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We need Chairs that we can sit on in the war room in windswept haven guild hall

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Well the war room in windswept haven is gorgeous! but the fact that u can't sit on the chairs there is irrelevant and sad, so plz consider making this change in the upcoming updates, cos the fact that you can sit with your guild leaders in the war room and discus tactics before starting a pve or wvw raid is just amazing . ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/c/c0/Windswept_Haven_Tavern.png/800px-Windswept_Haven_Tavern.png "")




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There's already some chairs in the bar.


Instead making those into fixed chairs that can be used, those should have been free decoration chairs that get placed when unlocking the bar and then when upgrading it, and that get placed after each upgrade.


Then you could choose using them as they are, or remove them and place them or others in other ways.

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