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Is Blackgate dying?


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Blackgate was winning every WvW match-up until now. Why is the server in 3rd place on this current match-up? Did guilds leave or what? I'm planing on playing the game again and my account is on Blackgate but if it's gonna be a dead server which server should I go to?

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> Its not BG thats dying. Its WvW thats dying.


Pretty much this. If Anet doesn't do something soon (not 6 months from now) about the current scourge wars and balance some of the other PoF elite specs before the typical expac nerf, there may not be many dedicated people left.

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It took two full servers working together, three since the Kaineng bandwagon, to take down Blackgate. Even Jade Quarry had guilds that bandwagoned to it. That should show that BG is very much alive. With JQ Joffreying Kaineng, there'll be a new Cersei on the Throne.

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> @"Loviathan.3610" said:

> BG hibernating until alliances.


> BG hibernating until an update scheduled to release half a year from now.


> lol


I don't know why people are saying BG is hibernating. It's being 2v1'd, so of course its PPT is low. You can't defend anything for very long when there are two or more 50-man zergs attacking your stuff on multiple BLs. If anything, people are playing more this week because there are always people to play against. This week is the most fun we've had in several months. Several times over the previous few weeks, I logged on for 15 minutes, got bored because there was nothing to do, and stopped playing. This week, I've been able to play the full amount of time I've wanted to and I've always had opponents to play against.


Despite what you may choose to think, BG winning without even trying every week made it unbelievably boring for most people. Everyone sneers at BG PPTing, but most organized groups weren't even trying to PPT. After all, why PPT when you've already won by Monday? The PPT mostly came about as a result of wanting to have things to do.

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BG is certainly not dying, it's just facing an arranged 4v1 and lots of ppl pulling big overtime.

I'm not complaining, it's the most fun wvw has been for ages, and a great time to come play on BG.

I have yet to see BG lose a single even fight, not that there are many.

The guilds that left BG to supposedly get more fights have missed out big time, those who remain have been magnificent.



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BG is fine and will be fine. They're just taking a few well-deserved lumps atm. The s**ters alliance will eventually fall apart as it always does, and then T1 will be right back to the same overstacked BG domination that it's been for so long. Hopefully I'm wrong, and the fallout from this will be a few servers large enough and motivated enough to keep T1 interesting and competitive. Shaking things up is good for the game mode as a whole.

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Look at the effort it even takes to make that happen, something most players/guilds/commanders don't even want to bother with these days.

Mal's alliance is supposedly only around 150 players, and they're making that much of a change for sbi, the question now is how many other alliance of that size will even exist in the new system so that 9-12 worlds will be competitive? Funny how SoR got stuck with HoD for all those months and they could barely get out of t4, gets linked with JQ and suddenly they're t1 material again.



> @"Darksun.4702" said:

> Despite what you may choose to think, BG winning without even trying every week made it unbelievably boring for most people. Everyone sneers at BG PPTing, but most organized groups weren't even trying to PPT. After all, why PPT when you've already won by Monday? The PPT mostly came about as a result of wanting to have things to do.


Frankly that's BG's fault for rigging t1 as it was for the past year. All BG had to do was split red with sos and keep smc for extra points. It took losing knt to yb link and booting sos finally started to make t1 interesting I'm sure. Why did you think people called for a destack so long ago.


BG ain't dying, their core is still too big for that to happen, losing a match or two isn't going to kill wvw, it'll just make things interesting for a change.


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You have to go back to late September of last year to find a single match where BG didn't finish 1st in Tier 1. Almost 9 months.


You have to go back to May 20 of last year to find a single time where BG wasn't ranked #1 server in NA. That's over a year.


You have to go back to April of last year to find the last time BG finished 3rd in a matchup. Almost 14 months.


To say that such a hilariously overstacked and coverage-heavy server is dying is embarrassing. People are just sick of BG.

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> @"Kolmena.2416" said:

> Blackgate was winning every WvW match-up until now. Why is the server in 3rd place on this current match-up? Did guilds leave or what? I'm planing on playing the game again and my account is on Blackgate but if it's gonna be a dead server which server should I go to?


This is a sign that **one** server has had it too good for too long. When it becomes _expected_ that they win. Just because ArenaNet makes Blackgate their home server, has opened BG to transfers and locked down all of their competitor servers to transfers in the past. Just because Jade Quarry won WvW **when it counted** and still remains the undisputed 'on record' Champions of WvW with no ones help, doesn't mean BG is dieing. If anything, Anet facilitated more than what was needed and collapsed the dignity and culture of World vs. World in the process.


Now that BG is on nuptial mass, the server is dieing... Thanks!


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All of us on SoS are really confused to tell the truth. We thought that if we power bottomed for BG and 3.5v2'd red every week that we would win t1 eventually. It turns out we actually needed to **team up with red AGAINST BG to win**. So obvious now when you think about it oh well. Totally down to power bottom for JQ now though they look big and strong.

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