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RIP OP Iboga damage


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i dont know why anet wants pets to be so useless. at least make them scale with your equipment


> @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> > @"Amityel.5324" said:

> > I am amazed how fast they fix this on ranger but still wont nerf mesmers and scourges


> You didn't read the rest of the notes, did you....


Scourges are basically unchanged. Mesmer got heavy nerfs yes.

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> @"Regnum.7102" said:

> It only took them 2 weeks to heavily nerf a skill they fixed 8 months after the release of the expansion. Lul. Rip in ranger having nice things.


Right? I always feel under powered in PvP and WvW playing as a ranger because everybody else has so much more damage in their kit. They just nerf our pets into the ground. There goes half of our kit....


> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> i dont know why anet wants pets to be so useless. at least make them scale with your equipment


^^^^ This comment is spot on. I would love to have my pet scale with equipment. Always feel forgotten in these updating builds..... When is the Ranger gonna feel some love from anet?

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Sigh. Dunno what you guys are smoking, I don't feel underpowered at all when playing core ranger or soulbeast. I have no problems running either of them and playing against those metabattle builds that a substantial number of players are running. Some professions are just overtuned, hence why they nerf mesmer (the one profession I'll gladly admit having some problems with - but then again, the fact that they can summon clones off of pets that can't dodge always give them an advantage) and not ranger* in a regular patch a couple of weeks after a balance patch.


Yeah, druid's self-sustain was nerfed too much and should be looked at, blah blah blah. I personaly can't be bothered as the only build I found enjoyable after the initial druid nerfs (Seed of Life condi cleanse nerf which also affected the viability of running glyphs in pvp etc) was a druid variant of the regular survival skills longbow builds, using Natural Stride for movement speed and Ancient Seed. Support isn't the reason I play this class, but because we nevertheless have an elite spec for this very role attached to an expansion Anet still sells for money, I'm sure they're gonna keep an eye on it if it remains subpar at doing its job in pvp.


That's not saying there aren't stuff that can't be improved. A few weapons, Marksmanship and Skirmishing, a couple of Soulbeast traits, core pets etc. But to say we got "no good stuff" when the synergy between NM, WS and BM is amazing atm, SB easily can be slotted in as an elite spec choice with two of those three core lines, GS has over the last year been buffed from noodle damage to actually good damage, druid still has an indisputable place in raids at the same time as ranger also got damage build options, and so on and so forth? This ranger "can't have nice things" is so tiresome, it's like some 2013 meme that has overstayed its welcome. The only thing that sucks about it is that they can't act as quickly when certain other professions run around with broken bugs.


*The Iboga was an outlier, the mistake wasn't nerfing it (although, they may have overdone it), but 1) keep it bugged for months and then 2) release a patch fix without testing it first

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> i dont know why anet wants pets to be so useless. at least make them scale with your equipment


> > @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> > > @"Amityel.5324" said:

> > > I am amazed how fast they fix this on ranger but still wont nerf mesmers and scourges

> >

> > You didn't read the rest of the notes, did you....


> Scourges are basically unchanged. Mesmer got heavy nerfs yes.


Oh I'm in total agreement with your sentiment, to be sure.


I genuinely wasn't trying to be rude, I was just trying to make sure you saw the Mesmer notes if you had only read about the Ranger changes here.

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> @"Lazze.9870" said:

> Sigh. Dunno what you guys are smoking, I don't feel underpowered at all when playing core ranger or soulbeast. I have no problems running either of them and playing against those metabattle builds that a substantial number of players are running. Some professions are just overtuned, hence why they nerf mesmer (the one profession I'll gladly admit having some problems with - but then again, the fact that they can summon clones off of pets that can't dodge always give them an advantage) and not ranger* in a regular patch a couple of weeks after a balance patch.


> Yeah, druid's self-sustain was nerfed too much and should be looked at, blah blah blah. I personaly can't be bothered as the only build I found enjoyable after the initial druid nerfs (Seed of Life condi cleanse nerf which also affected the viability of running glyphs in pvp etc) was a druid variant of the regular survival skills longbow builds, using Natural Stride for movement speed and Ancient Seed. Support isn't the reason I play this class, but because we nevertheless have an elite spec for this very role attached to an expansion Anet still sells for money, I'm sure they're gonna keep an eye on it if it remains subpar at doing its job in pvp.


> That's not saying there aren't stuff that can't be improved. A few weapons, Marksmanship and Skirmishing, a couple of Soulbeast traits, core pets etc. But to say we got "no good stuff" when the synergy between NM, WS and BM is amazing atm, SB easily can be slotted in as an elite spec choice with two of those three core lines, GS has over the last year been buffed from noodle damage to actually good damage, druid still has an indisputable place in raids at the same time as ranger also got damage build options, and so on and so forth? This ranger "can't have nice things" is so tiresome, it's like some 2013 meme that has overstayed its welcome. The only thing that sucks about it is that they can't act as quickly when certain other professions run around with broken bugs.


> *The Iboga was an outlier, the mistake wasn't nerfing it (although, they may have overdone it), but 1) keep it bugged for months and then 2) release a patch fix without testing it first




Anet, as always, is heavy handed when it comes to nerfs. The self-sustain nerf to Druid wasn't well thought out and neither was fixing a pet and then nerfing it to death in 2 weeks. All that being said though i find that it's a bit harder to survive in PvP without all the healing but it's still just fine, same goes for core and soulbeast. The only thing i hate at the moment is that every build is some variant of the same build i've run for years and that, more than anything else, is why i don't PvP. I've also parked my Ranger in the last month and run a Warrior in PvE, might even try a PvE Mesmer out. Some PvE variant of condi ranger has been the meta build for way too long and Survival Ranger has been the only option in PvP/WvW for far too long.


@Anet, it's getting really boring round here.

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Rangers can't have nice things. For the first time a pet was working "correctly" as it should be on a ranger concept, where a ranger's pet is an important part of its damage/utility, but now its back on utility only ...

Wish ranger's pets here were more like WoW.

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We all knew it was kinda broken. Dont know how the numbers will play out, but its a quite hefty nerf. Splitting Pet dmg is probably not a thing for Anet i assume, maybe its not as easy as we thought.

@"Wondrouswall.7169" maybe something you will look into with your DPS test to look how it performs.


I wonder if i should start a discussion thread and ask the devs directly if and how they are planning to address several pet issues we currently have/ if they will consider splitts or not.

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And what about changing the pet skill crippling anguish to 10 seconds CD skill which also apply 1 stack of might for 5 seconds for each condition in the target (guarantied at least 2 stacks because of the skill itself) . And there is no need to change anything else as merged skill would change for the better with this change.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> @"Wondrouswall.7169" maybe something you will look into with your DPS test to look how it performs.


Just finished updating the results.


Edit: In the Iboga's case, I'd gladly take a revert to its bugged state before Consuming Bite was corrected (post-11/07/17 | pre-05/08/18) and have its tooltip reworded to deal a flat damage boost against targets afflicted with a condition.


At least then, it was solid without requiring scenarios of multiple conditions on targets to deal reliable damage. However, I believe it's too late and that option is no longer on the table.

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> @"Lazze.9870" said:

> Sigh. Dunno what you guys are smoking, I don't feel underpowered at all when playing core ranger or soulbeast.

> *The Iboga was an outlier, the mistake wasn't nerfing it (although, they may have overdone it), but 1) keep it bugged for months and then 2) release a patch fix without testing it first



They ignore mesmer imbalance to an outcry from every profession forum. Even mesmers realize it.

no nerf....no balance.....just keep on doing what you're doing!


They catch a whiff of a Ranger pet that is strong and nerf it to unusable.


and now more mesmer Heavy Handed Nerfs. GG



Never liked Iboga.

Sure, on golems it looked amazing.

In actual fights, not that impressed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Miellyn.6847" said:

> Or they could add a 25% or 33% damage increase to beastmastery so they deal damage if you equip the corresponding trait line but not if you don't use it. So you have a tradeoff and people can finally stop complaining.


Literally this. Like GotL changes. You wanna heal? pick this and everything’s gravy still.

You want a beastly pet? Pick this! while trading something for it so nobody could cry OP.

But ofc people would still cry AI is OP :/

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> @"TotallyNotJazzie.1493" said:

> > @"Miellyn.6847" said:

> > Or they could add a 25% or 33% damage increase to beastmastery so they deal damage if you equip the corresponding trait line but not if you don't use it. So you have a tradeoff and people can finally stop complaining.


> Literally this. Like GotL changes. You wanna heal? pick this and everything’s gravy still.

> You want a beastly pet? Pick this! while trading something for it so nobody could cry OP.

> But ofc people would still cry AI is OP :/


People have cried about getting killed by BearBows back in the day. Things got better after Jon Sharp left. Now that his lacky is finally leaving Anet, the other guy that hated Rangers, hopefully it'll get better again.

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> @"thefantasticg.3984" said:

> > @"TotallyNotJazzie.1493" said:

> > > @"Miellyn.6847" said:

> > > Or they could add a 25% or 33% damage increase to beastmastery so they deal damage if you equip the corresponding trait line but not if you don't use it. So you have a tradeoff and people can finally stop complaining.

> >

> > Literally this. Like GotL changes. You wanna heal? pick this and everything’s gravy still.

> > You want a beastly pet? Pick this! while trading something for it so nobody could cry OP.

> > But ofc people would still cry AI is OP :/


> People have cried about getting killed by BearBows back in the day. Things got better after Jon Sharp left. Now that his lacky is finally leaving Anet, the other guy that hated Rangers, hopefully it'll get better again.

Thanks for telling me this. I’m not very knowledgeable about the inner workings of Anet over the years and so this brings me hope.



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> @"thefantasticg.3984" said:

> People have cried about getting killed by BearBows back in the day. Things got better after Jon Sharp left. Now that his lacky is finally leaving Anet, the other guy that hated Rangers, hopefully it'll get better again.


Well, this is pleasant news. Maybe that pet rework/revamp that Rangers hoped for but was never going to happen might... happen. Or at least the very least, the quickness bug and condition/regen bug will be fixed.

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Yup. Roy Concher or whatever it is, finally announcing he is leaving Anet. You could see their (Sharp and Roy) disdain on their faces as the laughed in the videos about Ranger balancing... They also spent the LEAST amount of time discussing the class the depended the most on AI to succeed. I don't know if they're still on Twitch or youtube, but it had to be about 3 or 4 years ago now.

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