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Is GW1 PC dead? Will he have any role in GW2?

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> @"Narcemus.1348" said:

> > @"videoboy.4162" said:

> > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > In a lore sense, I figured my original character passed away into The Mists and the character I play in Guild Wars 2 is her descendent, named for her great (times a dozen) grandmother and even sharing her ancestor's predilection for lavender and the Ranger profession. :)

> >

> > I do a very similar thing, but on a slightly larger scale. Almost all (maybe it was all?) of my GW1 characters shared the same last name and that family has thrived over the centuries and still exists in GW2 ^_^


> Same here! I always RP'd that all my characters were members of a prominent trade family that had buildings set up in all of the major trade ports. In the end, my Main, who became the head of the family after the death of his father during the Searing, retired back to Lion's arch where he ran the trade company well, eventually allowing the family to gain noble status in Kryta. Many of my other characters died in noble pursuits, my Nightfall main died with Koss attempting to finish off Joko. My Canthan main lead a resistance against the Ministry of Purity that likely ended poorly. My perma-pre is my main's beloved sister who died in the searing. She lives through the same day always in the memory of her brother. The younger brother, who I am playing as now, will eventually sail off into the sunset attempting to find new lands to explore or people's to trade with.


> My GW2 human is a descendant of my Main, though he became a guardian rather than a Necromancer. My main Sylvari is a Necro, though, and I RP that he saw my Main in the Dream and lives to emulate him.


That is awesome!

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My GW1 monk and GW2 guardian share the same name and same theme, so my headcanon is that I never died. Since I was always trying to be the holy bastion of good in GW1, and GW2 even further allows me to expand on that theme, I've adopted the idea that I grew into a powerful enough being to keep myself alive all this time, and fight for the good of Tyria once more.

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I like Joe's point that leaving the player character's fate open to each player's own imagination is preferable, but if you do decide to have the player character appear in GW2, I hope it would be in the Hall of Heroes.


I also have a suggestion for how that character could appear: If the player's GW2 account is linked to a GW1 account and the current character has the same name as a GW1 character, use that character's appearance. If it has a linked account but no matching character name, use the character with the most hours played on the account. Otherwise, use a generic hero.

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I think the idea sounds pretty cool; y'all could take a note from FFXIV's storytelling and do something like introducing a band of heroes in the Mists that represent some original GW1 heroes - and have them complete a "last task" before moving on. Something that the original PC would have wanted to accomplish but never got the chance to.

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I'm glad we never get told what happened to our GW1 characters, because I have very definite ideas about what happened to all of mine and I don't think there's any way Anet could accommodate all of them. And there's some stories other people have created which are perfect for their characters but absolutely wrong for mine.


Also I sometimes like the differences between the official version of events and my version. My main character has fond memories of her grandfather exaggerating their families part in fighting Abaddon to the point where he'd have you believe Kormir just stood there the whole time, when everyone knows she was the one leading the attack.


> @"Brandon.8294" said:

> Anet you dropped the ball. The god of SECRETS could of been the player character, instead its the lady who just sat there and did NOTHING. The identity could of been a secret. Everyone could assume their character is the god of secrets. SMH anet, SMH


The problem is if your character had become the god of secrets it would be on exactly the same terms as Kormir. They get all of Abbadon's power and then they have to go into the Realm of Torment and use that power to sort out all the damage he did. So at best you're forever locked into playing that character in one 'quest chain' in the Realm of Torment. At worst you just can't play them again. Either way I don't think players would be happy.


And doing it another way - having the player character take on the mantle of God/ess of Truth and then go back to doing exactly what they were doing before, maybe with a few extra skills to use, would have been absurd.


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> @"Narcemus.1348" said:

> > @"videoboy.4162" said:

> > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > In a lore sense, I figured my original character passed away into The Mists and the character I play in Guild Wars 2 is her descendent, named for her great (times a dozen) grandmother and even sharing her ancestor's predilection for lavender and the Ranger profession. :)

> >

> > I do a very similar thing, but on a slightly larger scale. Almost all (maybe it was all?) of my GW1 characters shared the same last name and that family has thrived over the centuries and still exists in GW2 ^_^


> Same here! I always RP'd that all my characters were members of a prominent trade family that had buildings set up in all of the major trade ports. In the end, my Main, who became the head of the family after the death of his father during the Searing, retired back to Lion's arch where he ran the trade company well, eventually allowing the family to gain noble status in Kryta. Many of my other characters died in noble pursuits, my Nightfall main died with Koss attempting to finish off Joko. My Canthan main lead a resistance against the Ministry of Purity that likely ended poorly. My perma-pre is my main's beloved sister who died in the searing. She lives through the same day always in the memory of her brother. The younger brother, who I am playing as now, will eventually sail off into the sunset attempting to find new lands to explore or people's to trade with.


> My GW2 human is a descendant of my Main, though he became a guardian rather than a Necromancer. My main Sylvari is a Necro, though, and I RP that he saw my Main in the Dream and lives to emulate him.


Pretty close to my own concept, except mine was that their _ancestors_ were a trading family originally from Cantha, but when the trade routes shut down (due to the Guild Wars, and Cantha going into isolation during the period) each branch went its own way for several generations. They recognised the family symbols when they met back up, but at that stage each branch of the family had essentially 'gone native' (well, the Krytan and Orrian branches were both wiped out).


The Canthan branch remained in Cantha, while the Ascalonian branch relocated to Kryta and was ennobled by Salma for their part in the fighting against the White Mantle and the Mursaat, while the Elonian branch eventually also came over to Kryta in the wake of Joko's takeover. The associated characters tended to have strong themes of mixing magic and spellcasting, so its in my concept of my characters' backgrounds that their ancestors were involved in the development of the Guardian profession and of the more martial Mesmer variants, after giving up on warrior/elementalist combinations as a dead end.

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Who knows. maybe has become our old gw1 character the new player for player story individual new God of War now, that Balthazar isnt anymore ...


We haven't yet seen, who or what exactly has replaced his position yet ... we know only from Kormir, that there is already someone as replacement.

If there is somebody able to bring someone back from the dead and give that person divine powers, then the remaining gods together, especially with the help of Grenth

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