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New Players: Welcome to Guild Wars 2!

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> @"Kam.4092" said:

> Don't let the Meta deter you from playing a certain Profession or viable build. Play the game the way you want to.


This is a good point. While I will always tell people it's a good idea to at least LOOK at the metas for any given class/elite spec in order to understand what is used and the reasons why, don't ever feel like it's the only way to do things. The meta just doesn't work for everyone's play style. It's a good tool to help learn more about your class and its synergies, but that's all it is; it's a tool for you to look at, learn from, and then branch out to do what works best and feels the most natural for you.

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> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > @"Kam.4092" said:

> > Don't let the Meta deter you from playing a certain Profession or viable build. Play the game the way you want to.


> This is a good point. While I will always tell people it's a good idea to at least LOOK at the metas for any given class/elite spec in order to understand what is used and the reasons why, don't ever feel like it's the only way to do things. The meta just doesn't work for everyone's play style. It's a good tool to help learn more about your class and its synergies, but that's all it is; it's a tool for you to look at, learn from, and then branch out to do what works best and feels the most natural for you.


This is the perfect definition of Meta ;)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Oh, I just thought of a tip: Every day there are Daily Activities ("Dailies") that you can join, if you have access to the area. They are a lot of fun, have great rewards, and if it's an area you're able to visit, there are usually a higher-than-normal number of players around who also can help you. In addition, the cycled meta major events that take place on a daily map potentially will have more players involved so may make the major events more approachable for a newer player.


[Here's a list ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Meta_event "Here's a list ")of meta events by region.

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A caution on Gaile's comment there: It can be hard for a new player (or just a new alt) to get any credit in events that have drawn a ton of vets, because the mobs melt pretty fast and a lower level character might not tag enough damage. Don't let that discourage you, just be aware that even though everyone who helps kill something gets credit and loot, you need to hit things early and often to get the credit if you're at the low end in gear/traits.


That's less of a problem with world bosses, even they take a *little* time to die so you have time to beat them up some.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Donari.5237" said:

> A caution on Gaile's comment there: It can be hard for a new player (or just a new alt) to get any credit in events that have drawn a ton of vets, because the mobs melt pretty fast and a lower level character might not tag enough damage. Don't let that discourage you, just be aware that even though everyone who helps kill something gets credit and loot, you need to hit things early and often to get the credit if you're at the low end in gear/traits.


> That's less of a problem with world bosses, even they take a *little* time to die so you have time to beat them up some.


That's a good point. I was thinking more of the metas involving world bosses, or things like Auric Basin, because those darn vines take a lot of people to bring down. Now, that's not exactly "new player" turf, but it's still something that a new Level 80 could take on if they own Heart of Thorns, to get great rewards and have a bunch of fun. :) I find that in many places (Silverwastes came to mind), someone's usually real good about giving instructions that help those new to the experience participate and benefit from the event.


And really, I was a little more pointing out the awesomeness of the Dailies than how to join the meta, but I feel both apply.

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I recall not understanding "Combos" or not caring for about a year. Probably due to rushing through or lack of clear tutorials at that time.


In short:


* A combo field is required. These are generally aoe skills that will show up as rings on the ground. Each one can have different elements, and result in different effects.

* A combo finisher is required to be used on said combo field. These are _projectiles_, _leaps_, _whirls_, and _blasts_. Tool-tips will indicate which "finisher" a skill has if any.

* A combo finisher will trigger on the _earliest_ combo field if multiple are placed on top of each other.

* Only 5 combos per field.

* You cannot make combos from enemy combo fields. Alas! This isn't Divinity 2, for better or worse.




Kay, good luck peeps.


P.S. Don't start in sPvp. Especially don't start in WvW for the level "scaling" puts you at a tremendous disadvantage alongside your inexperience.



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Welcome to Tyria!

My personal tip:


The pvp lobby (heart of the mists) is accesible via the 2 swords icon on top left of the screen. It automatically gives you all the skills and traits of any profession and therefore is extremely useful to find the class you want to pick!


Create a character, play the tutorial scenario, and go to the pvp lobby. Try out there the core and elite specializations (last traitline if you have expansions), their various weapons and skills to get a hang of it, know if it feels good to you or not, if it looks cool to you, etc. You even have training dummies to try your combos and all!


Also, be sure to check the “gw2 Metabattle” website which regroups common builds and advices on how to gear and play your class in each game mode, even if you want to tweak the builds it proposes!


If you have questions, you can also ask me (and the community) via in game mails or chat thanks to our account name (=forum name).


Good adventures to you all!

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Hello to all you newcomers!

My two cents would be to do whatever you enjoy (ofc without decreasing other peoples enjoyment in the process), don't rush yourself as otherwise you'll miss out on most of the magic GW2 has to offer aaaand most important, whenever you don't know how to proceed, have questions in general or are stuck, do always, ALWAYS ask in map chat. Contrary to other games, the GW2 community is super helpful and for the most parts, friendly. Please enjoy those kindnesses and repay them to keep this game as social as it is.


In the end, we all just wanna have fun!

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TIP: Class choice is often such a hard wall to tear down, when moving the first steps in Guild Wars 2.

Maybe this can help... Try to answer this simple question:


1) What kind of style i'd prefer? Brute Force, Magical devastation or Tactical Combat?

Brute Force: Warrior, Guardian, Revenant

Magical Devastation: Necromancer, Elementalist, Mesmer

Tactical Combat : Thief, Ranger, Engineer


Keep in mind, each class can combat both Melee and Ranged distance.

This question could sound obvious, but actually it's not if you think about it...


Once the circle narrows in your choice, think about the Role you wanna play: Damage focused or Support Focused. You can find those 2 roles in each of the 3 playstyles:


1) Brute Force Support : those violent Fellas can enhance your damage capacity and make you a real killing machine. Guardian is the Healer here (Recommended Elite Spec: Firebrand - Path of Fire Expansion ) .


2) Magical Support : those bookworms can magically enhance basically any capacity / specialization you have, damage, resistance, defense, etc... The Healer here is Elementalist (Recommended Elite spec: Tempest - Heart of Thorns Expansion ) .


3) Tactical Combat Support: basing on the situation and the strategy your Party/Squad chooses in each situation, those Strategists can enhance the thing your character can provide in that particular situation. Healer in this school: Ranger (Recommanded Elite spec: Druid - Heart of Thorns Expansion).


Also keep in mind here, each class in each of those 3 Support Schools can play this role in its own unique way; Healer role is a more specific thing, required in certain contents (not all) and here i purposed a reccommended Class, basing on the Meta.

Remember that the meaning of "Meta" is "Suggested" , not "You must play this, or you won't play at all" ^^


That's it for today's #WelcomeToGW2 TIP ; i hope it'll be useful for our great Community!


I'll see you in Tyria!



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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Theros.1390" said:

> > I guess that all those new players are not coming only from US. So imo it would have been great to share the word on others forums too. ;)

> >

> > Anyway, welcome to all of them o/

> >


> Rest assured that was my intention from the start. I needed to wait to get my words localized, but that's now done for two or three languages, with the third coming on Monday (due to staff outages today). Posted in German and Spanish, with French on Monday. :+1:


Well we're on tuesday here, and there's still nothing on our forum ^^'

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Remembering my early experience my advice is to play around with a few chatacters to find the profession and weapons that suit you. GW2 isn't like other games and what you think you prefer may not turn out to be the case.


Level a few professions for a bit. Mix up the weapons if you find it dull or try another profession.


I still remembering starting elementalist on staff, getting completely board around lvl 30 and returning to it on double daggers and loving it. Ever since then ele has been my main.


Same holds for different game content. Tired of pve? Try wvw or spvp. It isnt toxic if you stay unranked.



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**UPDATE**: As i've re-created the "Project Aidan" Guild, many of the previous members could found themselves out of the guild . Feel free to contact me again to be added !


**REMINDER**: Represent is not required, you can join any guild u like and keep this one as a "Support Contact List" . This is meant for both Newcomers and Veteran players ofc, in order to keep the Guild Wars 2 Mentoring system a bit more organized . "Project Aid.A.N. focuses on the Guild Wars 2 Community and specifically on all the Newcomers .

Events and Activities will be regularly available, following a Schedule, for any Player who will want to join both for learn and teach . There is a Guild we use as a Support Contacts List, so REPRESENT IS NOT REQUESTED, you can join any guild u like and keep this one as a Support Tool for your adventures in Guild Wars 2 .

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