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BD suggestion - Swiftness on every shatter instead of Stab


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Was having a think that what if BD had the following boons:


F1 - Might (3 stacks pvp/wvw, 5 stacks pve, 8s) + Swiftness (5s)

F2 - Vigour (5s) + Swiftness (5s)

F3 - Stability (3 stacks, 5s) + Swiftness (5s)

F4 - Regeneration (10s) + Swiftness (5s)

F5 - Resistance (2.5s) + Swiftness (5s)


Reasoning: Chrono wouldn't really benefit as much from the Swiftness due to Time Marches On so wouldn't affect the balance much (one could argue that maybe Time Marches On would have to be put in a major trait otherwise if taking BD it could be redundant as a minor trait, but I'll leave this part out for now). Mirage and Core wouldn't be able to spam shatters as much as Chrono to keep high uptime of Swiftness. In addition maintaining Swiftness would require wasting shatters out of combat which could leave the player at a disadvantage if suddenly jumped in combat - similar disadvantage to using Focus 4 for mobility out of combat.


Reduced vigour duration on F2 reduces overall vigour uptime by a little.


Stab on F3 only would require burning a crucial cc skill to access if needed providing a tradeoff, but the benefit of 3 stacks would provide a small period of time with safety from chain cc. In addition removal of Fury incentivises building for more precision if taking Chaos and wanting to crit well.


For the record I'm only like 50% in favour of this idea, so not sure if I prefer it to the current setup where stab on F1/F2 is still nice for stab stomp.

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I think it's a fairly cool idea. Since I've been playing Mirage for a couple of weeks, I find it to be quite a bit of work to move through the open spaces when roaming in WvW (I don't want to use Travelers Runes).


I like the idea of Grandmaster traits feeling impactful. The one second of stability can be good, but it mostly seems like it goes so quickly I'm not benefiting.


Another possible approach is that each shatter gives the existing base effect plus one random boon (with a longer duration) from a list of useful boons (maybe swiftness, stability, vigor and protection). This is in the spirit of the overall "Chaos" trait line. And I'm in not 100% sure I'm totally in favor of this idea...

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> @"eldenbri.1059" said:

> I think it's a fairly cool idea. Since I've been playing Mirage for a couple of weeks, I find it to be quite a bit of work to move through the open spaces when roaming in WvW (I don't want to use Travelers Runes).


> I like the idea of Grandmaster traits feeling impactful. The one second of stability can be good, but it mostly seems like it goes so quickly I'm not benefiting.


> Another possible approach is that each shatter gives the existing base effect plus one random boon (with a longer duration) from a list of useful boons (maybe swiftness, stability, vigor and protection). This is in the spirit of the overall "Chaos" trait line. And I'm in not 100% sure I'm totally in favor of this idea...


Sure the random boons would also be interesting and be in spirit with the rest of Chaos - similar to how PU gives random boons and CI gives random boons in addition to might.


Maybe BD Shatters should provide one guaranteed boon and a second random boon from a limited set, though I'm not sure what the boons could be given shatters aren't uniform in function like stealth or interrupts - PU and CI can give random boons because the effects of stealth and interrupt are one thing,whereas each shatter is different so may not lend itself fully to that idea - unless each shatter had a limited set of boons to pick from independantly.

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I thought the original intent of Stability on shatter of the BD design was really cool. They just overdid the nerf. 1 sec is too harsh.


I like the Swiftness suggestion, especially from a Mirage perspective, but perhaps not fair for Chronos where it's mostly redundant with Time Marches On, as you mentioned.

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