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Griffon quest. Some events feel dead.

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> @"Coelho Nat.4697" said:

> If you think I am exagerating, try ire´s serpent event. Eventually you will be able to kill it, but it will take many weeks trying to find a full map with the right players.


It took me literally two minutes to find exactly that. I went to http://ttsgamers.com/event-calendar/ and looked up when TTS were running one. Then I joined the map just ahead of the schedule time, found their groups, joined in, and bam, done.


Again, if you can't randomly find a group to do stuff, don't just hope one will show up. Find one, or organize one. How hard is it to post in the forums that you are running Serpent's Ire at a specific time, for the quest, and capturing *all* the people you think are unable to otherwise get this done, eh?

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> @"Coelho Nat.4697" said:

> I created similar topic some time ago. There are some events that are completely dead after 2 or 3 weeks of the release.

> Many players have a lot of problems trying to complete them for achievements, mounts, collections, etc. Anet must realize that if the reward of the event is not good, it will be surely dead in no time. Sometimes even the entire map will be dead, so lfg or similar wont work.

> If you think I am exagerating, try ire´s serpent event. Eventually you will be able to kill it, but it will take many weeks trying to find a full map with the right players.


I'm on that, precisely. I'm still not able to find the correct map/time/diceroll.

However this is VERY different from the deadhouse or the facet bounty. Those two events depend just on a bunch of people passing close. In Vabbi people are actively avoiding doing Serpent's Ire, unless you promise them you know every single mechanic and have experience doing it, etc. It looks a lot like the problem with raiding.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > @"Coelho Nat.4697" said:

> > I created similar topic some time ago. There are some events that are completely dead after 2 or 3 weeks of the release.

> > Many players have a lot of problems trying to complete them for achievements, mounts, collections, etc. Anet must realize that if the reward of the event is not good, it will be surely dead in no time. Sometimes even the entire map will be dead, so lfg or similar wont work.

> > If you think I am exagerating, try ire´s serpent event. Eventually you will be able to kill it, but it will take many weeks trying to find a full map with the right players.


> I'm on that, precisely. I'm still not able to find the correct map/time/diceroll.

> However this is VERY different from the deadhouse or the facet bounty. Those two events depend just on a bunch of people passing close. In Vabbi people are actively avoiding doing Serpent's Ire, unless you promise them you know every single mechanic and have experience doing it, etc. It looks a lot like the problem with raiding.


I’m in a TTS guild (they have several full guilds by the same acronym) and pretty much every night I see them organizing and running Serpent’s Ire. I’ve joined a few and they were successful runs.


It IS a difficult meta but when Anet doesn’t teach players about the break bar or what CC is or how much damage they do to the break bar it is not hard to see why so many people struggle with this event. Truly it is a ‘L2P’ issue but at the same time Anet needs to step up their tutorial for basic stuff like this.


The thing that makes Serpent’s Ire so difficult is the ignorance of the average player. IMO anyway. Otherwise it is not a very difficult event to complete and certainly cannot be compared to even the easiest of raids.

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I'm not talking about mechanics, but about the reaction of people. Frankly, I don't even know how Serpents Ire event LOOKs. I have never seen it being done. People just avoid it. (I know if I wait enough I will see it eventually. Its just I haven been there enough hours)

Do you want to raid? -> No, unless you have all the dps, and points and certificates and stats and whatever to do it well. -> Only people already raiding do raid.

Do you want to do serpents Ire? -> No, unless you know the event and mechanics and have the dps and whatever to do it well. -> Very few people seems to do it.

The event can be extremely easy, but as long as most people continue to think they are wasting time by just trying, is not going to be done.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> I'm not talking about mechanics, but about the reaction of people. Frankly, I don't even know how Serpents Ire event LOOKs. I have never seen it being done. People just avoid it. (I know if I wait enough I will see it eventually. Its just I haven been there enough hours)

> Do you want to raid? -> No, unless you have all the dps, and points and certificates and stats and whatever to do it well. -> Only people already raiding do raid.

> Do you want to do serpents Ire? -> No, unless you know the event and mechanics and have the dps and whatever to do it well. -> Very few people seems to do it.

> The event can be extremely easy, but as long as most people continue to think they are wasting time by just trying, is not going to be done.


Just to inform people, my strategy of waiting with my toon over the Court area were Serpents Ire happens and log in to the game every few hours gave fruits yesterday. In the 5th log in, I found a group that was already killing a couple monsters below, and I got immediately into the fray. There were a lot of people, the lag was terrible, and there was the typical lack of CC. Since I tend to specialize in that (My build has 5 hard CC and a few soft ones), I felt like I was helping by just focusing on it. Although I admit I never really understood why the Hydra got resurrected so many times, it was very challenging and rewarding.


In the end, it was fun and I got what I needed. However, I don't know for sure how could I got into this again: LfG didn't worked, map chat didn't worked, even asking my guild didn't worked. Camping for an event like in the prehistory of MMO gaming is not a reasonable way to solve this, even if this time it worked.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> Although I admit I never really understood why the Hydra got resurrected so many times, it was very challenging and rewarding.


The other boss will resurrect it every time it dies, so hitting it is more or less irrelevant. Ideally it will be kited away from the main boss, and basically just kept in a holding pattern so it doesn't add damage to the main group. Once the core boss is dead, it can die and stay dead.

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> @"ReV.6097" said:

> The day I did get it finished was the only time that I saw a decent sized group go in there.

> You also need to include the Na/Eu and time/day before bashing us with "I call BS".


NA, and my times were never the same. but if I had to average, between midnight and 5am CST. We did everything with small groups except for that one event in the Elon Riverland (Deadhouse, dollhouse??? whatever that one is called) that one had to have a big group and I hit on one already starting that way. Most of them I either jumped in on people asking for help on map chat or had a nice amount of people swarm to me when I asked for help. I called bs because I did all of mine in the "dead zone" for the NA servers and still got it done in four weekends, I did it when you said it was impossible. I WANTED that mount and I hustled for it. I don't know, maybe it's all the year's I've spent as a raider in mmos that have made me this way, but this wasn't as hard or 'impossible' as your making it out to be. This mount radically changes how you interact with the game so what you do have to go thru to get it makes sense to me.

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