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Your opinion on botting in GW1?

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I'd love to get into questions about the lore, development and various fun things like that, but I thought it'd be good for the community to ask this. How do you feel about botting in GW1? Many players I've talked to have said that they're keeping the games economy afloat - if there weren't bots constantly farming materials and gear, many items would become far too expensive for a large majority of the players to afford anything. I feel that if that happened, many players wouldn't play as much. Kamadan certainly would become a nightmare if everything became so expensive.


I still play GW1 myself and love the game - the world, the story, everything about it. I'll ask more fun questions later, if I can.




EDIT: Mistakenly posted twice. Sorry!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I removed the duplicate post, no worries.


As far as your question, I'll leave it to more knowledgeable people to give a truly informed answer, but the thought that botters do **anything** of a positive nature for the game seems highly unlikely. I'm sure someone who buys botted gold or who works for an RMT company might says those things, but I just don't see it. (And DelosX, I'm not suggesting you're a botter, or buy RMT gold, I'm just trying to get my head around an idea that is, to me, pretty absurd. :D )

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Yeah. I get it, I know botting is bad and I generally don't like things like that, but for a game of so few players that still wants to be alive, Supply and Demand will take over and ruin the economy if there's not enough supply but still a lot of demand. I can imagine a lot of people don't play GW1 still just to grind and grind for materials and resources.


I don't mind cracking down on botters. I'm just I'm wondering what the stance of the company is in terms of keeping the game accessible to other players.

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I don't know how Arenanet feels about it, but for me, if removing the bots actually _does_ cause a problem in the GW1 economy, I'd rather see suggestions on how to solve that problem (with the understanding that work is not really being done on the game) than see the bots left alone. The devs and the players are both fairly intelligent groups, so I would bet someone could come up with something that might help.

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Mmm. It would be nicer if the game was adjusted to accommodate the smaller community, but in terms of dev time and if it'd be worth it, it's most likely not. I can imagine changes like core materials and things being made more accessible through shops, or perhaps drop rates being changed, but that would definitely shake things up a bit. It'd be a difficult challenge to tackle.

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I see the point stated. But if demand increases and prices with it. Then that also gives players a way to earn more money to afford the things they want.

However, drop rates may need to be adjusted to fit the lower population.

While botting may very well be -a- solution to the problem, I don't think it's the right one.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I removed the duplicate post, no worries.


> As far as your question, I'll leave it to more knowledgeable people to give a truly informed answer, but the thought that botters do **anything** of a positive nature for the game seems highly unlikely. I'm sure someone who buys botted gold or who works for an RMT company might says those things, but I just don't see it. (And DelosX, I'm not suggesting you're a botter, or buy RMT gold, I'm just trying to get my head around an idea that is, to me, pretty absurd. :D )


RMT Botters and Farm Botters are quite obviously *very* bad things.


But can we make an exception for things like Chat Log for kamadan decaltype and the Gate Monkey in pre?


Since we don't have am API for GW1, Chat Log is the only way we can keep track of price checks, as well as other useful information for the GW1 economy.



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