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Cross-dressing in Gw2 Idea

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I had a curious talk with a friend, and I finally got the courage to ask this: Why cant we cross-dress?

There are many outfits and armor pieces that differ with their respective gender, but why cant we have the option to, for example, as a male use the female version of the desired outfit or desired armor piece?

I understand this is controversial, but I really wish we had that option, we pass with our characters hours, days, years even, and some of us would enjoy to have that connection, to be able to cross-dress in game too and feel more feminine if you are male or more masculine if you are female.

This is just an opinion, an idea for maybe a future change on the customization of the characters and have more variety available for those who desire to express through their characters who they really are and feel happier with their character, or for those who wants to have fun role-playing or want to have fun being like that, I do not judge.

But I truly hope you can take in consideration my idea/opinion, i know it is controversial and I know some see it as unimportant, but is just something I really wish could be realized in the future.


(PS: sorry for my grammar errors and possible syntax errors, English is not my main language and I try my hardest to make myself clear)


Thank you very much for reading

Gil Softpaws



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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> I think the general lack of boobs, would make putting female armor on a male toon, look pretty stupid, especially the heavy armor.


Wait sir but we have the asuras who actually dont have boobs in any gender, or the charrs, but yes I do understand that point, as I replied to some one here, I do understand would maybe be more work put into it and again, would probably be a charged extra service.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> Your English is fine. Better than many native speakers.


> Unfortunately the game is based in a country founded by puritans. Cross-dressing is still a taboo for much of the nation and seems unlikely to be added to the game any time soon. Hopefully this does not diminish your enjoyment of the game too much. Even so, good luck with your request.


> @"FlyingK.9720" said:

> Agreed that Anet plays things way too safe to include such topics. A shame too, because other games like Blade and Soul do have a few gender bending / gender neutral outfits and allow a person to make some rather attractive characters:


> https://imgur.com/a/JfojEC8


Oh well, still worth trying to at least give a shout and ask kindly, offer the opinion and hope for the best, I trully thank you dear readers.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Sadly, we've had a similar discussion about unisex hair. It didn't go over well. But as far as my opinion? Do you, Boo. :)


Well kind sir it is still worth giving a shout about it, jsut to try to give an opinion to Anet, and I do understand the risks, some people will react bad about it, critical, good, or positive, but at the end I just want this opinion to be on the folder of Anet. BUT, I do also would like to see different ideas and conscepts with my opinion, and I do see that it can take extra work on modeling, something I did not thought about and instandly guess that anet would put a charge to such ability, but yet again, is an opinion, not a fact that needs to be as such, is like clay!one shapes it, looks, tries new things, plays a bit with it and learns from the experience.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> As to this: "_to be able to cross-dress in game too and feel more feminine if you are male or more masculine if you are female._"

> One could just create the opposite-gender character to fulfill that desire, it seems.


Dear sir but that is exactly not the idea! Of course one can change of gender to acces to the opposite style of clothes, but what I am asking is for the opposite style of clothes be accesable to the other gender too. The reason is because as player, and many othes maybe would, I connect more as a male that wears female related things. Ican try to create a style that is femenine, but its not as visible, is not the same, Is like me giving to you a sword with shiny effects, and the other one the same sword but with no shiny effects, is not the same. (sorry if this example may seem terrible and my english, yet again, terrible! but Itrully hope I am making myself understandable)

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I'd imagine the main reason is because unlike clothes in real life, which are flexible, soft and bendable, and can thus be more form fitting regardless of your size or shape, digital armor/outfits need to be constructed to fit a specific model frame. It's not a simple matter of just throwing it over to the other gender and expecting it to work, you'd probably have a huge amount of issues in that regard because of how different the male and female models are in this game for most races. The only two races that are similar enough for it to work, the Charr and Asura, already have unisex outfits and armor in most cases.


Basically it would require a rework for just about every single armor set in the game. It's hard enough to get new armor sets as it is, so the chances of them reworking all the existing sets is pretty much zero.

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> @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> I'd imagine the main reason is because unlike clothes in real life, which are flexible, soft and bendable, and can thus be more form fitting regardless of your size or shape, digital armor/outfits need to be constructed to fit a specific model frame. It's not a simple matter of just throwing it over to the other gender and expecting it to work, you'd probably have a huge amount of issues in that regard because of how different the male and female models are in this game for most races. The only two races that are similar enough for it to work, the Charr and Asura, already have unisex outfits and armor in most cases.


> Basically it would require a rework for just about every single armor set in the game. It's hard enough to get new armor sets as it is, so the chances of them reworking all the existing sets is pretty much zero.


Oh yes sir, actually another kind critic in the comments above said something similar, and did not had this in mind at all. So, I do see that extra work is needed in order to actually fit the female clothes into male and vice versa, so I do would believe they would maybe charge gems for the ability to have acces to female clothing for males, ooor vice versa.


Now, maybe some one else would have a better idea on how that would work, Imean, I trully dont mind paying for such a service, we pay for the ability to make a total makeover, why not for this then? again, many opinions and ideas, my opinion is like clay at the end of the day, takes many hands to make a shape.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Could always choose a Charr or Asura, or even Sylvari and pretend they are male; they really don't have many differences.


> But, if you are stuck on Human or Norn, I suppose the choices are fewer.


> Good luck.


Sir you actually made a good point there! yes, as these 3 races is easier to have a sort of an "illusion" on being more femenine looking as male, or vice versa. But yet again would be great to have outfits for example that look different ine ach gender to be available for the other gender too. yet again, Itrully thank you for your comment, and for the luck.

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_I am Trying to reply as many comments as I can, Iam sorry if take time or something else, but I do will try to reply to the comments posted here, as I am trully interested in this, and I will, of course, be as respectful and kind on my responces and try my best to write good paragraphs and sentences with the least errors as possible (if I make mistakes, again, please I am trully sorry)


This Message also helps me as a way to remember where I left off with replies and all, thank you very much for any type of comment, and again, I dont want to cause trouble, just an opinion that, thanks to people like you, takes shape._

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> @"Zauriel Mooncat.4968" said:

> > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> > I'd imagine the main reason is because unlike clothes in real life, which are flexible, soft and bendable, and can thus be more form fitting regardless of your size or shape, digital armor/outfits need to be constructed to fit a specific model frame. It's not a simple matter of just throwing it over to the other gender and expecting it to work, you'd probably have a huge amount of issues in that regard because of how different the male and female models are in this game for most races. The only two races that are similar enough for it to work, the Charr and Asura, already have unisex outfits and armor in most cases.

> >

> > Basically it would require a rework for just about every single armor set in the game. It's hard enough to get new armor sets as it is, so the chances of them reworking all the existing sets is pretty much zero.


> Oh yes sir, actually another kind critic in the comments above said something similar, and did not had this in mind at all. So, I do see that extra work is needed in order to actually fit the female clothes into male and vice versa, so I do would believe they would maybe charge gems for the ability to have acces to female clothing for males, ooor vice versa.


> Now, maybe some one else would have a better idea on how that would work, Imean, I trully dont mind paying for such a service, we pay for the ability to make a total makeover, why not for this then? again, many opinions and ideas, my opinion is like clay at the end of the day, takes many hands to make a shape.


I think the best thing you can expect, or ask for, is that future outfits have this consideration in mind. I don't think they'll rework older outfits/armor, even as a paid for service, unless the demand was high enough to justify it, especially when they might make a lot more money simply by adding a new mount skin, etc, which is also easier to implement. There's also a very small chance of future outfits getting this treatment, because again, developing everything twice to fit two different models (x3 races with gender model disparity) would require a lot of extra work, and the payoff may not be enough to warrant that effort.


Of course, there's no harm in making requests, and I don't want to discourage you from doing so, but it's also good to have realistic expectations so you aren't disappointed if or when your suggestions are not heeded. It's also a good idea to try and keep possible developer limitations in mind, so that when you do make requests, they fall more in line with what is plausible or beneficial to both players and ANet. I can see those kinds of requests having more chance of being implemented.

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> Biggest, fattest norn with ribbons and flowers in their hair combined with that huge mustache, wearing human female T3 underboob armor... That's going to be the day I rip my eyes out. With a rusty ice ball maker. Laughing.


> More serious: No. Just no.


I already feel like doing just that when I see a player walk across my screen with 10 different auras, using the brightest dyes or infusions possible. XD

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> @"Doomfrost.5728" said:

> It would be too much work. They'd have to create double the amount of assets for each gender for all races as opposed to just one.


Not at all, every MMO that includes gender bending outfits like BnS only have a handful of outfits that are either gender neutral (look the same on both, like robes) or gender-bending outfits. No need to remake everything when just a couple outfits would be more than enough.


But really, most of the meat would be in the character creator to allow feminine hairstyles and makeup on males so that instead of this:



You could end up more like what I posted earlier:

> @"FlyingK.9720" said:

> https://imgur.com/a/JfojEC8



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Because unlike in real life, clothes in game are models/objects.

If you put on a dress on a male you will see clipping and stretching issues that even the charr have only seen in nightmares.

So 'male dresses' need to be made separately, and i don't want anet to waste time on that

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