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how is the crippling leap from canines after the patch?


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Did it got fixed? How far does it travel?

if both leaps works lettuce dog (fern hound) would be a good replacement for snow owl and maybe even jacaranda. May reliable hard and soft CC, with two leap wich combined should be around 1000 units (2 small always better than one big).

Also two heals (merged + pet skill) + some regen in there (edit: a group cleanse in the pet skill of a condition would be amazing thing to have too)


This could be the wolf or kritan hound come back too. A little bit more HP ( this pets have only 16k in wvw the same as other glassy pets like bristle ) andthey could be a replacement for the smoke (finally) to get some extra CC (immob or fear)

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> This could be the wolf or kritan hound come back too. A little bit more HP ( this pets have only 16k in wvw the same as other glassy pets like bristle ) andthey could be a replacement for the smoke (finally) to get some extra CC (immob or fear)




Asking it to be a replacement won't solve the problem of "many pets, only a few viable". Besides, it will never be a replacement to a pet that also offers CC, gap closer (which are much needed for pets), smoke field for stealth and evade, more CC and might while in beastmode.

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It hits more reliable but the range still sucks.

Fernhound is a fantastic open PvE pet and for low tier fractals its quiet nice too. You have good mobility some CC and the heal.

If crippling leap would be at higher range it would make canines instant meta in WvW just due to mobility.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> It hits more reliable but the range still sucks.

> Fernhound is a fantastic open PvE pet and for low tier fractals its quiet nice too. You have good mobility some CC and the heal.

> If crippling leap would be at higher range it would make canines instant meta in WvW just due to mobility.


You forget the 3 target cap for each canine skill , making fern hound a better option during group fights compared to snow owl, I believe the range then is ideal is that situation but for pure roaming where mobility is king yeah, snow owl has no contest

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