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Daily achievement points cap

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Having 10 achievement points a day does in no way cause imbalance to the game. The only people who even care about them, are way over the cap limit anyway. Most of us that do dailies is for the achievement points, and we populate the maps, and help others finish their map completions in HOT and other areas that are not so populated usually. There are a lot of us, myself included that are very frustrated by the capping of points. We farmed all the titles in GW and GW2 only to be told now that all that work is for nothing as titles don’t mean anything because they can be removed at any time. Please bring our achievement points back or y’all may find a lot of maps empty. I was a daily player, helping everyone with whatever they need in any map I was in, but when you took away the daily achievement points I quit playing. They were basically the reason I played every day. Please fix our dailies.

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> @"TigStripe.2379" said:

> I'm confused. When did they remove daily achievement points?


Never. There is a cap to the maximum amount of points you can earn by completing the dailies, at which point they no longer grant AP. If you have not hit that cap, you will receive them just as you have previously.

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> @"Dixie Belle.6953" said:

> Having 10 achievement points a day does in no way cause imbalance to the game.


"imbalance" is not the only reason that something might be capped.


> The only people who even care about them, are way over the cap limit anyway. Most of us that do dailies is for the achievement points, and we populate the maps, and help others finish their map completions in HOT and other areas that are not so populated usually.


I really don't think the population of players who have not hit the cap is so small that this would be significantly noticed.


> There are a lot of us, myself included that are very frustrated by the capping of points. We farmed all the titles in GW and GW2 only to be told now that all that work is for nothing as titles don’t mean anything because they can be removed at any time.


This seems ... not entirely related to the rest of the complaints?


> Please bring our achievement points back or y’all may find a lot of maps empty.


As above, I think this is a weak argument.


> I was a daily player, helping everyone with whatever they need in any map I was in, but when you took away the daily achievement points I quit playing. They were basically the reason I played every day. Please fix our dailies.


This is a good, solid one though.

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I think one of the reasons that there’s a cap is that not having one would devalue the one-time ones. Why do any of the other achievements when you can just spend 5-10 min each day and just ride out the time. You’d more likely see less people on the maps rather than more.

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The cap also exists to control AP rewards being given out. There's currently a maximum amount of AP you can have on an account, and it increases every time there's an achievement released with LW or raids or fractals or whatever. Without that cap controlling it, accounts could have obscene XP/gold bonuses. They'd have to retool the entire rewards system for achievement points, or give daily achievements their own rewards system.


Just seems like a headache to me.

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I have no clue if I've hit the cap. I don't think I have, but I just don't know. I don't even do the dailies for the AP. In fact, I generally hate dailies. I don't like having a list of things I have to do every day that I log in. Feels too much like work and that I'm missing out if I don't do every last task. But since GW2 dailies change every day, it's a nice way to start out the day, inject a little variety, and earn a little bit of extra loot (I'll never sneeze at 2g no matter how much money I have).

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While I absolutely understand hitting the AP cap being the straw that breaks the camel's back, if you ever find daily AP *actually* being the only thing keeping you logging in - quit*. You're clearly not actually getting entertainment from the game, you're basically addicted.


*By "quit", I don't necessarily mean permanently. A good, extended break doing something else gives distance. If the desire to come back just for the joy of playing strikes, log back in!*

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> @"JDub.1530" said:

> I have no clue if I've hit the cap. I don't think I have, but I just don't know. I don't even do the dailies for the AP. In fact, I generally hate dailies. I don't like having a list of things I have to do every day that I log in. Feels too much like work and that I'm missing out if I don't do every last task. But since GW2 dailies change every day, it's a nice way to start out the day, inject a little variety, and earn a little bit of extra loot (I'll never sneeze at 2g no matter how much money I have).


In-game, press H and then click on the Achievements tab. Your total achievement points will be in the upper left corner of the window, and you can hover your cursor over it to see how many Daily and Monthly points you have. The Daily cap is 15,000 AP from Daily and Monthly, combined.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"JDub.1530" said:

> > I have no clue if I've hit the cap. I don't think I have, but I just don't know. I don't even do the dailies for the AP. In fact, I generally hate dailies. I don't like having a list of things I have to do every day that I log in. Feels too much like work and that I'm missing out if I don't do every last task. But since GW2 dailies change every day, it's a nice way to start out the day, inject a little variety, and earn a little bit of extra loot (I'll never sneeze at 2g no matter how much money I have).


> In-game, press H and then click on the Achievements tab. Your total achievement points will be in the upper left corner of the window, and you can hover your cursor over it to see how many Daily and Monthly points you have. The Daily cap is 15,000 AP from Daily and Monthly, combined.


I have no doubt I can look this up, I just have never felt any compelling reason to do so. But thanks for info should I get the desire to check.

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