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Low DPS during golem tests?


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So I just fully unlocked scourge last night and naturally I bought full Rabid exotic gear. I went to the test golem to practice my rotation and see what kind of damage I could pump out. After watching videos on youtube of other people with the same build I am not able to achieve anywhere close to the same numbers and I am not sure why. I found a video where the individual has pretty much the same gear as me (rabid) and within about 50 condition damage or so. I had the golem fully conditioned as well as having myself fully booned up with food and utility as well as the class buffs.


My bleed ticks on average probably sit at around 6.5-7.5k with a peak of 9k.

Of the two videos I watched the one where the player has the same gear his bleed ticks average 8-9k with 11k being the peak.

Another video, where I assume the player is fully geared, they are getting bleed and torment ticks semi-regularly in the 13-16k range. I would think that the 5-10% difference in ascended gear could not create this big a gap.


I feel like there is not much I could be doing to make my condi ticks that much weaker than even someone with the same gear and build. Does anyone have any thoughts?






[https://youtube.com/watch?v=5t-2zZ9aPf0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t-2zZ9aPf0 "https://youtube.com/watch?v=5t-2zZ9aPf0")


I usually try not to read into numbers too much and just have fun but something seems off in a major way here. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Make sure your golem has tge same condi on it as you see in videos. Mostly people put 25 vuln eith 1 of every other condi. Asc to exotics is what 5% more? Infusions are another 2%. Make sure its right food buffs and you run 5 boon with the specific class buffs as well. 1 major thing that changes your dps output is canceling autos before the third attack. If youre 1 second off every weapon swap the dps loss adds up. When i look at bench numbers i never try to hit that number exactly. If im a couple thousand off im good


Edit: also you rly should try to work for vipers. Weapons are not as important when it comes to full ascended. Trinkets are easy at bitterfrost for 2 rings an accessory and a back piece ascended.


Edit 2: that second video is outdated very much. Alacrity is weaker now so your dps will be lower. The first video though is a bit sloppy in rotation. Use f1 when you get your second charge. Try to use BiP with f5 for scepter cooldowns use 3245 in that order (which ever is up first)

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I am going to get viper eventually, but i literally just got back into the game after 4 years and am simply not there yet. As I stated, I added ALL conditions to the golem, I added ALL boons to myself, and I added ALL class buffs. I used the food that was recommended on metabattle. I made sure that I was letting the auto attack finish out (the sound is pretty distinct). I just do not understand how my bleed ticks are 2-3k lower than even the guy that was using my exact gear setup (to be exact, I am using renegade and he was using krait runes). Also, I don't have a malice sigil in my mh).

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> @"jmw.5804" said:

> I am going to get viper eventually, but i literally just got back into the game after 4 years and am simply not there yet. As I stated, I added ALL conditions to the golem, I added ALL boons to myself, and I added ALL class buffs. I used the food that was recommended on metabattle. I made sure that I was letting the auto attack finish out (the sound is pretty distinct). I just do not understand how my bleed ticks are 2-3k lower than even the guy that was using my exact gear setup (to be exact, I am using renegade and he was using krait runes). Also, I don't have a malice sigil in my mh).


Krait runes increases bleed duration, the guy was prob able to stack more bleeds than you

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Just as the other person said condi durarion is massive for condi builds and ya krait runes are why their bleeds were stronger. And no youre fone i understand youre coming back lol. Just keep grinding away. Fyi defensive stats are a bit wasted on builds unless you are tanking or soloing group content just for future info. Use the snowcrows link for meta builds in fractals/raids. Metabattle is more so used for pvp/wvw content as the pve builds are kind of trash half the time lol. But it is a good place to start out. Just remember 1 thing: elitistism is bad. If you can hit 30k on golem youre fine for most groups(at least thats what i shoot for for offmeta builds lol) ive been using power reaper the past couple months haha

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I know the defensive stats are useless but as far as I understand rabid is a good cheap alternative until vipers gear. Anyways, I switched to krait runes and added malice sigil on mh and that fixed my bleeds. I did not realize how much of a difference duration could make. I jumped from 15-16k to almost 20kdps on the golem. My bleeds are regularly hitting for 9-11k now.


It seems the runes and sigil made a big difference.


Whats the rotation key to keeping torment stacks high? That seems to be my biggest problem with the rotation at this point.

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Pretty much. Condi scourge doesnt rly use a rotation more so priority. Auto full chain when started one and dont break. Use weapons in piority order of 3245. F5 off cooldown f1 when second charge is up(use all charges for bosses about to phase) for fights with adds use f2 as well because of the extra lifeforce. Use BiP with f5 if possible but more than likely youll be cleansed of the condi from biP. Use elite off cd (for bosses that move a lot use golem instead of plaguelands)if you use shade minion instead of epi (epi for bosses with adds like xera sab or mo. Shade minion for pure single target like cairn and vg) when using your punishment utility make sure to walk under the boss twice and if possible use it with f1 to proc trait.weapon swapping doesnt break auto chain. Also for bosses that need cc. You can save torch 5 for those momentsso thats one less skill to worry about. Pretty much all you can do

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  • 2 weeks later...

@zeek: That is basically excactly what I do... still though using best food, excactly the builds and runes etc. as snowcrows (same traits of course) I get to max 25k dps at the golem, whereas they get about 30-35k. Is it just minute differences in how I trigger my rota? I really wonder what I am doing wrong...

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