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Renegade Rotation [Question]


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I would like to know if someone know a written rotation but no so complicated. I'm new on it so i prefered go slow than faster.


Rotation (Condition Damage) for average size, I pretend to use for raid and fractals.


I will appreciated.


Thanks in advanced!


Kind Regards

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Renegade_-_Condi_DPS


Hi Lucian,

Thanks for you'r answer but this look like more a Build than a rotation.

I used this [rotation](https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/revenant/condi-renegade-build-guide/ "rotation"), but don't let me exceed 21,5k.

I try with this [too](https://snowcrows.com/raids/revenant/ "too"), but is so confused to write a rotation from a video.

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> @"fdesu.6490" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"fdesu.6490" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > Someone posted it on the forums recently I think.

> > > >

> > > > Edit: Yep. Just search for renegade rotation in the search bar at the top.

> > >

> > > You're talking about this (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/40446/new-renegade-rotation-written-devastation#latest "post")?

> >

> > Yeah. That looks like the one unless you were thinking of a different build’s rotation.


> Hi Ayrilana,


> ¿All the rotation they are so long?, because that rotation need to combine the others sequences, or am i wrong?

> for example: Squence 3 resumen on Squence 1. (Is like 60 steps or more)


> Thanks for the help.


The Large Hitbox Renegade rotation is quite long since it revolves around casting Citadel Bombardment off cooldown... Since CB has a base cooldown of 15 seconds, compared to your legend swap (and energy reset) cd's of 10 seconds you have to go through your legends a few times before it starts repeating.


Maybe it wasn't the easiest way for me to break it down in that post, but here is it sort of SUPER simplified:


- Use Shortbow in Mallyx, and Mace/Axe in Kalla... You swap both of them at the same time unless you're waiting for a weapon cast to finish or need an energy spike for an extra weapon skill usage.


- You use Citadel Bombardment the first time in Kalla, the second time in Mallyx, and the third time in Kalla, then you don't use it in your next Mallyx rotation (you use Unyielding Anguish instead) and then you repeat. There are technically 4 sequences, not 3, but it was easier to break it into 3 since you start your max dps burst at the tail end of that Mallyx phase that does not have CB in it... You do this to get just the biggest parts of that 4th sequence and then your next 3 legend sequences all get to have CB in it.


- It can even get simplified a little more by saying that all sequences are basically: in Mallyx you use Shortbow 2-4-3, then AA+2 off cooldown until you can 2-4-3 again, and you end with Embrace the Darkness to proc your corruption trait. And then in Kalla you use Mace 2-3-5 with unbroken AA chains and your Razorclaw spirit... And always try to get off an extra mace 2 or sb 2 right as you're swapping legends but before you swap weapons (since the legend swap is instacast). All sequences are variations of this and revolve around when Citadel Bombardment is coming off cooldown, since this is your #1 prioritized skill.


Hope some of that helps... It is a very fun and effective build once you get the hang of it--I've gotten top dps on Dhuum on both of my clears since the patch with it, eeeasssily beating the Cwar's since their high benchmark numbers rely VERY heavily on perfect alacrity uptime, which just isn't realistic on Dhuum if your off chrono is doing greens. People think you're meme'ing when they see those short bow animations start going off, but then they see their Arc and get their mind's blown... :bleep_bloop:

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