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Why Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 share the same name ?

They share the same story, but in term of gameplay they are very very different


I play Guild Wars since it came out and 99.9% of my play time is on Monk, why did you decide to not implement a dedicated healer in GW2 ?


The GvG in Guild Wars original is so much fun, 8v8.. , so much possibilities, you guys at Anet were ahead of your time about e-sport. What you did back in 2006 did not work as expected?

e-sport became so huge since a few years, i would love to see Guildwars original part of this

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I don't know what else we would call a game that takes place in the same world (with many regions retaining the same names), encompasses the same core races (and adds some,) and has many of the same iconic references, such as The Six Gods, the human royal family, certain dragons, etc.


I believe "Somewhere in Tyria, 250 Years Later" and "The Continuing Saga: Similar Map, Less Rurik" were considered but rejected. (And yes, I'm kidding about those. :D :D )

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I don't know what else we would call a game that takes place in the same world (with many regions retaining the same names), encompasses the same core races (and adds some,) and has many of the same iconic references, such as The Six Gods, the human royal family, certain dragons, etc.


> I believe "Somewhere in Tyria, 250 Years Later" and "The Continuing Saga: Similar Map, Less Rurik" were considered but rejected. (And yes, I'm kidding about those. :D :D )


But right now Guilds are not in the spotlight anymore compared to the original game and that's why it's confusing. As far as I know, the story in gw2 doesn't involve any "Guild Wars" either, just some low-man groups that you can't really call a full fledged guild (comparing to White Mantle)

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I don't know what else we would call a game that takes place in the same world (with many regions retaining the same names), encompasses the same core races (and adds some,) and has many of the same iconic references, such as The Six Gods, the human royal family, certain dragons, etc.


> I believe "Somewhere in Tyria, 250 Years Later" and "The Continuing Saga: Similar Map, Less Rurik" were considered but rejected. (And yes, I'm kidding about those. :D :D )


Perhaps just "Tyria"?


(and maybe just with "Guild Wars 2" as a subtitle for a bit of added flair)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Goldfox.5729" said:


> But right now Guilds are not in the spotlight anymore compared to the original game and that's why it's confusing. As far as I know, the story in gw2 doesn't involve any "Guild Wars" either, just some low-man groups that you can't really call a full fledged guild (comparing to White Mantle)


I guess we see things differently. I see:

* Guild Halls

* Guild events

* Guild Chat

* Guild Storage

* The ability to join up to five guilds

* References to The Guild Wars even in GW2 (as least so I seem to recall)


I feel the use of "Guild" in the name is ok, but take on board some feel differently. :)

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Original Guild Wars wasn't also named because gvg AFAIK; I think Nika's father (or another NPC's parent) took a part in guild wars and they were some years before the beginning of Prop. Don't quote me on that though, because I'm too lazy to check.

In GW1 guilds weren't really in the spotlight either, tbh I think GW2 has more guild activities than the original.


>why did you decide to not implement a dedicated healer in GW2 ?

Probably because there's no need for one in standard pve. You only need a healer for raids and high tier fractals, maybe for some events; even then you have water ele, ventari rev, druid, guardian.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Goldfox.5729" said:

> >

> > But right now Guilds are not in the spotlight anymore compared to the original game and that's why it's confusing. As far as I know, the story in gw2 doesn't involve any "Guild Wars" either, just some low-man groups that you can't really call a full fledged guild (comparing to White Mantle)


> I guess we see things differently. I see:

> * Guild Halls

> * Guild events

> * Guild Chat

> * Guild Storage

> * The ability to join up to five guilds

> * References to The Guild Wars even in GW2 (as least so I seem to recall)


> I feel the use of "Guild" in the name is ok, but take on board some feel differently. :)


Actually, I've seen comparatively few references to The Guild Wars across GW1 or GW2, despite the fact that they gave the series its name. I'd love to know more about them.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Goldfox.5729" said:

> >

> > But right now Guilds are not in the spotlight anymore compared to the original game and that's why it's confusing. As far as I know, the story in gw2 doesn't involve any "Guild Wars" either, just some low-man groups that you can't really call a full fledged guild (comparing to White Mantle)


> I guess we see things differently. I see:

> * Guild Halls

> * Guild events

> * Guild Chat

> * Guild Storage

> * The ability to join up to five guilds

> * References to The Guild Wars even in GW2 (as least so I seem to recall)


> I feel the use of "Guild" in the name is ok, but take on board some feel differently. :)


Maybe the name would make more sense if Guilds had some importance to the events in GW2, but we haven't seen any really meaningful guild lore stuff since we got to learn about the Guild Initiative, of which we have never heard anything again.


Yeah, Dragon's Watch is a guild, but the story would be basically the same if it didn't even exist and the members just went with the story as battle companions or any similar concept. What i mean with this is that if Guilds were really important in the current story they would be something more than a party with another name (speaking purely from a story point of view here).


The lore of the Guild Wars is really cool and I love the name of the game, but I think those reasons you listed (except the lore part ofc) don't really answer the question because that stuff is basically any other MMO, and they don't get to be called Guild anything.


It's not that I think that any of the stuff I said hurts the game in any way, but in my opinion the only meaningful thing you can say about the name of the game is that it references the serie's lore.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Goldfox.5729" said:

> >

> > But right now Guilds are not in the spotlight anymore compared to the original game and that's why it's confusing. As far as I know, the story in gw2 doesn't involve any "Guild Wars" either, just some low-man groups that you can't really call a full fledged guild (comparing to White Mantle)


> I guess we see things differently. I see:

> * Guild Halls

> * Guild events

> * Guild Chat

> * Guild Storage

> * The ability to join up to five guilds

> * References to The Guild Wars even in GW2 (as least so I seem to recall)


> I feel the use of "Guild" in the name is ok, but take on board some feel differently. :)


First of all I do agree that "Guild Wars" is a very appropriate name for the franchise, but I do have to point out some things with your list.


* Guild halls

These are great and all, but I loved that GvG fights took place within the halls in GW1 and really wish that were the case in GW2. Even if it were just within the arenas that would be great. In my opinion Arenas are severely under utilized and poorly implemented, starting with them being balanced the same as PvE. I feel like arenas should be bigger and should be instanced so that they can be separate entities to the rest of the hall, that way they could be PvP zones (sort of like custom lobbies in PvP).


* Guild events

If you're referring to missions.....these leave a bit to be desired to be honest. My guild still does them but it's like pulling teeth getting any of the veterans to actually show up. They're stale as heck now. No new missions have been added, and minimal changes have been made to them (why are puzzle WPs STILL always contested if there's no way to uncontest them anymore?) so they're just not that fun or interesting anymore. We need more missions, possibly even more mission types, and this system needs an overhaul badly.


* Guild chat

This isn't bad tbh, but it would be pretty nice to have an officer chat option so members of only specific ranks (specified via rank permissions) can use it.


* Guild storage

Banks are great, but the treasury UI needs a LOT of work. to be less confusing Currently there's really no good way to tell what upgrade goals a guild is working on, it's mostly just dump your resources in and we'll upgrade what we can when we can. It's be cool if guild leaders could set "active goals" or something and when you interact with the treasurer he tells you what those are and what he needs to make it happen.


Everything else about guild management and whatnot I like. It'd be cool to have things like an event calendar, possibly a crafting request board or something where members can make requests for things they need crafted but can't craft themselves that other members could fulfil, and maybe a few other "help your guildies" type features, but those I don't feel are necessary.

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> @"souldonkey.9534" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > @"Goldfox.5729" said:

> > >


> * Guild events

> If you're referring to missions.....these leave a bit to be desired to be honest. My guild still does them but it's like pulling teeth getting any of the veterans to actually show up. They're stale as heck now. No new missions have been added, and minimal changes have been made to them (why are puzzle WPs STILL always contested if there's no way to uncontest them anymore?) so they're just not that fun or interesting anymore. We need more missions, possibly even more mission types, and this system needs an overhaul badly.



I would like to comment on this as to say I believe the one new mission that would create a BUZZ in the current game that I believe would be the best yet and reference the old game would be Vanquishing. A guild would go thru and unlock each region by vanquishing the lower level maps. HOW WOULD THIS BE DONE? you ask. Just like the guild missions where you get an instance. Instance the whole with all enemies and cancel out the respawn to clear the map. You can make it as tough as you want with events on or off, Metas on or off, world bosses on or off. I know why you don't do this, because you are afraid the open world maps would become empty but even if it took 3 hours to do limit how many times a week it could be done. OMG chasing red dots in GW1 was a guild favorite pass time. splitting up and trying to solo the last group till the rest arrived was so fun. =) I just think Vanquishing was a huge part of GW1 and to bring that to GW2 would bring so many back and happiness to do. These maps are beautiful and the more we can go back and see for a purpose brings joy to all. I don't know how many times running thru a map we stop and go "look at that view"! If this is really not possible to do its a shame. GW1 players know the maps like the back of there because of this mechanic, in GW2 we just run from event to event to the next map. Okay I'm rambling now...….. ;) ;) B)


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Guild wars 1 was not only littered with references to the guild wars itself, but every major group was a guild. Adelbern was elected to lead ascalon as the leader of the strongest ascalonian guild, Ascalon's Chosen. Kryta, upon failing to the charr, was rallied by the White Mantle guild led by Saul D'Alessio. Their opposition, filthy loyalists and rebels were another guild, calle the Shining Blade. In factions, the famous assassin Nika was a member of the Obsidian Flame guild, while the streets were fought over by the Jade Brotherhood and the Am Fah guilds. This was actual (street) Guild Wars in action!


Nightfall was wher the guild lore started to fade. There were no notable elonian guilds, (maybe the sunspears if they can be called as such, and the order of whispers, but that's stretching it.)


Eye of the north replaced guilds with races. There was the norn "guild", the asura "guild" and the charr rebel & shaman guilds.


GW2 had the three orders, even if I don't like them as much (Warrior's, Mage's and Thieves' guild parallels.), Destiny's Edge (although they couldn't fill a whole GW1 party, the disgraces.), and whatever new formations have been made by the living story members.


GW also had the Xunlai Banker guild (who being rich kittens decided to handle anything from tournament betting to handing out anniversary cakes, against the latter I infamously protested, since we already had the Fraternal Order of Bakers and Brewers, courtesy of the scribe!

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