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Condi Mirage vs. Power Chrono


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Hey fellow friends,


since I have a Mesmer on 80 since Ages and never really did anything with him (and I want to play some other classes too except for Weaver) I wanted to make a build for him that is meta for raids/fractals and normal Open World stuff.

After looking up the Mesmer on Metabattle I noticed that there are 2 main builds for the mesmer atm. (Please notice that I will play the Mesmer as DPS and not as support!!)

The two builds I found were:

Power Chrono (Zerker with some mixed in Assassin Gear, S+S/S+F)

Condi Mirage (Full viper gear with A+T, Staff)


Since I dont really have played Mesmer all that much Id really like to ask you guys what you think about those two ways to play the mesmer. Both look like awefully much fun.

(About gearing, thats no decision point for me since Ive already got all the trinkets available and crafting armor is ez.)


Well then, thanks for the help :)

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Mirage can provide itself with perma fury, has higher DPS but with a build up time, generally feels more mobile to me even though you don't move when dodging, is less squishy since to get the highest dps you will build to maximise the amount of dodges you can do. Staff isn't really wanted in group since its low dps but in open world does decent aoe damage while providing might and fury and letting you kite to avoid damage even more, can also provide might and fury to your party.


Power Chrono is the most fun I have had in the game. Provides itself with high amounts of fury, might and Quickness which is great for open world and if your party isn't providing it in fractals/raids, has high burst and the self alacrity will help keep CDs low. Focus DPS drops a lot if fighting multiple targets so people sometimes swap out for Pistol. In open world/dungeons I swap out duelling for Dom and take the GS, I lose fury but get a nice aoe burst/ranged option. Shield is also worth considering as well for open world/non optimised groups, phantasms hit hard and provide protection, can provide some quickness/cc and has a great block.

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Personal preference of mine is Mirage and I would highly suggest u go as Mirage. I personally use staff as a 2ndry weapon since I have a potato PC and PvE events can be quite hard for me and my potato as melee, its also nice in some fractals when u need to be at range ( altho dps is low comparing to axes ), I am also able to solo most of the stuff while doing dmg since my dodge provided a huge buff to my own dps. Giving that some HP's and open world ( not meta events ) are super smooth for me. I recently started doing raids and got into t3 fractals and I noticed that I can pull my own weight while being alive for quite some time ( on both bosses we did in raid I died at 2% like srlsy ). Now this is something I NEVER could do as a power chrono, this is very subjective tho since Mirage skills really ,idk how to say it in English.... appealed to me!

Dodging takes some time getting used to and once u do its hard when ur on other characters ( I tried to boost my speed while dodging on a jumping thingy in fractals )

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They are both fun builds, playing since release I pretty much just stick with my mez for all roles needed. Don't need to be tied down to one build.

I play the following bellow and you can easily fill any playstyle.



Raids : Mirage / Chrono Support / Chrono Tank

Spvp: Chrono Power

WVW: Chrono Power/ Mirage/ Mez Healer

Fract: Chrono Support/ Chrono Power/


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I play both mirage and chrono in open world. Both are pretty solid options. In raids and fractals they are about equal. Mirage has a bit of buildup but does slightly higher damage. chrono has solid burst. Mirage is probably a bit easier to use for someone new to the class.


It comes down to preference.

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Both are good in their own ways, both are much fun to play, but I warn you. Power Chrono is too dependant on Chronophantasma and Signet of the Ether so, if Arenanet suddenly (which they always do, suddenly) decides to duck up one of those, we might say goodbye to Power Chrono.


And Mirage has an easier time dodging through some attacks.

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