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Guild Wars 1 Accessibility (Sales or Promotions)

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I hope this is appropriate to ask, but I've been hoping an answer about the GW1 current listings for a long time.

Are there any plans on releasing an "all-included" package or even just an "all expansions" package?

I want to play this game but prices are kinda confusing and not appealing for this game ( gray market is not even an option obviously ), and all the bunch of extras ( sidestories, commodity slots, etc ) are not totally clear for someone who's not informed. I think many like me would want just a GW1 Complete Collection Edition or something like that.

Are there any plans for that? Also I think that promoting the HoM items that one could get are a good appeal if such promotions would go into GW2's space ( like a homepage/launcher news ).

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Good question and I think many of us, GW1 fans, wanted to ask this.

With recent trending rise of remasters and re-releases, it's saddening to see how GW1 seems to be completely forgotten. Not in technical or gameplay way (life support it's what it is), but even marketing is completely dead, with outdated web, micro-transactions and promotions.

I mean, GW1 and GW2 even share same account credentials. What stops Anet from selling GW1 on BLTC for gems, for example? There must be some new GW2 players who would enjoy prequel story and achievements that's for sure.

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I think I bought all of Guild Wars as a package.. then bought the bonus mission pack separately... Gwen's Story etc. I encourage you to go for it though. GW1 has a different feel and it takes some getting used to, but I'm having a ball in old Tyria. ( and Cantha and Elona too. )

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Yes, wanted to ask this as well. Please, make one package that includes everything with racional price, and I will gladly take it as well. I mean, just to explore things. The state of things now are kinda...messy. Overlaying packages, too many additional pieces, etc. So please :)

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> @"Lascax.2163" said:

> I hope this is appropriate to ask, but I've been hoping an answer about the GW1 current listings for a long time.

> Are there any plans on releasing an "all-included" package or even just an "all expansions" package?

> I want to play this game but prices are kinda confusing and not appealing for this game ( gray market is not even an option obviously ), and all the bunch of extras ( sidestories, commodity slots, etc ) are not totally clear for someone who's not informed. I think many like me would want just a GW1 Complete Collection Edition or something like that.

> Are there any plans for that? Also I think that promoting the HoM items that one could get are a good appeal if such promotions would go into GW2's space ( like a homepage/launcher news ).


This!! I already bought the whole thing in installments, but surely by now the game should be a bit discounted, and available as the whole deal.

Maybe then i can convince my brother to come play it with me...

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I picked up GW2 shortly after its release but never played GW1... and honestly didn't have much interest in playing it. Now that I've been playing GW2 for so long I am both curious about the world and story began. And, y'know, HoM stuff like a Black Moa :V


The price is a bit... way too steep for me to justify picking up the game and all the expansions, though. If you can't go into why the pricing hasn't changed, can you at least share if there are plans for a sale again at some point?

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Yeah, I mean charge what you need to to keep the lights on, but there has been several times I've thought about buying GW1 for a friend but have been warded off by the still high-ish (for how old the game is, and it's current level of support) price. Still if this how much it needs to cost to keep the servers up, lord knows this what I want them to cost.

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What about sales for in-game store purchases like Xunlai Storage Panes, character slots, mercenary slots, makeover kits, etc.? That'd be really cool if you guys could throw a promotional sale our way every once in a while. With the resurgence of activity I'm sure you guys could benefit off some GW1 sales promotions.

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I would personally love to see all paid GW2 accounts get access to GW, assuming they do not already have the game. I’m not sure if increasing the GW population is what they want but it would be a huge boost for those that still play. It would give the GW2 only people a taste of the origins.

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This may not be a popular opinion, and that's fine. However, I would like to see GW1 go F2P. The game is old enough to where the people who played in the past and want to come back can, without having to scour the Internet for a decent price. For how old the game is, the price to get back in is absolutely off putting. The game itself is still incredibly fun and as others have mentioned, is the one game that has not seen any sort of revival aside from the two(?) devs who works on the graphics update.


Anet, now is the time to reboot this game in some fashion.



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> @"whiteguycedric.5134" said:

> This may not be a popular opinion, and that's fine. However, I would like to see GW1 go F2P. The game is old enough to where the people who played in the past and want to come back can, without having to scour the Internet for a decent price. For how old the game is, the price to get back in is absolutely off putting.


What price to get back in? There's no monthly sub with it... I will say however I was always a little confused why EOTN never made it into the trilogy package.


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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"whiteguycedric.5134" said:

> > This may not be a popular opinion, and that's fine. However, I would like to see GW1 go F2P. The game is old enough to where the people who played in the past and want to come back can, without having to scour the Internet for a decent price. For how old the game is, the price to get back in is absolutely off putting.


> What price to get back in? There's no monthly sub with it... I will say however I was always a little confused why EOTN never made it into the trilogy package.



Basically everywhere I've looked, it's a $30 price tag for a game that's now 13 years old. I know people will argue, "but yeah you get all 3 campaigns." Ok great, I bought the campaigns at full price because at the time, I felt the price was justified and I enjoyed the game. Now? I would never pay $30 for such an old game, even when I get the three campaigns. You get the campaigns, great, but many people miss out on Outpost PVP, Alliance battles, UW farming, etc which was a huge portion of the game. Also, it's basically a single player game now.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"whiteguycedric.5134" said:

> The game is old enough to where the people who played in the past and want to come back can, without having to scour the Internet for a decent price.


Those who played in the past will find their Guild Wars accounts are waiting for them. We don't wipe accounts after XX months, or reset inventory, or strip character names. Everything you had will still be there, so join in any time!



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There was a time, even last year, when I wanted a bunch of character slots and mercenaries but I felt that the price is quite high. I did want a lot of character slots.

I don't know if I would buy them anymore but I don't think price drops would be too bad?


The game being cheaper would be nice too. I bought three complete collections (including EotN) around 2010 or 2011, I recall reading that those were only available in Europe, and then disappeared. I think they were around 30 euro then from some store. A nice complete bundle, maybe for 20 euro, for these days? With occasional sales? (I do have my motives, I want storage...)

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