Damage, and lets you gain Endurance, while you under under the Effects of a Dance. You regain Initiative for using Dances.

*Major Master* - Conviction - Grants you Stability and Protection when using Dances and lets Dances recharge 20% faster.

*Major Master* - Mystic Healing - The Healing Skill, active as liek passive effects wil lbe shared from you with your nearby allies. So if you use Signet of Vigor, all allies in your near will start to regain health with their attacks. If you use the healign skill ,that grants stealth, all nearby allies get stealthed if you use it ect. pp


*Minor Grandmaster* - Attacker's Insight - You gain an automatical Block Chance of incoming Melee Attacks, if you wield a Staff or Dual Axes and successful dodging lets you gain Aegis.

*Major Grandmaster* - Veil of Thorns - Successful Evades let you gain Retaliation and automatical blocked attacks become unblockable counterattacks, which cause Bleedings.

*Major Grandmaster* - Mirage Cloak - When you sacrifice a Boon, you will automatically evade for a few seconds incoming projectile attacks. When this effect ends, you gain Swiftness and Alacrity for 3 seconds

*Major Grandmaster* - Enchanted Haste - Swiftness you receive, will become Super Speed instead and you lose Conditions when the increased Movement Speed ends for you.


Surely not yet a perfect concept, but one, that should show the direction of where I'm going with the idea of turning Dervish into a E-Spec for Thief by reworking the Daredevil for that.

Being focused basically on the Gameplay of Boon Sacrifice for additional Effects or strenthed effects of skills, and Flash Moves when charging up enough Mysticism by using Initiative Skills.


While its practically the same Mechanic then liek Malice, Malice uses Initiative Points spent, while mysticism just requires a certain amount of used Initiative Skills, regardless of how many points they cost. But this way can work both mechanics together, if we make Malice a baseline mechanic of Core Thief to which the Specs have access then too, like on Initiative that is shared between all Thief-Specs as well.


**Combat Styles**

Dervishs will have Combat Styles - Offense, Defense and Support.

Base on which Combat Stance you use, have they different passive effects on you and your Initiative.


**Offense** = Initiative Regeneration is increased, Maximum Initiative will be set to 20 IP and when you use Dance Skills, you gain Might. You lastly gain a Power/Condition Damage Bonus so more Boons you have on you.

**Defense** = So more Initive you have, so more higher is your Toughness and Concentration Bonus, Dodges grant you Protection and you lose Conditions every 10 seconds.

**Support** = When you attack a target, that is targeted by your Allies as well, your Attacks will heal your Allies that attack the same target and allies in your near gain increased Concentration and Healing Power. Your Initiative Regeneration is slightly decreased, but all your Initiative Skills will also cost 1 Initiative lesser.


**Mystic Moves**


Mystic Moves are weapon based Special Attacks basically that the Dervish can use, if you have collected enough Mysticism by using often enough Initiative Skills to fill up the Mysticism Bar.


(Staff) *Mystic Sandstorm* - You whirl above your head your Staff fast enough to whirl up all the dust and dirt around you to create a Mystic Sandstorm out of it, which will push nearby targets away from you, if they are standign in its radius, until they are ouzt of its radious, while they get also blinded and damaged from all the whirling around dust and dirt.

(Axe) *Zealous Renewal* - You gain Alacrity and for the time that this Skill is active, you regain Endurance if you get attacked by Enemies per Hit.When this Skill ends, you shadowstep to your Target Enemy.

(Sword) *Faithful Intervention* - You parry the next incoming attacks for some time, then you shadowstep away from your Target. Was your Health below a certain Threshold and you successfully parried attacks, then you regain Health when you shadowstep away from your Target Enemy.

(Pistol) *Staggering Force* - You shoot an unblockable bullet like a flash, so fast and powerful, that it will launch your first hit target away, pierces through it and hits up to 3 targets behind the first hit target., which might get knocked down by the launched first target if the launched target crushes into other foes. You lose a Boon for this Skill. Sacrificing a Boon lets the first hit target launch further away, increasign this way the chance that it will get launched into other enemy players eventually.

(Dagger) *Vow of Piety* - You gain Protection and Regeneration, which renews itself, whenever you sacrifice other Boons.

(Rifle) *Deathly Trigger* - For a short moment of time whenever you use a Rifle based Initiative Attack, cause those Attacks additionally Chill, the shots become unblockable and have increased velocity and range.



The six Dance Skills of the Dervish that are coming as Heal Skill, Utilities and Elite Skill, will be these:


Healing Skill:

*Dance of Agility* > Heal yourself. For a few seconds is the chance to parry attacks increased for you and when you parry an Attack, you gain Barrier.


Utility Skills:

*Dance of Blades* > When you use this Skill, your Attacks gain the chance of dealing additional Torments, especially strong stacks, when attacking crippled or knocked downed foes.

*Dance of Shadows* > When you use this Skill, your Stealth Effects will last longer and dodging or blocking attacks successfully will grant you Stealth.

*Dance of Dragons* > When you use this skill, will cause your critical hits Burning for a while. This Skill will sacrifice one of your Boons, but if a Boon has been sacrificed by this Skill, then you lose a damaging Condition like Burning, Poison, Confusion, Bleeding or Torment

*Dance of Mysticism* When you use this skill, you gain temporarely more Mysticism, when using Initiative Skills and Conditions you receive, last less long.


Elite Skill:

*Flashdance* > When you strike foes, while this dance is active, you create damaging flashlights, which blind nearby foes and whenever you blind foes, while this skill is active, you gain a random boon.


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You have to see more outside of the box ... dervishs are in the first view just nothing more but dancers .... in medium armors....

Thieves are a medium armor class and they surely can learn how to dance and to use these dances in an martial artistic way for their combats as a kind of combat style...


Dervishs in themself will never become an own class and from all medium armor classes we have that fit to the armor type of the Dervish, only the Thief comes into question for an martial artistic battle dancer... additionally to this, we will never get to see scythes as own weapon,, we will have in fact scythes only as staff reskins and the Daredevil uses Staves, so would do like proposed further the Dervish, plus additionally axes, which could come then with small sickle like Mini-Scythe skins for each hand to whirl aroudn with them in both hands, better can't find a Dervish as Specialization its way into the game, trust me... if its based just only on the most essential things of the class - which is Dances and Mysticism.


Mysticism is basically nothing more, but just making usage of forbidden arts and lost wisdom...and what would a sneaky thief not like to get more, than just money and treasures - lost wisdom, especially if its usage is forbidden and mystical for the simple people, cause wisdom is might and might makes you not only powerful, but also wealthy, thats why thieves are treasure/relic hunters, tomb raiders and sneaky adventurers - more than just only simple thugs.

You limitate your view of things too much like a horse with blinkers on, always looking only straight forward.


A Thief becoming a Dervish is practically just a more martial artistical version of a simple daredevil, which makes usage of the lost and forbidden wisdom he has found and gathered and learned from as a treasure hunting Tomb Raider in ancient old ruins and tombs of the past... especially if that thief has had also access to the wisdom of the order of whispers to learn more of the origins of the old dervishs 250 years ago.


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I will be frank i view thief more as a treasure hunter sort of Indiana Jones than dervish which is more like gipsy which i would say could be more an oracle, shaman etc. about mysticism. thieves do not use magic or mystic stuff at all they are practical ppl more like assassins (backstab, poisons, stealth) i know in oriental countries assassins could be dervish but all GW2 world is more common to europe in medieval times than to lets say persia. even elona looks more like egypt than persia and those are two VERY different countries in the times when they existed. Daredevil is more of a ninja than dervish even if you check his complete armor it looks more like he is ninja, he throws knives he uses (judo) hand to hand attacks on close he is more mobile because ninjas were. Dervish guy would have not got a staff but another sword. Also idea of dervish is really not inclining to me. Deadeye is a sniper which continues in thieves image = rough cold blooded person who kills with no hesitation. a Dervish is more exotic and brings sort of an unwanted warmth to the class becaause as you said all mysticism and forbiden wisdom AND dancing.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> I will be frank i view thief more as a treasure hunter sort of Indiana Jones than dervish which is more like gipsy which i would say could be more an oracle, shaman etc. about mysticism. thieves do not use magic or mystic stuff at all they are practical ppl more like assassins (backstab, poisons, stealth) i know in oriental countries assassins could be dervish but all GW2 world is more common to europe in medieval times than to lets say persia. even elona looks more like egypt than persia and those are two VERY different countries in the times when they existed. Daredevil is more of a ninja than dervish even if you check his complete armor it looks more like he is ninja, he throws knives he uses (judo) hand to hand attacks on close he is more mobile because ninjas were. Dervish guy would have not got a staff but another sword. Also idea of dervish is really not inclining to me. Deadeye is a sniper which continues in thieves image = rough cold blooded person who kills with no hesitation. a Dervish is more exotic and brings sort of an unwanted warmth to the class becaause as you said all mysticism and forbiden wisdom AND dancing.


Thieves do use magic ... Shadow Magic, or what do you call the kind of utility skills Anet has given unfitting to the Deadeye, which do count in the game even as Cantrips, so Black Magic/Mischievous Magic Tricks.

Sure, my Dervish Rework of the Daredevil is absolutely not, what old GW1 Dervish players would expect, but its just a reduced version of what actually fits to the game and has a place in this form in the game as an improved, more mystical form of the Daredevil, with a more exotic martial artistical Combat Style,which feels being more ninjalike, than just a few punches and a single block skill and a few throwing dagger skills, when you have this already by simply using Offhand Dagger as "Dervish" with Dancing Daggers.


My Concept would bring back all the kind of Dervish Skills back, that have otherwise under the other Classes no place and it has to be a medium armor class, cause Dervishs have been also a medium armor class. So the choice can be made only between Thief, Ranger and Engineer and from these 3 Options, you have to agree with me, that only Thief as a mobile martial artistical class makes sense here to be the Core Class, from you you specialize into becoming a Dervish with the help of the gained wisdom you collected on your treasure hunting adventures in all kinds of ancient ruins, catacombs and tombs of the past to get your hands on lost and forbidden mystic wisdom of the past, that would been otherwise already forgotten most likely, due to the gods having been gone for all these years and the old Dervishs and Paragons of the Sun Spears having being hunted down by the Mordant Crescent of Joko to eliminate this threat for him.

So for me its only clear, who and what was able to reclaim this lost wisdom back - Tomb Raiders - fearless treasure hunting thieves who have no scruples to invade the graves of others in the hope to find somethign valuable for them, be it wealth in form of money and jewels ect. or lost wisdom and powers that might make them more powerful. In the case of specialized Dervishs, its the later thing these tomb raiders did find, becomign this way able to enhance their Shadow Magic with the wisdom and knowledge of mysticism and how to make usage of these lost and forbidden powers in combination with their Shadow Magic Powers


Its regardless of what Elona is based on, Anet doesn't design its Elite Specs based on real world region mythologies/themes, like they added in GW1 years ago new classes based on the them design of the standalone games. Otherwise we woudl have received most likely instead the Dervish already with Path of Fire instead of the Deadeye.


Fact is, we have Scythes as Staff Reskins and this wouldn't be the case, if Anet wouldnt have made up the obvious clear decision, that this game won't receive an own Dervish Class, nor Scythes as own Weapon Type. We get them as Staff Reskins, so the only way to get a Dervish that actually feels also like one and doesn't look only like one, is via an Elite Spec, which is able to use Staves - so only Thief comes into question, because it is the only medium armor class which is martial artistical and receives Staff via Elite Spec. Daredevil is only a sidegrade of the Core Thief, but if it woudl get reworked into becomign a Dervish Spec, then it woudl actually feel really like a Specialization, which completely changes the gameplay experioence as a Thief Player due to it adding Dervish Features, that have not yet found its way back into the game, which are:


- Boon Sacrifices

- Dances as Stances

- Mysticism can be reused as an enhancement of Initiative easily


Dervish Avatars have no place in this game anymore by design, due to the game being not based anymore on Humans only and the Gods, so it was clear that this has had to go and was most liekly also the main reason for it, why this Game hasn't gotten from begin on an own Dervish Class. ANet had to completely remove for race Neutrality all religios human only based aspects of the game. A reason for it also, why we also have no Monks.


My concept is just a reduced form of the very essence of the Dervish, which has a real chance of being used in this game and that are Boon Sacrifices, dance-like Combat Styles and Mysticism, the usage of forbidden and lost wisdom as some kind of magical enhancement of already existing magical powers, in this case Shadow Magic.

These 3 points did I combine with the Daredevil, to enhance it into a more mystical melee fighter - just what the Dervish in GW1 was.

Everything else that didn't fit into the picture, did I remove from the Daredevil and baselined itunder my Concept here into the Core Thief, to bring the Core Thief back to the point, how the Core Thief was, before it got dumbed down, so that Daredevil received a reason for its existance.


I don't expect here, that people will like this concept, because I made the concept from begin on knowing, that it is not what veteran GW1 Dervish players want or would expect from a Dervish, but the whole point of this concept is - this concept is most likely everything, what we can expect from a Dervish finding its way back into the game, because Boon Sacrifice, Dances and Mysticism are the only elements, which could be used for such an E-Spec, to make it different and unique from all the rest of the game's E-Specs, everything else what the class offered in GW1, won't find its way back into the game. Scythes as Weapon type and Avatars come not into question. Never.


Trust me, a martial artistical combat dancer, like a Dervish will surely be same as cold blooded and able to kill without hesitation, when it slices your head off with one of its small sickle scythe like Axes, as like your image of a sniper who shoots instead into your head just from far far away out of safe range.

Dont let your predefined pictures of classes obfuscate your imagination, of how classes can change over time. In 250 years can professions change also in the way, how they look, how they operate, what they do all and so on ... only because you think about Dervishs about whatever for a kind of warmth that you connect to your personal image of a Dervish doesn't mean, that they can't cold bloodly kill you, if they have a reason just to do so.


Thats the problem, when too much real world mythology gets mixed into class designs of a fantasy game.

It hinders the imagination from the people and lets them fixate themself too much onto the bonds of these real world connections, that people kind of mislearn to have fantasy to see, how such a class could change itself over time, because they always have only in mind, how a class has to be based on this real world connections.

But I get too offtopic now and begin to stray...


For me would be Dervish a clear real Elite Specialization of a Thief, which is able to completely change the Gameplay of the Thief to a different Gameplay Experience.

Daredevil in my eyes doesn't do this at all.

It feels just only like a sidegrade, like a simple minded extension of a normal Core Thief, that is better than the CoreThief in Mobility, because of the Core Thief having been even extra dumbed down in its mobility it once had, just so that Daredevil gives the player the clear impression of being the superior specialization in Mobility and thas not the way, how I think should be Elite Specializations designed for any Class.


As a Dervish instead it would feel much more like an exotic martial artistic Melee Combatant, with the Speciality to make much more usage of Boons in a completely different way, than the Core Thief, which is much more specialized in Melee Combat than the OCre Thief, due to beign much better in paarying and counterattacking attacks, than the current Daredevil Design with its single one lousy Utility Skill that allows you to block once an attack every laughable 20 seconds and that only on land LOL. As Dervish I would receive much better the immersion as Thief of being a kind of sneaky treasure hunting Tomb Raider, making usage of by Mysticism enhanced Shadow Magic - since when do actually cold blooded snipers again use Magic ???

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:


> Dervishs in themself will never become an own class and from all medium armor classes we have that fit to the armor type of the Dervish, only the Thief comes into question for an martial artistic battle dancer... additionally to this, we will never get to see scythes as own weapon,, we will have in fact scythes only as staff reskins and the Daredevil uses Staves, so would do like proposed further the Dervish, plus additionally axes, which could come then with small sickle like Mini-Scythe skins for each hand to whirl aroudn with them in both hands, **better can't find a Dervish as Specialization its way into the game, trust me**... if its based just only on the most essential things of the class - which is Dances and Mysticism.



I disagree with the marked part.. Revenant is also qualified as a dervish and wont Need the rework of an elite spec.

-They already can use staff,

- staff is meele too,

- Revenant is pretty mystical to begin with

- heavy armor.. well 250 years passed from dancer to soldier


>Dont let your predefined pictures of classes obfuscate your imagination, of how classes can change over time. In 250 years can professions change also in the way, how they look, how they operate, what they do all and so on ... only because you think about Dervishs about whatever for a kind of warmth that you connect to your personal image of a Dervish doesn't mean, that they can't cold bloodly kill you, if they have a reason just to do so.



Sorry pal but ur doing the same by imagening ur ideal dervish can only be presssed into the thief cuz thats just wrong. u take limitations like the armor class as an Argument that nothing else is valid possibility.




whatever i really would love ur rework.. dont care for the dervish part but a Super mobile Deadeye with the ability to deal heavy damage and move around more freely than ever.. god that would be awesome i can already visualize 2 Million threads with the "nerf thief ouch ouch Mama" -Topic


so ur rework would be the Long awaited buff to the thiefs abilitys.. this is why u got my full supprt on this! - good job

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I have to disagree with you, Revenant is already basically disqualified by its gameplay design.


- Its a heavy armor class, Dervishs were no heavy armor class!!

- Revenants are not mystical, they make usage of echoes of powers they don't have self from the mists of creatures and persons from the past..

- They are no martial artistic mobile and agile fighters. how even in their HEAVY ARMORS... wouldn' they have their powers from the mists, they'd be slow as guardians


Yes, I said it self, time has passed, but the change of the armor type and profession type would be a bit too drastic in my opinion, especially with the rev, which draws its powers from the MISTS, not from mysticism.

Revs are by their gameplay closer to soldier based Ritualists which are in spiritual contact and speak with lost souls practically, than Dervishs.


Anyways, aside of this, thank you for your support ;)

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> I have to disagree with you, Revenant is already basically disqualified by its gameplay design.


> - Its a heavy armor class, Dervishs were no heavy armor class!!

> - Revenants are not mystical, they make usage of echoes of powers they don't have self from the mists of creatures and persons from the past..


Sounds Pretty mystical to me to be honest but i guess that we just got a different Point of view in this one


> - They are no martial artistic mobile and agile fighters. how even in their HEAVY ARMORS... wouldn' they have their powers from the mists, they'd be slow as guardians


> Yes, I said it self, time has passed, but the change of the armor type and profession type would be a bit too drastic in my opinion, especially with the rev, which draws its powers from the MISTS, not from mysticism.

> Revs are by their gameplay closer to soldier based Ritualists which are in spiritual contact and speak with lost souls practically, than Dervishs.


> Anyways, aside of this, thank you for your support ;)


Revenants with staff are got mobility in combat and the animations fit with scythe Skins pretty good.


250 years in Elona .. under the rule of Joko who hunted down the sunspears and almost made them extinct.. sure enough that this would not make a soldier out of somebody?.

heavier armor to fight the war versus the suppressor

ofcourse u could say that as soon as the war began to be a struggle of survival in a spiral of losses a lighter armor would be the better choice in a Guirrilla war so it can be scaled down again. but to say that the Option of heavy armor was never possible for them seems to me that u stepped into the same trap that u dont want others to do - look at Quote of previous post for this

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Why would you redesign something that work just fine and is somehow balanced? There is plenty of things in the game that need redesign but DD is not one of those.


Because I want the Spec to be more, than just a simple sidegrade of the Core Thief. Daredevil offers absolutely nothing new, that Core Thief didn't represented already before and got dumbed down for, just so that we receive on DD the impression, that they are superior in mobility.

With my concept I'd turn DD into somethign more unique and different compared to the Core Thief gameplay - into something, that gives you as a player actualyl really the impression, that the Specialization changes the way how you play your character.


I play now Daredevil, since HoT got released, simply out of the reason, because its practically just Thief 2.0, does exactly the same things like Core Thief, but is just in mobility much better than Core Thief.

Thats what i want to see gettign reverted.. that Core Thief gets basically back to the Mobility Level it had before HoT, by baselining the view things that make DD just superior over Core Thief into the Core Thief (3 Dodges, Dodge Styles, a few mobility based traits/skills) and fill those gaps with actually dervish related theme fitting skills/traits and gameplay mechanics, which are completely different from the ocre Thief, while making just only usage of the overarching Initiative System that all of the Thieves Specs have to use, because of initiative being the class core element, which can't be replaced, due to all weapon skilsl of the Thief making usage of it for fast paced combat.

As an Elite spec, they should be MORE, than just the additino of a new weapon and soem new Utility Skills, an Heal and an Elite, without actually a change to the gameplay at all and to me is adding only 1 additional Dodge and the 3 Dodge Styles no real change in gameplay. Its elements that the Core Thief should have instead to become more unique and different compared to the other Core Classes, to clearly see that they are the most mobile and evasive class of all by just looking of them having the biggest endurance, which is somethign tbh, that shouldn't be part of an E-Spec.

My concept here in fact would give Thief players a complete different gameplay feeling, when changing from Core Thief to Dervish as reworked DD, if you swap from Core Thief to this concept, you can be sure then, that you would play your character then completely differently and that the Spec doesn't just feel like Thief 2.0


Thats my goal I have with this concept and why I want to see DD getting reworked into Dervish.

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