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I can't seem to 1v1 anyone in WvW while roaming on Chronomancer?


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What am I doing wrong? While roaming in WvW I just **always** lose 1v1's no matter what. I've tried many things.



I run Sword/Shield and GS. **I even tried switching to Sword/Pistol to experiment**, but it still hasn't made a difference. As for armor **I run half Knights/Half Valkyrie armor,** and after losing a lot of 1v1s I even **tried experimenting and buying full Berserker armor, which still doesn't make a difference.**



**I want to stick to a damage/shatter Chrono build while using a Sword as my core weapon**. I don't want to change that, so please keep that in mind when suggesting what to do. Please don't also suggest to switch to Mirage, as I really like the concept of Chrono.



**I want to stick to roaming WvW purposes,** but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I usually run decoy and blink for slot skills as core, as well. As for traits, I run the Chrono trait line, Illusions line, and Dueling.



Like I said, I don't know why I can't seem to 1v1 anyone. I always can't seem to kill anyone and they almost always end up killing me before I do. Am I doing something wrong? Is it my armor, weapons, build, or am I just bad?

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Without knowing what exactly the problem is and whats killing you, its kind of hard to say what you could be doing "wrong".


Try swapping illusion for inspiration and swap the sword for scepter and take the cleanse mantra. That should make you more of a sustain bruiser that can brush of enemy condi bunker builds (like scourges, burn guards, confusion mesmers etc) and not reliant on melee range when you swap. The block is also very effective vs enemy zerkers because it got lower cd than many bursts (zerker thieves, shatter mesmers).

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Without knowing what exactly the problem is and whats killing you, its kind of hard to say what you could be doing "wrong".


> Try swapping illusion for inspiration and swap the sword for scepter and take the cleanse mantra. That should make you more of a sustain bruiser that can brush of enemy condi bunker builds (like scourges, burn guards, confusion mesmers etc) and not reliant on melee range when you swap. The block is also very effective vs enemy zerkers because it got lower cd than many bursts (zerker thieves, shatter mesmers).


Hmm, that sounds like a good idea, I'll try that out. As for my armor, which armor should I run with this? Zerkers or Knight/Valkyrie?

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> @"StormHawk.9862" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Without knowing what exactly the problem is and whats killing you, its kind of hard to say what you could be doing "wrong".

> >

> > Try swapping illusion for inspiration and swap the sword for scepter and take the cleanse mantra. That should make you more of a sustain bruiser that can brush of enemy condi bunker builds (like scourges, burn guards, confusion mesmers etc) and not reliant on melee range when you swap. The block is also very effective vs enemy zerkers because it got lower cd than many bursts (zerker thieves, shatter mesmers).


> Hmm, that sounds like a good idea, I'll try that out. As for my armor, which armor should I run with this? Zerkers or Knight/Valkyrie?


Both will work, they accomplish the same basic idea: power damage. Zerk is glassy while knight/valk gets you more tankiness. The better choice for you depends on how well you're able to handle the more bursty matchups like thief, rev, sb, soulbeast, other mesmers, etc. Go tankier if you need it.

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> @"StormHawk.9862" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Without knowing what exactly the problem is and whats killing you, its kind of hard to say what you could be doing "wrong".

> >

> > Try swapping illusion for inspiration and swap the sword for scepter and take the cleanse mantra. That should make you more of a sustain bruiser that can brush of enemy condi bunker builds (like scourges, burn guards, confusion mesmers etc) and not reliant on melee range when you swap. The block is also very effective vs enemy zerkers because it got lower cd than many bursts (zerker thieves, shatter mesmers).


> Hmm, that sounds like a good idea, I'll try that out. As for my armor, which armor should I run with this? Zerkers or Knight/Valkyrie?


Like above, it really depend on whether you want pure 1v1 dueling or flexibility, not to mention how good you are at either. I run my mesmer heavy, with ~1800 toughness and ~1300 vitality or somewhere around there because I find it offer me 1v1, havoc and zerg capabilities without too much compromise to either scenarios, which gives me a fluid experience in an evening. It simply suits me. I am built to slug it out 1v3. When I played marauder, I found that yes, I could roflstomp people 1v1, but I had serious problems fighting outmanned and just melted when a zerg was near.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"StormHawk.9862" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > Without knowing what exactly the problem is and whats killing you, its kind of hard to say what you could be doing "wrong".

> > >

> > > Try swapping illusion for inspiration and swap the sword for scepter and take the cleanse mantra. That should make you more of a sustain bruiser that can brush of enemy condi bunker builds (like scourges, burn guards, confusion mesmers etc) and not reliant on melee range when you swap. The block is also very effective vs enemy zerkers because it got lower cd than many bursts (zerker thieves, shatter mesmers).

> >

> > Hmm, that sounds like a good idea, I'll try that out. As for my armor, which armor should I run with this? Zerkers or Knight/Valkyrie?


> Like above, it really depend on whether you want pure 1v1 dueling or flexibility, not to mention how good you are at either. I run my mesmer heavy, with ~1800 toughness and ~1300 vitality or somewhere around there because I find it offer me 1v1, havoc and zerg capabilities without too much compromise to either scenarios, which gives me a fluid experience in an evening. It simply suits me. I am built to slug it out 1v3. When I played marauder, I found that yes, I could roflstomp people 1v1, but I had serious problems fighting outmanned and just melted when a zerg was near.


Hmm ok, but what if I wanted to use a sword? Would a Scepter substituted for the GS be a good idea? It's just I really wanna incorporate a sword in my build, as I like the play style of it.

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> Hmm ok, but what if I wanted to use a sword? Would a Scepter substituted for the GS be a good idea? It's just I really wanna incorporate a sword in my build, as I like the play style of it.


If you wanna go GS, sword/torch is kinda standard at the moment, sword/sword is pretty great too but it lacks the safety net that the stealth on torch provides. Scepter in general is a condi weapon but the 3rd ability can hurt with power gear and the block comes in hand now and then also. I'd say mess around with some weapon combinations and see what best suits your playstyle.

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> @"StormHawk.9862" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"StormHawk.9862" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > Without knowing what exactly the problem is and whats killing you, its kind of hard to say what you could be doing "wrong".

> > > >

> > > > Try swapping illusion for inspiration and swap the sword for scepter and take the cleanse mantra. That should make you more of a sustain bruiser that can brush of enemy condi bunker builds (like scourges, burn guards, confusion mesmers etc) and not reliant on melee range when you swap. The block is also very effective vs enemy zerkers because it got lower cd than many bursts (zerker thieves, shatter mesmers).

> > >

> > > Hmm, that sounds like a good idea, I'll try that out. As for my armor, which armor should I run with this? Zerkers or Knight/Valkyrie?

> >

> > Like above, it really depend on whether you want pure 1v1 dueling or flexibility, not to mention how good you are at either. I run my mesmer heavy, with ~1800 toughness and ~1300 vitality or somewhere around there because I find it offer me 1v1, havoc and zerg capabilities without too much compromise to either scenarios, which gives me a fluid experience in an evening. It simply suits me. I am built to slug it out 1v3. When I played marauder, I found that yes, I could roflstomp people 1v1, but I had serious problems fighting outmanned and just melted when a zerg was near.


> Hmm ok, but what if I wanted to use a sword? Would a Scepter substituted for the GS be a good idea? It's just I really wanna incorporate a sword in my build, as I like the play style of it.


Unfortunetly greatsword is simply required for power builds. Anything else is gimping yourself. Not impossible of course, just not as good. You can easily use sword/whatever if you want, but the mesmer become *incredibly* predictable to fight when they are using one.


Sidenote to Alveen: x/sword was great once, then Anet decided fuck you mesmers lets nerf offhand sword that no one use. I loved my scepter/sword combo as it caught every enemy mesmer off guard (95% run sword/torch). The nerf forced me toward the torch. Anet balancing logic.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"StormHawk.9862" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"StormHawk.9862" said:

> > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > Without knowing what exactly the problem is and whats killing you, its kind of hard to say what you could be doing "wrong".

> > > > >

> > > > > Try swapping illusion for inspiration and swap the sword for scepter and take the cleanse mantra. That should make you more of a sustain bruiser that can brush of enemy condi bunker builds (like scourges, burn guards, confusion mesmers etc) and not reliant on melee range when you swap. The block is also very effective vs enemy zerkers because it got lower cd than many bursts (zerker thieves, shatter mesmers).

> > > >

> > > > Hmm, that sounds like a good idea, I'll try that out. As for my armor, which armor should I run with this? Zerkers or Knight/Valkyrie?

> > >

> > > Like above, it really depend on whether you want pure 1v1 dueling or flexibility, not to mention how good you are at either. I run my mesmer heavy, with ~1800 toughness and ~1300 vitality or somewhere around there because I find it offer me 1v1, havoc and zerg capabilities without too much compromise to either scenarios, which gives me a fluid experience in an evening. It simply suits me. I am built to slug it out 1v3. When I played marauder, I found that yes, I could roflstomp people 1v1, but I had serious problems fighting outmanned and just melted when a zerg was near.

> >

> > Hmm ok, but what if I wanted to use a sword? Would a Scepter substituted for the GS be a good idea? It's just I really wanna incorporate a sword in my build, as I like the play style of it.


> Unfortunetly greatsword is simply required for power builds. Anything else is gimping yourself. Not impossible of course, just not as good. You can easily use sword/whatever if you want, but the mesmer become *incredibly* predictable to fight when they are using one.


> Sidenote to Alveen: x/sword was great once, then Anet decided kitten you mesmers lets nerf offhand sword that no one use. I loved my scepter/sword combo as it caught every enemy mesmer off guard (95% run sword/torch). The nerf forced me toward the torch. Anet balancing logic.


The only nerf was a small nerf to a very low cooldown phantasm. Offhand sword is still a powerful choice, it's just limited in that it doesn't have much multi-target capacity.

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"StormHawk.9862" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > @"StormHawk.9862" said:

> > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > > Without knowing what exactly the problem is and whats killing you, its kind of hard to say what you could be doing "wrong".

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Try swapping illusion for inspiration and swap the sword for scepter and take the cleanse mantra. That should make you more of a sustain bruiser that can brush of enemy condi bunker builds (like scourges, burn guards, confusion mesmers etc) and not reliant on melee range when you swap. The block is also very effective vs enemy zerkers because it got lower cd than many bursts (zerker thieves, shatter mesmers).

> > > > >

> > > > > Hmm, that sounds like a good idea, I'll try that out. As for my armor, which armor should I run with this? Zerkers or Knight/Valkyrie?

> > > >

> > > > Like above, it really depend on whether you want pure 1v1 dueling or flexibility, not to mention how good you are at either. I run my mesmer heavy, with ~1800 toughness and ~1300 vitality or somewhere around there because I find it offer me 1v1, havoc and zerg capabilities without too much compromise to either scenarios, which gives me a fluid experience in an evening. It simply suits me. I am built to slug it out 1v3. When I played marauder, I found that yes, I could roflstomp people 1v1, but I had serious problems fighting outmanned and just melted when a zerg was near.

> > >

> > > Hmm ok, but what if I wanted to use a sword? Would a Scepter substituted for the GS be a good idea? It's just I really wanna incorporate a sword in my build, as I like the play style of it.

> >

> > Unfortunetly greatsword is simply required for power builds. Anything else is gimping yourself. Not impossible of course, just not as good. You can easily use sword/whatever if you want, but the mesmer become *incredibly* predictable to fight when they are using one.

> >

> > Sidenote to Alveen: x/sword was great once, then Anet decided kitten you mesmers lets nerf offhand sword that no one use. I loved my scepter/sword combo as it caught every enemy mesmer off guard (95% run sword/torch). The nerf forced me toward the torch. Anet balancing logic.


> The only nerf was a small nerf to a very low cooldown phantasm. Offhand sword is still a powerful choice, it's just limited in that it doesn't have much multi-target capacity.


And the low cd was the reason you took it, given that target limitation and skill design compared to the torch.


Well at least they lowered the cd on the scepter, if that had been increased in the same way it would have been meta all the way.

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I don't have much to say about skills or the spec, as I mainly play thief, but one other, somewhat meta reason occured to me.


Have you paid attention to the ranks of those that ghost you? Are they much higher than you? This usually translates to more skilled.


I say this because I've increasingly noticed that most roamers actively avoid mesmers. You can't deny the fact that they are a bit overturned, so instead of going for a confirmed loss, roamers just port back to base and go another direction. This however leaves the fact that those who stay and face you are more confident in their skills and propably for a good reason.

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