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I would love to read your most memorable moments in Guild Wars

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Mine was stepping out of the Shiverpeaks into Kryta. Crossing the Shiverpeaks running flight from screechy-arrowed charr and xenophobic dwarves felt like a genuine (exhausting!) journey, and at the end of it you're walking through these ice tunnels with your fellow Ascalonian refugees and then...oh man, sand! And you step out and the sky is bright and the grass is green and it's the first time since pre-Searing that you're somewhere that isn't oppressive. It felt like hope!

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I love the history and background of things. The "why" is fascinating. Plus, Gwen and Kasmeer are my heroes... Playing GW1 really enriches GW2, because you begin to see the connections and the backstory.


So in my short time of playing GW1 ( a year or two) One of the best moments was playing "Gwen's Story" and also "Togo's Story."

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Well, it's not exactly a moment _in_ Guild Wars....


But anyway, I was at a party, and I heard a girl talking about being in the beta for Guild Wars, which I was vaguely aware of. I thought it was an MMO in the normal sense, and I had bounced off them pretty hard after playing UO in college for a while, even though I was a pretty avid player of single-player RPGs and ARPGs. The concept of an MMO without a subscription or life-consuming commitment was interesting, so I asked more about it. Anyway, stuff happened, long story short, there are now three people in the world who could honestly say they owe their entire existence to Guild Wars. So, uh, thanks for that.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> Well, it's not exactly a moment _in_ Guild Wars....


> But anyway, I was at a party, and I heard a girl talking about being in the beta for Guild Wars, which I was vaguely aware of. I thought it was an MMO in the normal sense, and I had bounced off them pretty hard after playing UO in college for a while, even though I was a pretty avid player of single-player RPGs and ARPGs. The concept of an MMO without a subscription or life-consuming commitment was interesting, so I asked more about it. Anyway, stuff happened, long story short, there are now three people in the world who could honestly say they owe their entire existence to Guild Wars. So, uh, thanks for that.


That is a powerful story there, perilisk! <3 !

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Some moments:

- Farming griffons. Really. It was the first time I've ever farmed anything in a game. Soloing those monsters alone with my warrior was a such empowering experience !

- Running minion army in the sorrows furnace (4-man oro runs were a blast)

- The first weeks of FA there was a lot taunting before each match. Being a fresh a assassin, killing Gunther myself had a special flavor to me.

- Beating Mallyx and FoW with h/h - those felt like a real accomplishment to me

- Spending almost an entire night in Ascalon Arena, I don't know how but we couldn't stop winning. I was the ranger, there was a warrior and two other I cant remember now. Best pvp of all my gw1 for sure.

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Getting out of Ascalon to the beautiful Shiverpeaks, still my favorite zone ever.


Winning my first Hall of Heroes match - having your name announced in chat all around the game as the winner after countless hours of tryharding was just so satisfying.


Hiring a runner in general and spectating him as he makes it through all the danger was always a rollercoaster ride. And once you zone in to the destination and the run is complete, wow.. one friend hired a runner way back from Frost Gate to LA or so, and we arrived while Halloween was at full swing with all the decorations and hundreds of districts full of players. I'll never forget that place, and my favorite event.


The searing - strongest introduction to any MMO ever. I hate charr to this day and have 3 LDoAs. I still farm Northlands occasionally just for good measure.


Finishing my first successful 55hp monk farm run. Lil pleb me felt like a god.

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