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Is GW1 PC dead? Will he have any role in GW2?

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I think it'd be so cool to have a talk between the representation of GW1 and GW2 PCs.


And I wonder since Joko used like Lonai and Koss and heavens know who else, I wonder if the GW1 PC also stood against Joko and was controlled just like Koss after the failure by Joko's magic. Was he? :D


Thanks for this opportunity. :)



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It's hard to say what will or won't ever happen, because plans can always change. It's also tricky from the development side to show the GW1 PC directly, since everyone could have a different class/gender/armor and faking it with generic-looking alternatives isn't as satisfying.


My personal, non-official opinion is that every player has their own vision for how their character might have ended up - perhaps some Ascalonian heroes perished in the Foefire, or a Ritualist may have retired to Shing Jea to teach the next generation like Togo before them. Since everyone has their own idea of a perfect epilogue for their character, I don't like to make content that could too directly counter their story. However, I do love callbacks to the player's adventures in GW1 that let you see the impact of your deeds, and I'm sure there will be more of those.

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I think it would be especially hard to establish a connection between the player characters if the GW2 player has rolled a non-human character. I agree with Joe about not wanting to step on the ideas that Guild Wars players already have about the ultimate fate of their characters.

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I always thought that it would be really cool if we stumbled across a long forgotten tomb for our GW1 PC, the GW2 PC made a comment that something felt familiar about the place, and then an NPC reading old writing or familiar with the lore of the area said something along the lines that it was the tomb of a great hero from roughly 250 years ago. Then as an added but unlikely cherry on top, have a fissure to the mists nearby that leads to (or provides a glimpse of) the Hall of Heroes.

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> @"Joe Kimmes.1357" said:

> It's hard to say what will or won't ever happen, because plans can always change. It's also tricky from the development side to show the GW1 PC directly, since everyone could have a different class/gender/armor and faking it with generic-looking alternatives isn't as satisfying.


> My personal, non-official opinion is that every player has their own vision for how their character might have ended up - perhaps some Ascalonian heroes perished in the Foefire, or a Ritualist may have retired to Shing Jea to teach the next generation like Togo before them. Since everyone has their own idea of a perfect epilogue for their character, I don't like to make content that could too directly counter their story. However, I do love callbacks to the player's adventures in GW1 that let you see the impact of your deeds, and I'm sure there will be more of those.


So my GW1 character (if I had one- I didn't play GW1 but I'm a fan of the lore) would end like Koss and I hope that my imagination of my never-created character will be an inspiration to create a GW1 PC as a mindless Joko's servant, deal?


:D :D :D

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> @"Arden.7480" said:


> So my GW1 character (if I had one- I didn't play GW1 but I'm a fan of the lore) would end like Koss and I hope that my imagination of my never-created character will be an inspiration to create a GW1 PC as a mindless Joko's servant, deal?


> :D :D :D


No deal, Arden! ;)

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> >

> > So my GW1 character (if I had one- I didn't play GW1 but I'm a fan of the lore) would end like Koss and I hope that my imagination of my never-created character will be an inspiration to create a GW1 PC as a mindless Joko's servant, deal?

> >

> > :D :D :D


> No deal, Arden! ;)


Still hope remains ;)

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In a lore sense, I figured my original character passed away into The Mists and the character I play in Guild Wars 2 is her descendent, named for her great (times a dozen) grandmother and even sharing her ancestor's predilection for lavender and the Ranger profession. :)

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I guess I always just assumed the PCs from the original games were dead since is been 250 years. And because of some of the dialogue the ghosts in HoM have, they talk about heroes of long ago or whatever... but it would be really neat to have something for folks who didn't play the original games so their PCs could learn about Tyrian history :) maybe something like the lore books in PoF?

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Maybe in addition to Ventari and Ronan, many of the GW1 PCs settled with them at the base of the sprouted Pale Tree to live their remaining days in peace after the disturbing Canthan events of Beyond, passed away there, and all GW2 Sylvari PCs are reincarnations of those GW1 PCs. At least, that's what I like to believe happened for my Elonian Dervish turned Sylvari Warrior.

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> @"Pi Slinger.5801" said:

> Maybe in addition to Ventari and Ronan, many of the GW1 PCs settled with them at the base of the sprouted Pale Tree to live their remaining days in peace after the disturbing Canthan events of Beyond, passed away there, and all GW2 Sylvari PCs are reincarnations of those GW1 PCs.


What a lovely thought ❤

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What if your GW1 PC is E, and that's why you'll never see him or her face to face unless ANet figures out a way access your GW1 account on the sly and clones it for E; I think you'll get a big info dump regarding E's background that will reference all of the GW1 campaigns but you will never speak to or see E face to face.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> In a lore sense, I figured my original character passed away into The Mists and the character I play in Guild Wars 2 is her descendent, named for her great (times a dozen) grandmother and even sharing her ancestor's predilection for lavender and the Ranger profession. :)


I used the exact same story. My mesmer is the descendant of my GW1 mesmer desperate to prove the family can actually master the art. :D She also wears similar garb to his.


He didn't do too badly, though. He got everyone their heritage gear!

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Since our GW1 and GW2 accounts can be linked... would there be some way for us in GW2 to (optionally) pick the name of one of our GW1 characters as "The Hero of Tyria"? There are a few places in GW2 where our GW1 hero is sort of indirectly referenced. Like "Prince Rurik and a group of heroes led the Ascalonian refugees over the Shiverpeaks to Kryta". I can understand not wanting to explicitly tell the ultimate fate of our GW1 character. But when referencing events we were directly involved in -- The Flameseeker Prophecies, Nightfall, etc. -- it would be cool to see the actual name of one of our GW1 characters mentioned, rather than just "a hero" or "a brave adventurer".


I'm not sure just how much of our GW1 data GW2 can poke into, but if we're able to designate a "hero" from our GW1 account, I can think of all kind of interesting ways various written text in the game could be slightly tweaked to reference what our old character did -- making reference to our character having completed (or not) certain quests/missions, acquired certain items, maybe even completed certain titles. We may never hear of our character's ultimate fate, but it would be pretty cool to see references of our achievements along the way, from time to time.

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Interesting discussion!

> @"Pi Slinger.5801" said:

> I always thought that it would be really cool if we stumbled across a long forgotten tomb for our GW1 PC, the GW2 PC made a comment that something felt familiar about the place, and then an NPC reading old writing or familiar with the lore of the area said something along the lines that it was the tomb of a great hero from roughly 250 years ago. Then as an added but unlikely cherry on top, have a fissure to the mists nearby that leads to (or provides a glimpse of) the Hall of Heroes.


This thing comes close to what I like.

The GW1PC as a ghost talking to the GW2 player. (if it's possible) Telling about some events that occured in his life (Factions, nightfall, eye of the north). He or she however won't tell how he died or something. Like Joe said, that's a personal battle. But I always wished there was some better connection with our ancestor other then the hall of monuments.

Once we meet our ancestor, we ofcourse get some eternal favor boost and a fancy title (something like "Legacy of Past Heroes") :relaxed:



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Anet you dropped the ball. The god of SECRETS could of been the player character, instead its the lady who just sat there and did NOTHING. The identity could of been a secret. Everyone could assume their character is the god of secrets. SMH anet, SMH

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As I am currently still playing GW1 I too wish there was a direct connect between accounts in game. The Lore is the reason I play GW2. If I remember correctly I have over 10k deaths on my main and Dying at Dhuum would be the most painful memory that would live up to being recreated in GW2 as my concluded fate. But my HoM should be linked with everything that's in it. It's already gives rewards based on your achievements why not just copy and paste (easier to say than do I'm sure) Armors, Friends, Weapons, Minis and achievements in the one that is in GW2? If we ever get the map opened up to where HoM is now I hope to see it there.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> In a lore sense, I figured my original character passed away into The Mists and the character I play in Guild Wars 2 is her descendent, named for her great (times a dozen) grandmother and even sharing her ancestor's predilection for lavender and the Ranger profession. :)


I do a very similar thing, but on a slightly larger scale. Almost all (maybe it was all?) of my GW1 characters shared the same last name and that family has thrived over the centuries and still exists in GW2 ^_^

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> @"videoboy.4162" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > In a lore sense, I figured my original character passed away into The Mists and the character I play in Guild Wars 2 is her descendent, named for her great (times a dozen) grandmother and even sharing her ancestor's predilection for lavender and the Ranger profession. :)


> I do a very similar thing, but on a slightly larger scale. Almost all (maybe it was all?) of my GW1 characters shared the same last name and that family has thrived over the centuries and still exists in GW2 ^_^


Same here! I always RP'd that all my characters were members of a prominent trade family that had buildings set up in all of the major trade ports. In the end, my Main, who became the head of the family after the death of his father during the Searing, retired back to Lion's arch where he ran the trade company well, eventually allowing the family to gain noble status in Kryta. Many of my other characters died in noble pursuits, my Nightfall main died with Koss attempting to finish off Joko. My Canthan main lead a resistance against the Ministry of Purity that likely ended poorly. My perma-pre is my main's beloved sister who died in the searing. She lives through the same day always in the memory of her brother. The younger brother, who I am playing as now, will eventually sail off into the sunset attempting to find new lands to explore or people's to trade with.


My GW2 human is a descendant of my Main, though he became a guardian rather than a Necromancer. My main Sylvari is a Necro, though, and I RP that he saw my Main in the Dream and lives to emulate him.

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