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[Armor Request to Devs] A Heavy Set with A Non-Booby Torso and Visored Helmet.

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There is a healthy weight range. It is not a specific number, but being obese means you are way over the upper end of it, and into the area were many diseases become truly dangerous for your life. Fashion doesn't have anything to do there, except maybe helping to motivate some people to eat in a healthier way. Emphasis on SOME. I would love to care for looks, maybe it could help me to actually follow a diet and work out a little. Vain people seems to be healthier...

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A further and LONG update since I've yet to receive any developer or artist response on this topic.


I'd like at least some feedback, or a reply _hopefully_ promising they'll be adding a more practical, unisex heavy armor set in the future.


Since I am ~~a petty nuisance~~ in desire of some equal-opportunity visual tankiness to what's supposed to be "heavy" armor, I've put together a side by side comparison of all the torsos to show the arbitrary difference between sexes.


**Aetherblade Heavy Chest**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/gm0D8EH.jpg "")

Male: A shiny, fairly cool clockwork breastplate.

![](https://i.imgur.com/xFmLP5S.jpg "")

Female: A skintight catsuit with a gorget and stomach plate slapped on to try and excuse it as "armor" when it not only has boob shapes, but weird little castle rampart shapes cupping them.


**Armageddon Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/VnvDkMk.jpg "")

Male: A metal AF and awesome Nazgul-esque "Black Knight" type of breastplate.

![](https://i.imgur.com/j6dTzf7.jpg "")

Female: Individual boob shapes, and a general appearance of having been painted onto the base player model rather than actual modeled as a separate object like the male torso armor skin was.


**Ascalonian Protector Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/F9L5Yff.jpg "")

Male: A genuinely cool-looking _Lorica segmentata_-style segmented cuirass; one that looks very awesome, in a fashion at complete odds with the dorkiness of the rest of this dungeon armor set and its goofy bucket helmet.


I only have two complaints.


First, the lack of lower neck/shoulder coverage where the shoulder straps are; those should at least have a plate over them like the actual Roman legionnaires.


Second, the fact that every other dungeon heavy set is shiny and pretty (barring Honor of the Wave's heavy "X of Koda" set, which makes sense, it's hardened leather) while this set and Flame Legion Heavy, despite clearly being metal, remain un-updated and still look like plastic. This torso would go great with some of the Funerary pieces.

![](https://i.imgur.com/DPJHCx0.jpg "")

Female: An example of how this nicely complements the Funerary Tassets and why I would very much like for both: A.) the Ascalonian set to be updated with metallic textures, and B.) the **ungodly** color blobbing that happens with the dye slots on the Funerary pieces to be fixed.


But, unfortunately, what _would_ be one of the genuinely cool and fully practical female heavy torsos is ruined by the arbitrary addition of boob-bulge and the fact that it's more or less been painted on the body model. Breasts are not really an organ that requires "extra space" with properly made armor, and real-world actresses and stuntwomen show that.


Look at the stunning Virginia Hankins, for example: ![](https://i.imgur.com/43wGkYN.jpg "")

Notice how there is **_zero_** difference from any other fantasy stunt actor in her whole torso armor harness. Moving onward.


**Banded Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/SSQMpjp.jpg "")

Male: A usable if haphazard collection of splints, scale mail, and metal plates, not dissimilar to the plate and chain armor of some Indian royals.

![](https://i.imgur.com/NCLWOAG.jpg "")

Female: A gap at both the abodmen _and_ the chest where there's no metal at all; and worse still, yet more needless boob cups.


**Bladed Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/YYoAlCj.jpg "")

Male: Okay, I'll be honest, this set is utterly impractical regardless of sex; and unlike the Shredder from TMNT, all the sharp bits of this armor set are in exactly the right places to slice up oneself and no one else. But at least the male model isn't skintight and actually looks like a breastplate.

![](https://i.imgur.com/e7DDswp.jpg "")

Female: Skintight catsuit with a few metal textures slapped on; and yet again individually molded boob shapes. Because, you know, that _totally_ won't end painfully, just having boob cups inches from a bunch of serrated spines.


**Bounty Hunter's Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/h2y7At5.jpg "")

Male: A weird but cool meat/chitinous breastplate that vaguely calls to mind Starcraft's Zerg and has small enough of spikes that they don't bother me.

![](https://i.imgur.com/LLzHAnN.jpg "")

Female: No exposed skin, but still skintight. I did not ask for, or desire in any fashion, Venus Flytrap breasts.


**Carapace Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/lNFJSrk.jpg "")

Male: An oddly _ankh_-bearing and butterfly-esque breastplate, but a breastplate nonetheless; the only design issue is that the bevor (that neck thingy in front) is so pointed and oversized it would direct a blow INTO the throat.

![](https://i.imgur.com/LocjFIQ.jpg "")

Female: Skintight and boob shapes, again. Nothing more to be said.


**Council Guard Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/3agtUrk.jpg "")

Male: A partially segmented breastplate that has been oddly patterned with a ram motif despite the bird motif in the rest of the suit. Also possesses some of the only upper arm coverage in the model of a torso skin.

![](https://i.imgur.com/1CXyiNV.jpg "")

Female: It takes a bustier race than Sylvari to show it, but yet more needless boob-forming. Metal does not work this way in suit of plate armor; _especially_ if it's doing its job.


**Dark Templar Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/E9gacqU.jpg "")

Male: Haphazard and with no clear clues as to what the heck is holding it together; plus the hip-chains just provide a handy grip for an opponent; but still, the artists actually made it a breastplate, even if one of low feasibility.

![](https://i.imgur.com/JwPARcR.jpg "")

Female: Skintight and boob shapes.


**Draconic Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/5JuTmV5.jpg "")

Male: An odd mixture of scale mail, plate, and fluted lammelar plates, but still hypothetically usable.

![](https://i.imgur.com/pdLw7E1.jpg "")

Female: Skintight and boobs. Stop. Doing. This. In. Every. Design. Especially. You. Kekai. Kotaki.


**Flame Legion Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/kgXO1S1.jpg "")

Male: Another cool evil knight looking breastplate, I'll even excuse the tiny spikes; I just wish we could dye the flame color on this and the glow on the Forgeman set.

![](https://i.imgur.com/26tUODh.jpg "")

Female: Skintight and with pitted _fire-boobs_. Oh joy. That induces trypophobia, not arousal. This is viscerally upsetting to look at.


**Funerary Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/EL98hcd.jpg "")

Male: Odd and covered in weird protruding doodads; only the tassets of the set have a nice clean silhouette, regardless of sex; but still, a breastplate. Shame the armor dye slots on the whole set blob together in an ungodly fashion and completely ruin our ability to customize, be the character male or female.

![](https://i.imgur.com/0BP9kSu.jpg "")

Female: Skintight with _clam-shell boobs_. How _utterly_ novel and fresh to look at.


**Glorious Breastplate (All Rarities)**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/uyLLbkA.jpg "")

Male: Perfectly fine, with some rerebrace lames on the upper arms and a heroic lion motif. A cool breastplate.

![](https://i.imgur.com/bsUyrG2.jpg "")

Female: A cool design ruined by being lazily painted on to the playermodel in near skintight fashion, same as Ascalonian Protector. While nicely shiny, I'm not using it.


**Grasping Dead Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/nIFsRRd.jpg "")

Male: THIS is my aesthetic.


This is beautiful and perfect, I don't even care that the spike-teeth would be impractical; this is my love of monsters, armor, and magically corrupted stuff encapsulated into one beautiful three-way baby.


This is the torso armor skin the ladies should have too, and that my insane albino Sylvari Dragonhunter deserves.


A mouth growing out of the stomach, proper chainmail in the armor gaps as an underlayer, ribcage bits, two frickin' zombie hands just gouging at the chest, this is a valid breastplate exactly because it's so over the top. This is what you put on your DPS soldier-class character. This screams "evil, or at least anti-hero" and I LIKE IT.

![](https://i.imgur.com/PiesUS0.jpg "")

Female: A metal crop-top with molded boobs that _are being groped by zombie hands_, no abdomen or lower back coverage, no chainmail, and random bits of tattered cloth. Stay classy, ArenaNet.


Sorry to vent, but **_COME ON_**. I want the Nazgul torso. What part of making my little tree lady look like Witch-King of Angmar is supposed to be _less_ sexy?!


**Guild Ornate Armor**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/9XCXWfS.jpg "")

Male: A quilted aketon, chainmail covered with a tabard showing the guild emblem on it, decorative ribbons, and a few bits of plate metal, such as the gorget. Acceptable and fine.

![](https://i.imgur.com/siQU9Ei.jpg "")

Female: Yet more needless boob-forming on something that would never show them in the first place. Hard hats don't come in a ladies' version.


**Hellfire Cuirass**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/nfWrK0C.jpg "")

Male: An acceptable and demonic suit that turns you into a gross but cool lava man.

![](https://i.imgur.com/mGFyMZi.jpg "")

Female: Lava boobs and all the coolness immediately ruined.


**Heritage Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/JPRj7UM.jpg "")

Male: Ignoring the fact I'll never have these skins since I don't have a GW1 account, this is fine and dandy. Other than the wierd spiked armband on one side that does nothing, it's a breastplate.

![](https://i.imgur.com/sVXxyDe.jpg "")

Female: Boobs. I am so very weary of metal boobs.


**Illustrious Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/eUztWJC.jpg "")

Male: Though there's way too much going on in the designs of all three sets of Ascended armor, this is nevertheless a proper breastplate.

![](https://i.imgur.com/kMl0YiV.jpg "")

Female: Skintight metal with over-decorated boobs.


**Inquest Breastplate**

![](https://i.imgur.com/6s0rQre.jpg "")

Male: Though oddly polygonal and geometric like a lot of Asuran stuff, more or less valid; other than that slight inward curve at the chest. Also another refreshing case of actual armor on the upper arms even without a shoulder skin.

![](https://i.imgur.com/41bKn3S.jpg "")



**Lunatic Templar Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/QMXLULc.jpg "")

Male: Acceptable, I just wish we could dye the glow color. The inability to make the fire anything but orange is the same as Flame Legion and Forgeman, and it makes it feel underwhelming for a holiday reward.

![](https://i.imgur.com/IyNh1D2.jpg "")

Female: Fire boobs. Say something I'm giving up on yooooooouuuuuu ~


**Mistward Plate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/PNX8E3J.jpg "")

Male: Gaps for the arms, but still a proper breastplate that covers the whole torso other than the arm holes and armpits.

![](https://i.imgur.com/SvrpiK9.jpg "")

Female: The same creepy groping finger-thingies as Grasping Dead on the boobs, and a massive cutaway so there's basically no side to the armor. Dumb.


**Nightmare Court Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/cI7aTTF.jpg "")

Male: A cool and prickly plant-suit that makes you feel like an evil Treant.

![](https://i.imgur.com/DaqT9Nr.jpg "")

Female: So close to correct, and not skin-tight, but still has a needless boob-shelf.


**Phalanx Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/2O1xFlY.jpg "")

Male: A piecemeal but perfectly reasonable armor that makes sense for a mercenary or knight-errant.

![](https://i.imgur.com/7HjGJuC.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/oWd9wZI.jpg "")

Female: A backless and cleavage-baring dress. Literally not even armor in any fashion.


**Primeval Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/zJwUBzi.jpg "")

Male: A breastplate treading a thin line toward unusability with its inward curve near the sternum, but a breastplate.

![](https://i.imgur.com/MCiO7jQ.jpg "")

Female: Primeval boobs. Great, just great. Absolutely what I wanted from as gnarly of an adjective as "Primeval". Grrr.


**Priory's Historical Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/fiC4Gz7.jpg "")

Male: An oddly patterned and ridged but passable breastplate that fits the scholar organization and their general "books and blocks" motif.

![](https://i.imgur.com/RPDuVaU.jpg "")

Female: Oh, how shocking, more needless boobs; and on top of that a ring of exposed skin that begins at the stomach and completely bares the lower back!


**Radiant Cuirass**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/Us9oB5C.jpg "")

Male: Quite tacky because achievement armor can't be dyed to make that glow less blinding; but still, it's a breastplate.

![](https://i.imgur.com/SjbUoFs.jpg "")

Female: Skintight metal and _sacred_ boobs. I _totally_ asked for that; and on one of the only pieces with any neck protection to boot.


**Rampart Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/7XICEp9.jpg "")

Male: Other than its weird popped collar in the metal like a college frat boy, perfectly passable.

![](https://i.imgur.com/Ml2Xy6k.jpg "")

Female: Skintight catsuit that has diamond boobs.


**Splint Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/vpHJOK4.jpg "")

Male: A mixture of lammelar plates and Japanese _kikko_-style hexagon plates.

![](https://i.imgur.com/RIusMJg.jpg "")

Female: Molded boob-metal.


**Vigil's Honor Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/rdKssMn.jpg "")

Male: Slightly "muscled" like some Roman emperors' breastplates, but clearly having thick enough of metal that it isn't just meant to be ceremonial; and not as skin-tightly curving inward in the metal in sternum-breaking fashion like those suits were. Acceptable.

![](https://i.imgur.com/cte221W.jpg "")

Female: A cleavage window, hardly any metal plates at all (other than the weird blade thingies on each breast), no back, and no sides. At this stage, it might as well be a dress.


**Warbeast Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/eFxRLj9.jpg "")

An incredibly messed up and Body Horror-riffic breastplate, but a breastplate nonetheless. I'm not even bothered by the exposed armpits and upper arm because the comically massive antler-thingies that are the alleged pauldrons in this armor set completely cover that region anyway.

![](https://i.imgur.com/EROUIVO.jpg "")

Female: Skintight metal with a cleavage window and boob shapes for no discernible reason. There is nothing erotic about having been forcibly and agonizingly turned into a molten robot by the fallen god Balthazar. And if you do find that erotic, you've got some issues to work through.


**Whisper's Secret Breastplate**:

![](https://i.imgur.com/xJbPDsW.jpg "")

Male: Okay, I'm gonna be honest and say that this bizarre melange of knife-y bits, leather, and metal is a patchwork and impractical torso armor regardless of sex, but at least with the male skin your character is covered up.

![](https://i.imgur.com/cHBkl9b.jpg "")

Female: Straight up dominatrix fetish-wear, with convenient built-in knives for the client's ease. If you were gonna do this, you might as well have made the male torso model show off the abs and pecs.




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Awesome post. This shows why I have no female heavy armour knight style characters other than my charr and I really wanna make a traditional human guard. I don't have any problem with sexy options (I have some very overtly sexy characters) but there is literally no believable roleplay options for female heavy armour characters if you have the slightest understanding of how armour works. Also where is my thong for a male norn? Seriously, my rev would norn that 110%


So yeah, more sexiness, for both males and females please, but also some realistic options for player choice. You know I will buy ALL the skins!

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I'm having a really hard time recognizing if this is an actual post or complete satire.

It seems like an actual post because wanting some "non-booby" armor for female characters is a legit argument.

It seems like satire because of the number of times you said "what I wanted" and "passable", and your hilarious fixation on complete realism even on male armors in a game about plants, moles, cats, and big people helping smaller people fight plant/ice/bedazzled/regular zombies and killing their plant/ice/bedazzled/zombie dragon masters.

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I’m sorry, but it is starting to read like you simply have an issue with the female form or something at this point. Many of those chestpieces are identical or very similar to the male version except the extra boob space. It is not like a JRPG where nipple pasties count as armour.


Furthermore, you’ll notice that a good couple of male ones also have extra “pecs space” or even flat-out molded pecs into the piece.


You can clearly make a fully armoured female knight with the sets available in GW2. It is just that it is a fantasy game, not a medieval simulator, so the sets for both sexes aren’t going to be realistic/accurate.


Admittedly, as I said previously in this thread, the balance could use some shifting with more “skimpy” choices for males and more functional ones for females - but that’s all.


So yeah. I don’t think you’re being fair towards Anet as their selection of Heavy armour is pretty darn good when it comes to this topic in my eyes - and your own list proves it.



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Here's the new heavy corsair chest from the latest LW:

![](https://i.imgur.com/qOL1xaa.jpg "")


Not particularly booby at all, which is also how I prefer it:

![](https://i.imgur.com/eSvLNT7.jpg "")


The other two weights for the corsair chest aren't bad either depending upon what you mix it with. I got my chestpiece rewards through WvW, although you can do PVP too, since I'm too impatient to do it through just PVE achievements.


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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> I’m sorry, but it is starting to read like you simply have an issue with the female form or something at this point. Many of those chestpieces are identical or very similar to the male version except the extra boob space. It is not like a JRPG where kitten pasties count as armour.


> Furthermore, you’ll notice that a good couple of male ones also have extra “pecs space” or even flat-out molded pecs into the piece.


> You can clearly make a fully armoured female knight with the sets available in GW2. It is just that it is a fantasy game, not a medieval simulator, so the sets for both sexes aren’t going to be realistic/accurate.


> Admittedly, as I said previously in this thread, the balance could use some shifting with more “skimpy” choices for males and more functional ones for females - but that’s all.


> So yeah. I don’t think you’re being fair towards Anet as their selection of Heavy armour is pretty darn good when it comes to this topic in my eyes - and your own list proves it.




Yeah Anet is pretty good in comparison with other games. I think OP is looking at this from the understanding that if you go into battle wearing boob-armour you may as well not be wearing any as far as protection goes. Therefore the armour looks a lot more unrealistic to them than it might do to others. Boobs are not muscle after all; they will squish behind a flat breastplate, and if you were going into battle as a woman that's what you would need to avoid swords being directly aimed into your heart. Obviously it's a fantasy game but the op is looking for realism in the same way you wouldn't realistically go into battle in stilettos... Not that there is anything wrong with the phalanx greaves XD!


That said I find it unlikely Anet will ever implement such skins as I have a suspicion that their skins are modeled to fit around the solid non-squishy character and you would have clipping issues with the breasts literally poking through the armour... Things along the line of the ascalonian breastplate are as good as we'll ever get.


(Edited for spelling)

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> @"Saranos.9703" said:

> That said I find it unlikely Anet will ever implement such skins as I have a suspicion that their skins are modeled to fit around the solid non-squishy character and you would have clipping issues with the breasts literally poking through the armour... Things along the line of the ascalonian breastplate are as good as we'll ever get.



Indeed, the reason I can't stand using plate looking armors on females in this game, the skins basically work like skin tight t-shirts, and you have the very crazy look of "bouncing metal plates". Which is the reason I went back to chainmail for my one female heavy armor.


I had forgotten about ascalonian breast plate, will look it up thanks all.

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uhmm are really at the point where we punish people for what they are ???

We should be thankful for all the diversity the human race brought to our planet.

And yes, that includes that male and female have different features doesn't matter we want it or not.

I myself enjoy looking at females and all the features they come with. My wife enjoys male features.

A-Net does a great job in encouraging diversity in all ways possible and i want them to continue so.


On a personal note: Boobies are great !!!!!!!!


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**Boobies are indeed good! I've got no issue with 'em! I mean, I made my Norn Revenant shown above basically built like Big Barda from DC comics**.


What does bother me is the fact every armor set feels the need to make an individual shape for the boobs; and that the artists (and you guys) are assuming **_that they won't still be pretty and "feminine" armors if they design a few sets without it in the future_**.


![](https://i.imgur.com/g30uxPv.jpg "")

Still pretty.

![](https://i.imgur.com/KkVFdth.jpg "")

Still girly (also HOLY MOLY that rabbit is an Absolute Unit).

![](https://i.imgur.com/TcfsDd7.jpg "")

Still elegant. Well, the suit is. Can't speak for the swords and tentacle buddy.

![](https://i.imgur.com/Wxxjb85.jpg "")

Still **_sassy_**. Just look at that posture.

![](https://i.imgur.com/8h6LbLU.jpg "")

Still stylish.

![](https://i.imgur.com/BCwOAvH.jpg "")

That lady at left helped her brother conquer Westeros. It's still obvious she's a princess.

![](https://i.imgur.com/AAURpUG.jpg "")

Hopefully you get my point by now.


I'm not critiquing Cultural Armors, because those are probably meant to be ceremonial; other than the Asura and Charr sets, and the various Chainmail and Scale sets would also show the form because they're basically a sheet of metal segments draped over the wearer. In that case, your underlying figure would show up.


Warband, Legion, Dreadnought, Galvanic, Electroplated, Electromagnetic, Forgeman, Studded Plate, and Corsair Heavy Jerkin don't have the boobmetal; but that's still not even a complete row of the Wardrobe, and six of those are cultural sets that nobody but Charr and Asura can use.


Currently, only a handful of armor sets don't slam HEHEH TIDDY into your face like a baseball bat.


**I like my Sylvari Guardian lady. I don't object to her being female and having boobs. But since sylvari are so thinly built and there isn't really anything to show off, I would very much like to make her look like a knight, instead of 48 varieties of very weird stripper. She's got no bust to stare at**.


**I fully agree that ArenaNet should keep all the heavy torso skins that are revealing, because I understand plenty of people; especially lady players who are attracted to other ladies, have no beef with it. But can we at least get a version of the heavy torso skins to go along with them where the torso skin is just slightly more rounded outward from the male model?**


**TL; DR** : I'm **NOT** saying, "**Get riddy of thy tiddy**!" _I am asking for the option to choose between the original "girl torso" models and a version of the skin where the only accommodation for the bust is a slightly greater projection outward of the whole torso armor_.


This way, sexy armor people are happy, and "LET ME MAKE A TANK, DAMN YOU" armor people are happy. **I just want a choice between the two**.


**I JUST WANT A CHOICE**. Keep the boob if you want it (and most of you do); make Blood-Queen of the Pale Tree if you don't.


Give us that option. Talk to the artists.

![](https://i.imgur.com/j6eeSJJ.gif "")









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Y'all know full well that in the "LET ME MAKE A TANK" part of that, I didn't type kitten. I like how Anet censors swearing.


If you might excuse me, I'm going back to Warframe, and before you accuse me of being a hypocrite by pointing at the lady Warframes, you should know that:





Warframes aren't armor. They're either artificially grown surrogate bodies that are psychically controlled; or in truly horrific cases, someone forcibly mutated into a chitinous combatant who's still mentally enslaved by their "pilot".

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Again, you can _already_ be a tank as a female character. Your own long list of examples shows this off perfectly.


Just learn to accept that your character has boobs. Reduce the slider all the way down and voilá (as the bust in the armour is directly tied to her actual bust size) if you have to.

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> @"ConstantlyBrooding.2901" said:

> I'd like at least some feedback, or a reply _hopefully_ promising they'll be adding a more practical, unisex heavy armor set in the future.

> **Aetherblade Heavy Chest**:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/xFmLP5S.jpg "")

> Female: A skintight catsuit with a gorget and stomach plate slapped on to try and excuse it as "armor" when it not only has boob shapes, but weird little castle rampart shapes cupping them.


I get the whole outrage thing, but.. come on.. those castle wall boobie cups are hilarious!

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Agree with most of Ops complaint and adding that it is even more irritating when the male and female versions of the same armor piece look nothing alike.


As a norn female ranger main, the most obvious offender is the Sneakthief set. On my male human thief, I get a nicely detailed trench (yeah, I know, it is a trench) with an asymmetric cut. On my favorite lady norn, I get a plain bikini top with sleeves? Why? I know this top is a favorite, but I would prefer the trench.


I just wish the male and female versions of the same piece would look like they are from the same set.

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> @"rdfaye.4368" said:

> Agree with most of Ops complaint and adding that it is even more irritating when the male and female versions of the same armor piece look nothing alike.


> As a norn female ranger main, the most obvious offender is the Sneakthief set. On my male human thief, I get a nicely detailed trench (yeah, I know, it is a trench) with an asymmetric cut. On my favorite lady norn, I get a plain bikini top with sleeves? Why? **I know this top is a favorite**, but I would prefer the trench.


> I just wish the male and female versions of the same piece would look like they are from the same set.


I think you answered your own question (and I for one absolutely hate that trench).

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I like some trench coats. My main point is I don't like it when the armor doesn't have anything in common between the male and female skins. When I preview an armor skin on my male thief and think it will be great on my female ranger, only to discover it isn't even close to being the same skin, I am disappointed.


The Sneakthief female armor is fine, it is just the disconnect when compared to the male version that I find jarring. There are other sets like that, it was just the most obvious I could think of.

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> @"Liewec.2896" said:

> there are already plenty of options for a heavier more practical look,


And they all give you wiiiiiide hips and narrow shoulders on a female body. Bah! (Especially the hips part looks ridiculous.) It's really hard to dress humanoid (especially human) females properly in this game.


> @"ConstantlyBrooding.2901" said:

> A polite request to the talented modelers and concept artists at Arenanet for genuine knight armor.


:+1: :+1: :+1:

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Liewec.2896" said:

> > there are already plenty of options for a heavier more practical look,


> And they all give you wiiiiiide hips and narrow shoulders on a female body. Bah! (Especially the hips part looks ridiculous.) It's really hard to dress humanoid (especially human) females properly in this game.


> > @"ConstantlyBrooding.2901" said:

> > A polite request to the talented modelers and concept artists at Arenanet for genuine knight armor.


> :+1: :+1: :+1:


But “wide hips and narrow shoulders” is how human females are built anatomically..? What exactly is the problem?


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Thread over, making myself a new thread for an issue of shininess that is actually bothering me much more. **I tested these through rough analogue on my dude self and changed my mind.**


I tested this in the dumbest yet most logical way I could think of. I placed two metal mixing bowls on my chest and smacked those; and not unexpectedly I was rewarded for that foolishness by incredible pain in the sternum and rib region. I did the same but with one bowl and it didn't hurt, so based on this haphazard test I'm gonna rule Ascalonian Protector, Council Guard and all the ones that don't have individual cups for boobs but a single curve over the chest to be usable breastplates.


"Why, though, you idiot?", you are asking, and you're completely right to make that judgement.


The answer is simple: because I felt bad for getting mad at all of you and wanted to test it... well, not conclusively, but in some way.


ITT: pack your bags, I slammed my hand into a pair of small metal mixing bowls and it hurt, smacked one bowl it did not. These are more or less viable designs and I retract my opinion.

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  • 8 months later...

A lot of the armors mentioned have been already reskinned and show less boob overall. So I'm not entirely sure what the OP wants? I want to have skimpy outfits for both male and female. Thank god some armor sets haven't been touched. It's a fantasy game, if someone wants to be able to run around naked they should be able to. Speaking of which I haven't come across anyone (but myself) who doesn't love the invisible boot skin...I hate it and prefer boots, but ppl generally love it. On another note, if u really want realism play Kingdom Come Deliverance. That is what real armor looks like, crap and layered af, plus medieval armor was not made for females, so they just wore male armor, look up any famous female warrior in medieval times (not talking about ancient greek/roman times). I would not want that kind of realism seeping into an MMO based on fantasy.

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