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What is the best solo class in PoF?


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I really like holosmith with arms for damage and inventions for defense, it will allow you to survive even in berserker gear and DPS is great too. [Link](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQJAsenUUBVIj1IDGJDcJjl7jKciCgMpvq36wGshiosA-jBCBwASUCmw8Xt9Hwp+DgHAgRlfMOBAp0DAA-e "Link") for the build.


I usually start fights with Photon Forge #2, #3 and then either auto-attack or #4 and #5 if I want to have a lot of heat quickly. When I reach over 100 heat, I get out, use sword #3, Laser Disk, Prime Light Beam, sword #2 and then auto-attack + spamming all toolbelt skills (which are all instant meaning that you can spam in while casting other spells) until I'm under 50 heat and then I repeat. It is great!

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Using my condi ranger build w/axe - torch and LB with viper gear/runes, etc. I was unable to complete the last instance in the story. Kept getting bounced around by the mobs' CCs and nailed down until I died. Even swapping out pets and changing utilities to use traps and such did not make much difference. This ranger build is great on open world stuff, but a PITA for this particular story instance. Even tried my ole pwr build I used successfully in HoT with similar outcome.


Spoke with one of my guild mates about this encounter and she said it was much harder than a lot of the raid encounters she has been involved with. She agreed it was doable for some builds but not others. Balance needs to be brought to this story for the different builds to make it less of a problem if you plan to solo it. I tried and died and gave up. I have no idea why the hit boxes of the mobs are so high, nor why the instance is not balanced around the spec of the player better.

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I've had it a bit harder, since I insist on switching over to the new Elite as soon as possible. Scourge took a bit of getting used to, but I've felt strong and I like the spec better than my old-faithful Reaper. My guess would be that Reaper does well, but why not use the new Elite? (Then again, I had more points on my Necro so was able to open up much more of the Scourge right away than my other classes.)


I've since fully opened up a Deadeye, a Holosmith, and am working on a Weaver. The Weaver was especially tough at first. But I had pioneered the content with my Scourge so had an idea of which points were more easily obtainable. Don't be too proud to use the bunny, etc, to grab some HoT points. There were definitely one or two that I simply couldn't figure out how to get to that -- with some work -- were accessible with the bunny.


Personally, I think a Condi Scourge is more capable and fun than a Reaper. There's definitely less of an Oh No Button than Reaper, but you're a less selfish build and have more options, in my opinion.

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