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Elonian Elementalist Outfit not armor set

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If they made boots, gloves and headgear from the outfits as armor pieces, I would buy a ton, with cash. But the process of making such pieces seems to still be less profitable than just making the outfit and leaving it as it is.

Only possibility of having armor pieces back in priority would be if people stopped buying outfits. But that is not going to happen.

People who likes to create their own designs must understand they (we) are not a majority. Most people seems to accept outfits and are very happy with them.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> I understand that armor skins take more time and resources and whatever but sometimes we get new gloves/helms/boots/shoulders separately (you know, Toxic Gloves, Foefire Greaves and so on). Why don't they make some chest pieces and pants too? Just a few ones per year at a higher price. Instabuy! I desperately need some pants that don't look like bulky metal skirts. I've been wearing the Aetherblade pants since forever. :astonished:


The main issue is how the different rigs for light/medium/heavy cut seams for the body and leggings. They are not in the same spot, so applying the textures would execute oddly. The outfit rig(s) operate differently and I believe is some slightly newer tech that they can use to push outfits faster.

And then there's the permutations of light/medium/heavy x 5 races. One "theme" of a mix/match set would mean 15 different tweaks as opposed to just 5 with a single outfit.


I really would love to see outfits also split into pieces for people that would buy them, but I really don't think it's cost effective for their operating environment.


Perhaps the best compromise I could see would be to use Outfits as a proof of concept before taking the work that was already done to adapt it to a gem store skin set for later release.

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There's clearly something off about the way they set up armor models in this game. It should not take massive amounts of effort to develop a single set of armor skins, and we should have way more available than we do now. Outfits are dumb. They worked in GW1 because it was effectively a single player game. They don't work nearly as well in an MMO.

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> @"Gambino.2109" said:

> and of course there's always a piece of the outfit that usually kills the rest.. like funky pair of boots or gloves or hanging cloths


A world of clones causes one to shudder but yeah, that is a close second. For example, I did not get the scientist armor because the headstraps look like a mustache (which somehow I did not want with my female characters).

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